* * *
Currently reading: Miss Julia’s School of Beauty, by Ann B. Ross. Yes, still. It’s the BOOK that neverrrr ENDS. Yes, it goes on and on my FRIENDS! Some people STARTED reading it, not knowing what it was! And now they’ll keep on reading it forever just beCAUSE! It’s the BOOK that never ENNNNDS…
And so on.
* * *
Let me take a moment to say that I am thankful for my sister, who is the best gift-suggestor in this entire world. I’m taking her out to dinner (or lunch if she prefers) to pay her back for her gift suggestions. I had no idea what to get half the people on my list, and she had awesome suggestions.
The Christmas gifts have started to arrive. I think I’ll spend part of tomorrow beginning to wrap those that need to be wrapped, and putting the gift certificates in the lovely gift boxes I ordered from
Oriental Trading Company. If I keep on top of the wrapping and gift-boxing, I won’t be running around like a fool a week before Christmas and realizing that I’ve forgotten something.
I’m pretty good with the not forgetting, usually. I actually keep a list of what we’ve gotten everyone, and I’ve saved them for the past five or six years, so that when the time for Christmas shopping rolls around, I can see what I gave everyone the previous year, and maybe get some ideas.
One of the gifts that arrived yesterday was a
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Puppy for my nephew
Jeffwee (a gift suggestion from my sister, The Queen of Christmas Shopping), and apparently the damn thing has some kind of motion sensor in it, because the kittens knocked it down onto the floor last night and before I got a chance to pick it up and put it back atop the precarious pile of boxes

(ie: I was too damn lazy to get up and pick the box up off the floor) Spanky was sniffing around it, and it declared, rather loudly for a toy I thought, “I LOOOOVE YOU!”, and Spanky took off like the hounds of Hell were after him, and I found him two hours later hiding under the bed in my bedroom, his eyes dark with fear.
And then Sugarbutt spent half an hour sniffing around the damn thing, making it talk at random moments, until I got annoyed and put it up out of his reach.
I must confess that I can’t wait until Jeffwee gets a little older, and it’s time to buy him a SET OF DRUMS for Christmas. Ha!
* * *
I spent a good part of yesterday cleaning and running errands. Cleaning included vacuuming the entire house (though I think I’m going to run the vacuum at least downstairs before Fred’s mother and stepfather get here. Okay, no I won’t, I’ll just think about it.), cleaning all the floors in the downstairs with the
Hoover Floormate, and going over the brown tea-stained spot in the living room with the steam cleaner again. I just finished dusting, and I need to clean the kitchen, but I’ve got time to do that, since Fred’s parents won’t be here ’til 10:30 or 11:00.
Errand-running included trips to the grocery store (two, actually, ’cause I forgot the bread crumbs the first time around), the post office, the bank, and Target (cat litter). Thanksgiving preparations included putting the turkey in the brine (which I made the night before), discussing with Fred where the hell the packet of giblets might be located (answer: in the turkey’s butt. DUH.), and putting together the baked squash (which will actually be cooked later on with the dressing). Fred made
pecan squares last night, and I cooked the pumpkin pie (don’t be impressed, it was a frozen Marie Callendar’s pumpkin pie). In a little while I’ll start boiling the eggs for deviled eggs, and Fred has to make the giblet gravy.
The house is clean and the food won’t require too much fussing. Unless one of the kittens gets locked in the fridge or freezer (something I wouldn’t put past them) I think Thanksgiving should go pretty well.
Fred’s father and stepmother are coming over on Saturday to watch War of the Worlds with us – we haven’t seen them since last Christmas, if I recall correctly – and I won’t have to worry about cleaning the house, because it’ll already be cleaning from my pre-Thanksgiving cleaning frenzy! Woot!
Did I mention that two hours before it was supposed to be done cooking, the turkey is registering 170 degrees? How is it that my turkeys always cook faster than they’re supposed to? This drives me CRAZY. I think I need to go eat some devilled eggs to assauge the pain.
* * *

Sometimes the brudders get a leettle TOO affectionate.

THEY ARE HOLDING PAWS! Can’t you just die from the cuteness?

He’s so darn pretty.

His sleeping positions kill me.

Did I mention SO pretty?
* * *
2004: And I just glared at him and thought to myself
Just because you’re too stupid and scatterbrained to read and watch TV at the same time doesn’t mean I am, jackass.
2003: “Purring? You don’t like the sound of them purring?”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Just a little more knowledge o’ Robyn y’all can add to your notes.
1999: No entry.]]>
Happy Thanksgiving Robyn and Fred! I am thankful that I have Bitchypoo and Vituperation updates in my inbox almost every day! 🙂
Ok that was rude…. Happy Thanksgiving to the Spud as well!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Robyn! That picture of the kitties holding paws is ADORABLE!! We have much to be thankful for today. Have a great one!
Happy Thanksgiving, Robyn. (haha)
Happy Thanksgiving to the whole Anders0n clan.
I have never seen such love between two kitties before!! Sooooooooo adorable. Awwwww. Happy Thanksgiving y’all!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Thank you for a wonderful journal.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
My turkeys always cook much faster than I think they will. This year the stupid thing was done in 2.5 hours, it was a 19 pound turkey! From now on, I’m figuring it only takes 2.5 hours to roast a turkey. Bastard fast cooking turkeys.
Oh! My Goodness! What great pictures of the kitties (Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen) holding paws, made me smile the big one. “Happy Thanksgiving” to you and all your family Robyn. (I wrote Fobyn before I changed it). We had a good one too, around 20 people in and out all day yesterday. A good time was had by all, and full tummy’s to boot. Love your Journal and the beautiful pictures too!!!!! Nanamama
Happy Thanksgiving! AND the honet brined Turkey – yum.