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We watched
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this weekend. As usual – I swear to god, I say this about every movie I’ve ever watched – I didn’t expect to like it much, but ended up liking it a great deal. All I knew about the movie was what I’d seen in commercials, and the voice Johnny Depp was affecting as Willie Wonka really annoyed me. I expected to be annoyed throughout the entire movie, and surprisingly I wasn’t. At all! Well, except for the few times when he sounded an AWFUL lot like
Dr. Evil.
Good movie. I recommend it! I don’t know how it compares to
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, though, since I’ve actually never seen that version.
I know. I live a deprived life.
Yesterday, I watched
Prozac Nation, and it was borrrrrrrrring. Snoresville, that one. Only watch it if you have an urgent need to see Christina Ricci’s boobs, that’s my advice.
Elizabeth Wurtzel strikes me as spectacularly self-absorbed (pot! kettle! black!), and I think the movie did the book justice – but then, it’s been 10 years or more since I read the book, so perhaps I’m not remembering it correctly.
I suspect I am, though.
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Everyone Worth Knowing, by Lauren Weisberger. It’s, eh. Okay, I suppose. It’s taking me for-fucking-ever to get it read, though. I think I might not be that into it. It’s got me interested enough to keep reading, but when I’m trying to decide whether to catch up on my taped episodes of Boomtown or sit and read, Boomtown always wins out.
Boomtown is one damn fine show, by the way. In case you were wondering. I just watched the pilot yesterday, and noticed a couple of things that I suspect the writers were going to make one of Fearless’s “things”, but as far as I can tell haven’t really shown up in the shows since. One was Fearless saying “You get a story with this one” at least twice during the show, but I have to say that I don’t remember hearing him say that again. The other was his “list.” I do remember that coming up in another episode, but if I recall correctly, we only actually see the list in the pilot, when he’s crossing off “Sleep with a hooker.”
Love that Fearless. This is probably one of the best cast shows I’ve ever seen. I might just have to suck it up and put the whole season of DVDs (only 18 shows! Wah!) on my wish list.
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After reading
this entry of Yvonne’s, I feel compelled to share with y’all that if I come across a pile of cat barf on the floor during the day when Fred isn’t home, 9 times out of 10 I’ll step over it and keep going. If I spot it and Fred is home, I’ll announce “Cat barf! Clean it up!” My thinking is that I am now cleaning out the litter box twice a day, and not only am I cleaning out the litter box twice a day, but I’m also – at least one of those times – spraying Windex on the bottom and sides of the container the litter box sits in, and wiping up cat pee (have I mentioned that cat pee is the most horrific smelling stuff in the world?), because Spanky is a motherfucker who pees over the side of the litter box when he pees, and I figure that I deal with cat shit often enough that I don’t have to deal with cat puke as well, so it’s Not My Job.
The other 1/10th of the time, if the puke is fairly solid or I’m in a pissy “GOD this house is a shithole!” mood, I’ll clean it up.
Besides, pretty often I’ll step over a pile of puke and come back two hours later to find it mysteriously gone. Just me and the cats in the house, and the puke is gone, and I know
I didn’t clean it up.
Hmm. You s’pose those damn cats have figured out how to work the paper towels?
* * *
Yesterday, the guy was supposed to come and replace the two side windows in the kitten room (it’s still considered the kitten room even if there aren’t any kittens in there, y’know), so Monday evening Fred tried three separate times to get the guy on the phone to see what time he was planning on being here, so I wouldn’t still be asleep when he showed up. Each of the three times he got voicemail, and the third time he paged the guy with our home phone number.
The guy never bothered to call back.
I had intended to put all the cats in the master bedroom yesterday morning before the guy got here, so they wouldn’t get in the way or be nosy and end up falling from the second floor onto the concrete front step. But after the guy so was so clearly avoiding Fred’s calls and couldn’t be bothered to call, I was pretty damn sure he wasn’t going to bother to show up, and so I let the cats roam free.
And yet, I still rolled out of bed and made sure that I was showered and dressed well before 8:00, just in case.
8:00 came and went. Fred called at about 8:15 to see if the guy had showed up, and when he found that he hadn’t, he said “I’m going to go call him.”
