
This bus wasn’t from the Spud’s school, and we don’t know any of the kids who were on the bus. Keep those poor kids and their families in your thoughts, if you would, though.

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Reader Aly pointed out that BobPod needs a Christmas present. It’s adorable, but BobPod is NOT getting a $100+ present this year. He’ll be lucky if he gets a $5 silicon cover. His needs are few – the occasional recharge, a regular update, a warm pocket in which to rest – and I think he’s spoiled quite enough already.
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I came to the conclusion yesterday while the foster kitties were out running around and making Mister Boogers and Sugarbutt hiss hysterically, that I can handle six cats running around the house all the time. But ten? No. Ten is TOO GODDAMN MANY. Especially when you’re trying to spend the morning making dinner for the next couple of nights, and cats are gathered around you, begging for just one little piece of chicken, lady! O’Malley (who Fred is already calling “George”) is far and away the friendliest of the foster kitties. He’ll follow you around, howl up at you, and rub against your legs. They’re all cute, but Fred is most taken with George. “Do you want to trade in Spot, or Miz Poo?” Fred asked yesterday. “Neither.” “Well, we can’t have SEVEN cats!” Right. Because six is perfectly normal, but SEVEN would be lunacy.
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Speaking of cats, Fred has come to the conclusion that Maxi and Newt have decided that they belong to us. I was changing clothes in the kitchen of the Smallville house (what? Where do YOU change your clothes? The bedroom? BORING.) before we left on Sunday, and he came in, all excited. “They’re home!” he said. “Who is?” “Our kitties!” “What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked, wondering if perhaps Mister Boogers and Spanky had hiked to Smallville to see just what the hell we were doing that was taking us away from home so many hours of so many days, and causing us to smell of strange pussy when we got home. “Come see!” he said, and I pulled on my shirt and followed him to the front of the house. He opened the door and walked onto the front porch. “They brought us a present!” he said proudly, gesturing toward one corner of the porch. Next to the door, Maxi and Newt chowed hungrily on the plate of canned cat food I’d put out for them a few minutes earlier (we give them a can of cat food before we leave for the evening because we DO NOT want them to starve to death in the 20 to 48 hours until we’re there again). In the corner of the porch was a dead rat. “Ohhhh, lovely,” I groaned. Now that they prefer the food and lodging on our front porch to that of the people down the street, this means they’ll be bringing all kinds of love offerings for us and leaving them on the porch for us. Did I mention that my sister’s cats left an EYEBALL from god knows what kind of animal for her on her front porch a few weeks ago? I suppose that in the future when I write about the sixteen rats, three birds, and twelve crickets Maxi and Newt bring us in the space of a few hours, y’all will just say “That’s what happens when you live in the country!”, won’t you?
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Speaking of cats (and apparently this entry’s going to be All! Cats!, you lucky people), when we got home from Smallville on Saturday, I had a bag of dirty clothes to wash (we keep clothes out there to wear while we’re working on the house so we don’t get our regular clothes nasty), and one of Fred’s shirts smelled strongly of cedar. Tommy broke into the bag so he could pull out the offending item of clothing and rub all over it. Does anyone else’s cat get high off the smell of cedar?
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I recently made two new recipes that we liked enough to keep: Chicken and Black Bean Chilaquiles Stove Top Easy Chicken Bake Fred liked the Chilaquiles more than I did, and I liked the Chicken Bake more than he did. Both are definitely worth keeping, though.
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I watched the episode of Oprah where she was on the set of Grey’s Anatomy, and there were parties going on at bars in Chicago, Seattle, and New York, which was part of the show. After I watched the show, I called Fred. “I’m feeling very jealous and bitter right now,” I told him. “Why’s that?” “Because fucking OPRAH had a show with the cast of Grey’s Anatomy* and there were parties in Chicago, New York, and Seattle, hosted by Gayle, Lisa Ling, and Nate, and everyone who was at the parties got FREE VIDEO iPODS from Best Buy!” “Huh.” “Those fuckers! Where the fuck is MY free video iPod?” “You don’t need a video iPod,” Fred said. “YES I DO. I need to keep up with Grey’s Anatomy just as much as those fuckers in New York, Seattle and Chicago do! What, just because I’m in the SOUTH means I don’t need one of them thar newfangled EEElectronic DEvices? Fuckers.” “They’re bastards,” Fred said, clearly hoping to get off the phone. “I hate Oprah**,” I said. “I’m sure you do.” *Not enough TR Knight. The WHOLE SHOW should have been a George-centric show. **Except I don’t really. Damn her. WHERE is my video iPod, Oprah? Where’s the love? I want to lay in bed and fall asleep to the sounds of George’s excellent one-liners! How come I don’t get to hear George say “I can’t hear you when his hand is on your boob” as I fall asleep, giggling quietly? I HATE YOU, OPRAH. Except I don’t. DAMN YOU.
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Christina does her flying nun impression.   O’Malley in mid-complaint.   More kitty pics, here.    
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MizPoo11200603 She sees what you’re doing, and insists that you stop IMMEDIATELY. Pervert.
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Previously 2005: Every time I contemplate reading those books, I get a “Good god, I DON’T WANNA!” sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, which to me is a sign that, y’know, I DON’T WANNA and YOU CAN’T MAKE ME. 2004: No entry. 2003: No entry. 2002: Fuck him, too. 2001: It don’t get any better than that, nosir. 2000: I see enough nasty stuff in my life. 1999: No entry.]]>

18 thoughts on “11/21/06”

  1. “”causing us to smell of strange pussy when we got home.””
    And, that last pic of MizPoo is great. What eyes!!!

