If you belong to the Google Groups notify list for this site, my apologies: I don’t know what’s going on. I try to post a message, but it doesn’t seem to go through for about two days. This morning I had an email from Google Groups telling me I had messages to modify from Friday. Hopefully whatever the hell is going on with the notify list will work itself out. It ain’t me, it’s Google Groups, I swear.
FOAM pics of the day.
Food: Half-full bottle of kitten formula.
Outside: The clouds in the sky. I need me some sunshine and warmth, damnit. Wonder if I can convince Fred to move to Florida?
Abstract: Ceiling light in the guest bedroom/ Cookie room.
Myself: Proof that I (very rarely) wear something other than gray hooded sweatshirts. Only when I’m going out into public, though. Who do I have to impress at home?
I am entirely VERY FUCKING TIRED of cats trying to put their assholes directly on my face.
In case you wondered.
Fred made me come out toward the back forty on Saturday because there was something he was pretty sure I was going to want to see.
It appears that the head airheaded turkey in charge, Hjonkie, has decided that he’s a boy. How do we know this? Because he’s been doing a lot of this:
Puffing up his feathers, lowering his wings, strutting back and forth. I am 99% sure he was putting the moves on me.
He looks like a real turkey now!
If it weren’t for their faces, turkeys would be really pretty. But those faces – good lord. That is not a pretty face, right there.
The marauding band of asshole turkeys terrorized a truckload of guys who’d stopped to buy eggs. The guys were waiting for Fred to come back with their eggs, when all of a sudden the turkeys came stomping up from the back forty. And then Hjonkie started displaying his manly feathers, walking around the truck in circle.
I’m 99% sure Hjonkie was putting the moves on the truck.
I suppose, given how big the turkeys are, that it can be a bit daunting to see them all stomping at you. I don’t blame those guys for jumping into the bed of their truck.
But still, it’s funny.
I guess we have guard turkeys now.
“Don’t stop at Crooked Acres! Those turkeys will MESS YOU UP, and then try to sex up your vehicle!”
I’ll be leaving here in a little while to take the Cookies to the vet to be Combo tested. I really could have taken them last week, they were all big enough, but I put it off ’til this week.
For the love of god, please keep your fingers crossed that they show up negative across the board, would you? Like I told Fred, the way this year is going they’re either going to all come up positive for Feline Leukemia or they’ll end up having some sort of extremely rare Siamese-mix disease that the vet has only ever read about in some obscure journal, which will require transplants.
Maybe brain transplants. They could remove the marshmallow Fluff and replace it with pudding! Then we’d have to call them The Puddin’ Heads.
“Hellooooooo, laydeez. Welcome to my lair!”
Pensive Blue. I got concerned last week, because Blue had only gained an ounce in the previous week, even though it seemed like she was eating plenty and should have been gaining like her siblings. The shelter manager suggested I give Nutri-Cal a try, so I gave that to her two days in a row, and after that, she needed no help. She’s up to almost a pound and a half – now Keebler’s the smallest of the litter, but he’s gaining just fine.
Advice from me to you: Don’t do a Google search on “Kitten failure to gain weight.” Do yourself a favor and stay FAR away from THAT search string.
The Cookies get very excited when I open the closet door to put laundry away. They spent over an hour running in and out of the closet on Saturday, sniffing around, climbing on things, falling into the laundry hamper, and then climbing back out. Who knew the closet would hold so much fascination?
Twoooooooo more weeks ’til the Wonkas are retested! I tell them every single day that they’re FIV negative. They just shrug and say “Oh, whatEVERRRRRRRRR.” They’re firmly into that teenage stage. They’re not babies any more!
“I’m growing up, but I still get snuggles…. right?” Of course, goofy Gus. I can’t stop snuggling that ear floof!
For the life of me, I don’t know what had Veruca in a tizzy, but it cracks me up when they get this floofed.
Mike, also floofed. Jake or Elwood was on the other side of the door in the hallway, trying to figure out how to get through. Mike does not appreciate the idea of interlopers.
Oh, how I adore Elwood‘s goofy, grinning face!
2008: No entry.
2007: The woman did 9/10 of the work to be done, and I was NOT complaining.
2006: No entry.
2005: I think he might be half skunk.
2004: I do love, love, love the gmail!
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: If you look closely at the picture, you’ll note that it’s very close to the color of bile.
I’m with you on the cat ass, sister. One of my kitties can emit order from as far as a foot away from the nose which is a little impressive.
Robyn, is Nance feeling any better? I saw she’s sick, and had to miss a visit to you. Since it’s been a few days, I thought you might know how she’s doing.
She’s fine, Lisa – in fact, she updated today!
Love the truckers afraid of the turkeys story-makes me feel better about my bird phobias (damn you Alfred Hitchcock!). Crossed my fingers and said the Memorare-my favorite prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary (10 years of parochial school really stays with some of us) for the cookies that they test negative. Great pictures.
Must have worked, Annette – they all came back negative! Yay!!! 🙂
Oh awesome news. I hope the wonkas come back negative too. Fingers & toes crossed!
Does this mean the Wonkas will be leaving soon?
No, the Wonkas have another two weeks before they can be retested. Once they’re retested, they’ll likely be ready to go soon after (once they’re spayed and neutered), as long as they come back negative.
The Cookies were tested today and came back negative, but they’re not quite big enough for spaying and neutering. I suspect that it’ll end up with the Cookies and the Wonkas all leaving around the same time (assuming there’s enough space for them all).
Turkeys are *bad ass*.
Last spring, I was driving to a friend’s place, and saw a big buncha turkeys standing around in a field, watching something. In the middle of them was a pair of turkeys, and they were LAUNCHING themselves at each other, spurs first. This was some serious, serious ass kicking going on, and that combined with the milling mob of onlooker turkeys reminded me of the big underground club scene in “Fight Club”.
“What Happens in Turkey Fight Club, Stays in Turkey Fight Club” – until they forget about it, which is like what? Ten seconds after it happened?
I don’t know what species Hjonkie is,but I have seen some pretty impressive Royal Palm toms.
To me,they seem to be the most showy of turkey tomdom(not that I taking anything away from Hjonkie).
Hee,I’m a bird lady (three cockatiels)and you know you’re a bird lady when you practice your song whistling in public with no shyness cuz you just have to teach your birds more songs than Revielle and the Andy Griffith song.
You know you’re a bird lady when you get home from town and glance in the mirror and could have sworn that those millet hulls were not in your hair,nor the poop stain on your shoulder when you LEFT for town.
You know you’re a bird lady when you have extra laundry because you change all of your clothes and scrub up like a surgeon when you come in from gardening or town because you practice strict bio-security in case there could be an avian or swine flu germ on you.