Two minutes later the phone rang, and it was the guy (I can’t call him the window guy, ’cause he’s really more a handyman/ fix-it kinda guy), and he said “Miz And3rson, this is (his name), we were supposed to be there this morning to do your windows?”
“Yes you were,” I said.
“Well, it’s supposed to be stormy, and I wouldn’t want to have it start pouring rain when we’ve got those windows popped out, so we’re going to come tomorrow morning, if that fits in with your schedule.”
“Oh, sure!” I said. “I have no life, y’all just meander your useless asses along whenever you feel like it, I’m sure I’ll be here, having no life at all.”
Or perhaps I said “Yeah, I’ll be here.” One or the other.
“Okay then,” he said. “We’ll see you then!”
“Mm’kay. Buh-bye,” I said, and hung up. Then I called Fred and said “What did you DO?”
“Oh, did they show up?” he said, laughing.
“No, he just called to tell me they wouldn’t be here today.”
Apparently Fred had called and left a message with Useless, asking if he was planning on showing up or what, and asked Useless to call him back, and left his office number. Useless has apparently already figured out that I’m the nice one – at least to his face; probably he didn’t know that I intended to be snarky about him on the internet – and instead of calling Fred at the office, he called me at home.
It’s 7:45, and I’m skeptical that he’s going to actually show up. The fucker.
Update: It’s 8:15, and he’s in the driveway getting his stuff together to do the job. Who’d’ve thunk he’d actually show up?
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A rare shot of all six of them.

“Mom, I just don’t GET it! I can SMELL the food, but I can’t GET to the food. GIVE ME FOOD!”
He does this every single time I open the fridge, by the way.

The careful balancing of kitten on the back of the chair is a sight not to be missed! Or something.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
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2004: Stuff I’ve bought.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: “Hey!” I said, shaking the cage. “Stop that!”
1999: No entry.]]>
I wanted to comment on (can’t remember their name) from yesterday who had problems with her cats fighting. I have had the same problem, I have an 11 year old male cat and a 3 year old male cat. The 11 year old hisses every single time the other walks by him. I bought this thing you plug in the wall with pheromones in it that only the cats can smell. It’s supposed to calm down any agressive behavior and relax them too. So far *knock on wood* it seems to be working. Just a thought…
I’ve heard that stuff is good… Here’s a link:
TOTALLY off the subject, but BWAAAHAAA!!!
Das Poot does the same thing Sugarbutt does…tries to climb into the fridge every damn time I open the door. Once, she even climbed up onto the first shelf…I had to pull everything out to clean up all the cat hair she left behind!
Hey there
Weirdness coming, but I had a dream about you last night. Before you delete this as a weird stalkerish comment, keep reading its not porn-ish…I swear!!. For some reason we were going to Cleveland and you were signing the song from the drew carey show (Okay then, I’m from Canada and never even been to Cleveland let alone know how to spell it). Now I would like to see you interpret that.
Regardless, I actually just wanted to say that I look forward to reading your blog each day. I love your cats and I applaud your devotion to the foster kitties you had. I don’t think most people would have put as much effort into ensuring the kitties were healthy and happy. Just looking at Sugarbutt each day makes me smile as he was so sickly. Alot of people would not have put in the effort to clean up after him and help him get better. You are good people. So hopefully you will forgive the weird dream and take the compliment. Best regards, Melanie J.
When I lived with my parents, my dad would NOT pick up when the cats threw up, or the dog peed or crapped somewhere. He wouldn’t even SAY that he saw it, because he’d rather pretend he didn’t see it, and therefore, no one could call him on his non-cleaning. Same with now when I visit. He’ll somehow “not notice” the steamping pile of crap on the floor, when he was in that room just moments before.
OK Gross, but sometimes it disappears at my house too.
Also: Kittens just have no manners. When my friend recued 4 orphaned kittens, one kept going into the frig too.
Everyone Worth Knowing made me kind of sad. It’s like she took The Devil Wears Prada, placed tracing paper over it, and just kind of sketched out a loose copy.
Which would not work on books, but you get what I mean.
BOY cat pee smells the worst, girl cat pee is less noxious, I think. Is it an accident that you keep getting boy cats? Won’t Miz Poo tolerate another girl cat in the house?
Robin S: Good suggestion! I bought some of that a few years ago when Tubby first started peeing everywhere, and it seemed to do the trick for a little while.