  2. Oh….d’oh…thanks for letting me know last night that the bus accident didn’t involve Spud or her friends. I was soooooo worried.
    Praying that the injured ones recover and soon.

  3. I think that you should refer to your entries as episodes and say things like “in this episode, Robyn will discuss the finer points of nuclear fission” or “next episode: cat hair, fashion or folly?”
    Well, it’s just a suggestion…
    (Sorry Ms Poo. I’ll stop.)

  4. Sorry, I almost snorted coffee all over my monitor at the smell description, too. Hee! Yes, I am 12.
    That picture of Miss Christina with her ears is VERY funny. 🙂

  5. That “easy chicken bake” thing is really good if you use all broccoli and sprinkle some cheddar cheese on top.

  6. I just tried out that chicken bake a few weeks ago and it is very yummy. The recipe I have calls for a cup of mozzarella cheese mixed in if you’re so inclined.
    Holy ears, Miz Christina!

  7. My dear cat Winnie loved the smell of honeysuckle. We have a honeysuckle bush in our backyard, and in the spring we’d break off small branches for her, she’d carry them around the house and worry all the bark off of it from rubbing and chewing and just sitting there sniffing at it.
    I sure miss her.

  8. I once had a cat who got high off of strawberries. My mother, who is kind of anal-retentive, used to wash them and then put them out on a paper towel to dry (lined up like little soldiers *sound of eyes rolling*) And Rusty would jump up on the counter and roll on them, purring and breeping, and then he’d get up and run. Covered in berry juice. Of course he got high off of everything, and would eat anything except celery. He loved granny smith apples more than tuna.

  9. Thank goodness Spud is O:K but my God the kids and families involved…my heart breaks for them.
    Now I’ll go read the rest of the entry.

  10. Cats and their smells. I have a cedar lovin’ boy. I had these cedar wood pieces I kept in my drawers. He’s get ahold of it and the world would shake. It just dawned on my why he insists on getting in my dresser drawers. They are cedar lined. He just did it last night and he went through some moves to get into the drawer. Once he got stuck – somehow the drawer closed almost entirely. I went to bed one night and I could hear this odd noise. It took awhile before I finally figured out that I had a boy in the drawer. Too Funny!

  11. Oh boy! I thought my morning sickness was over until I read about the eyeball the cats left your sister.

  12. Best…blog…sentence…ever! I just wet my pants a little. For real, and I’m at work.
    “What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked, wondering if perhaps Mister Boogers and Spanky had hiked to Smallville to see just what the hell we were doing that was taking us away from home so many hours of so many days, and causing us to smell of strange pussy when we got home.

  13. At one time, I had TEN cats. Now I have six again, but I LOVED all of them.
    I also now have the six cats and two small dogs. I’m definitely a “cat person” but these two dogs (a miniature pinscher & daschund) were rescues and I’ve learned a LOT about dogs. Mainly that little dogs are easy to manage and definitely fun to be around.
    Does this make me a crazy cat lady AND one of those weird women with lapdogs? 🙂

  14. OMG, I can’t say enough times how much your pictures of the cats and the captions make me laugh right out loud!! And sometimes they are the only laughs I get all day! Thanks, Robyn. Keep them coming. I so envy you all the cats. I only have one, she wouldn’t let me have it any other way, brat! I’m going to try the chicken bake for sure and thanks, Linda, the broccoli and cheese idea sounds great too. Both good and easy. The other recipe had too many ingredients so it’s out. Heh. Lazy me. But I do ramble. Thanks again!

  15. Just wondered when I realized that you were from the place where the bus accident happened if you know of Laurelyn Carter. She is from there and is a young country sisnger. I bought one of her CDs online.

  16. Sounds like this be a new version of the Twelve Days of Christmas “sixteen rats, three birds, and twelve crickets?”
    The Flying Nun picture is too cute!

  17. I just had to say – spot on with naming Christina! That’s exactly how she looks … half inscrutable, half pissed-off. (The real Christina’s ears are probably a wee bit smaller, though.)

  18. Nothing wrong with having 7 cats. We had 12 at one point. We have 7 cats now. And a Cocker Spaniel. And, oh yes, 4 angora rabbits.
    I think that since you are getting a new house, getting a new cat makes perfect sense.

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