11/16/11 – Kitteh Wednesday

I got home last night, thank god. I really thought for a while that I’d be spending the night in Dulles – my flight from Pittsburgh left almost an hour late, and the scheduled layover in Dulles was… an hour. Somehow, they made up time in the air, though, and I made it onto my … Continue reading “11/16/11 – Kitteh Wednesday”

I got home last night, thank god. I really thought for a while that I’d be spending the night in Dulles – my flight from Pittsburgh left almost an hour late, and the scheduled layover in Dulles was… an hour. Somehow, they made up time in the air, though, and I made it onto my flight from Dulles to Huntsville by the skin of my teeth! When I got home and booted up the computer, I found that (insert all the obscenities here) my computer had shit the bed. Fred messed with it and then finally threw up his hands.

Today, I thank god for (1) Netbooks (which is what I’m typing this on), (2) Amazon Prime (which I’ve had since it was created) and (3) Carbonite, which will hopefully painlessly restore all my files! Of course, with the number of pictures that need to restore, it’ll take ’til Christmas!

So for today, I show you animal pics from Pennsylvania, a few of my kitty pics, a picture of me looking like a smug bitch, and tomorrow, the recap of the trip, okay? Okay.

First, me looking like a smug bitch. Don’t you want to slap me? You know you love me and my taking-pictures-of-myself-in-the-Starbucks-bathroom self.

2011-11-16 (9)

Next, as a reminder, here’s Maddy 5 years ago:


And now:

2011-11-16 (3)

2011-11-16 (4)

2011-11-16 (7)

2011-11-16 (8)
Didn’t she grow up gorgeous?

2011-11-16 (5)
Julie, who loves her Daddy (Rick) beyond all reason.

Julie curled up for a snooze.

Miss Sadie:

2011-11-16-PA (1)

2011-11-16-PA (2)

2011-11-16-PA (5)


2011-11-16-PA (3)

(I only got the one picture of Felina this time around. She’s such a spoiled little brat, but I love her so!)


2011-11-16-PA (4)
(I had a hard time getting a decent picture of him, but trust me: he’s gorgeous!)

2011-11-16-PA (7)

2011-11-16-PA (8)

And, as always, pictures from the plane:

2011-11-16-PA (11)

2011-11-16-PA (10)

2011-11-16-PA (9)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2011-11-16 (1)


2011-11-16 (2)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2010: We were walking down the aisle of chips and sodas and I looked up and THERE WAS DAIRY STOCKING GUY.
2009: Because I am such an utter badass, I ran in place and screamed.
2008: No entry.
2007: “I am NOT ‘ratty looking’ and YOU, M’dme, are a pure-d grade-a gutter slutting WHORE. Good day to you.”
2006: He’s such a know-it-all motherfucker.
2005: Elizabeth Wurtzel strikes me as spectacularly self-absorbed (pot! kettle! black!)
2004: Stuff I’ve bought.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: “Hey!” I said, shaking the cage. “Stop that!”
1999: No entry.

17 thoughts on “11/16/11 – Kitteh Wednesday”

  1. Hey, great pic of you…you look so lovely! Man, I love redheads.

    All the kitties are cute as hell, of course, but Miss Sadie OMGSQUEE!!!! GOD that’s a shnorgleable face.

    Glad you’re back safe and sound. Best part of traveling is getting home again.

  2. Hot damn, Robyn. If you hadn’t captioned it, I’d have thought that was a picture of you from your high school days. Whether it’s the effects of the revised lift, the makeup, or the lighting in the Starbucks bathroom*, that’s an awesome picture.

    *If the latter, I’m going to have to go spend all my time at Starbucks, in the bathroom, with a camera.

  3. Robyn, you look AMAZING. Almost as amazing as the GORGEOUS Maddy, but she sets a mighty high standard (I certainly couldn’t live up to it! ;-)). Seriously, though, elayne is right, you look REALLY YOUNG, absolutely nowhere near your real age whatsoever. You lucky thing, you. 😉

  4. 1. love your chin & neck!
    2. love to see pics of Julie because she’s the spittin’ image of my Bruiser, except they have different “dirty” spots on the noses
    3. love to see pics of Maddy, because if I hadn’t been 2000 miles away I’d have kidnapped her from you

  5. You look absolutely gorgeous Robyn! I loved the pics you posted from your event with Nance. You look very happy and I have to agree with everyone else, you look very young as well! Whether that’s due to surgery or not I don’t care…it’s just fun to see you out and about and smiling. I do have a question for your Friday post. I wanted to ask what, if anything, do you do yourself or recommend another person doing in regards to keeping your cats teeth clean? Do you honestly brush every single cats teeth in your household daily (including fosters?) Because that is what my vet has recommended in the past that we do for our cat and I’m just thinking “shyah right lady, I’d like to keep my face intact thank-you very much!” Or do you just rely on having a yearly professional teeth cleaning done for each cat? (I know they offer a free one with some pet insurance plans) I’m just curious what tips you have if any about this because I know that a cats dental health has a huge effect on how long they live and their quality of life. I have two cats and I just lost my 14yo cat this past Tuesday from an illness that blossomed from poor dental health that we were unfortunately unable to remedy before it was too late (we adopted her as an adult cat and by then the damage had apparently already been done) I’m worried for my other cat Thanks for any suggestions you or your readers may have for me 🙂

  6. What a nice pic of you! I saw Nance’s pics of you too and you look fab! I, too, love your hair this length! Welcome home!

  7. You look terrific. Very young and fresh. And happy. I have never been the in bathroom of a Starbucks but it is now my new must see destination.

  8. So if Tommy & Elwood cuddle, does that make them homosexual kitties? Or does that not apply in kitty land? 😛

  9. I know this is old, but I did a search on Amazon Prime. Just got a free month with my Kindle Fire, and wondering what I can do with it besides 2 day shipping. Sell me! (Or, you know, give me the abridged version.)

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