Melanie: I have no idea what your dream means, but don’t worry – I don’t think you’re a stalker! 🙂 Maybe it means we should meet up in Cleveland? 🙂
Jessica: I think I agree! I’d know for sure if it hadn’t been two years since I read the book, but I think you’re right. 🙂
Rose: It just seems to happen that way, that we keep ending up with boy cats. Miz Poo probably would tolerate a girl kitten as well as she tolerates the boy kittens (which is to say: with a large amount of grumpiness and smacking). When we had Callie running around the house, she even snuggled with Miz Poo once or twice, and there were no casualties.
Your fridge is so clean and organized! (jealous)
Love the Pet Store Kitties pics, as always.
Haven’t read you in awhile. I have a dead computer at home and just get to check in on my fave blogs from work periodically at lunch.
Am I the only person that wants to comment on Boomtown? God, I loved that show! I was sooo disappointed when it was cancelled. Fearless was ‘da bomb.
Now I’m all sad remembering my Boomtown…:(
You should definitely check out Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – Gene Wilder was a much more lovable Wonka and the songs are much better in my opinion. If you can look past the now cheesy 70’s sets & special effects, I think you’ll enjoy it.
We also watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this past weekend. I liked it quite a bit, but not as much as I thought I would and not half as much as I loved Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I would whole heartedly recommend Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory…I heart Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka.
I have a cat, that looks an awful lot like Sugarbutt who LOVES the fridge. If there was a spot on the shelf that he could jump onto-he was there! One time, to teach him a lesson, I closed the fridge door with him in there, thinking he’d get scared and learn his lesson. I actually got busy and forgot about him-until I heard him meowing 10 minutes later! I opened the door, crying thinking “I’ve scarred him for life!” only to have him jump down, take a drink of water from his bowl, then turn and jump right back into the fridge! Lets just say that Basil isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed!
I also have a little calico girl “Punkin’ ” who pees outside the box. It took me forever to figure out which cat was doing it ( I have 4 and figured it was the oldest who has cattitude) She goes in, turns around a few times and proceeds to pee in an arc right out the littler box and onto the cat mat. It gets pretty frustrating-I found one litterbox that has a higher entrance, thinking that I’d solved the problem. Nah….she still pees outside the odd time.
Sorry I just couldn’t get past the part where you are my age and have not seen the original CATCF? OMG Robyn you have to see it, not sure how you will like it now that you have seen the B version, I know most of us from our age like the 1st one better, 2nd one is only mediocre compared but like I said, depends on which you see first. Both have their good parts.
Robyn says “Besides, pretty often I’ll step over a pile of puke and come back two hours later to find it mysteriously gone. Just me and the cats in the house, and the puke is gone, and I know I didn’t clean it up.”
Except what I was expecting at the end of the sentence was ” …and I know I didn’t EAT it up” …cause hello …cat lovers? THE CATS EAT IT lolol …yes indeedy. I have caught princess sophie chowin down on what she just puked up a few times. Just sayin 🙂
Now go …go give your kitty a kiss …
By the way …did I miss the post where in you tell us all that Sugarbutt is now officially Sugarbutt And3rson …cause that bad ass looks like he is there to stay.
When I was about 5 years old my siamese cat came up missing. We searched the neighborhood , knocked on doors , drove around calling her. No luck. About 3 or 4 hours later she was found in the mini fridge in my parents bedroom! Luckily she was still alive.Dumbass.
When my cats puke …..whoever spots it first (my husband or myself) usually says “look what YOUR son did ” or “your SON left you a present”
Not sure if it’s true ….but we both always blame the male for doing the
They never clean it up
But , I have found that it’s sometimes less messy to let it dry…then the vaccume sucks it right up.My husband is more the “smear it around while it’s wet and make a deep stain in the carpet” type.
Also…one more thing and then I’ll shut up…:)..When I had my 25 pound 3 legged cat…he could no longer bury his “business” very well with just one front leg.So,he would throw cat litter out over the edge of the box . My bathroom was like a beach!
I finally used one of those big plastic storage boxes (they come with a lid…they’re about a foot high) for his litter box. Worked like a charm. Might also work for an errant urinator.
p.s. So relieved you kept sugarbutt.:)