11/13/09 – Friday

I am from Austin, TX and this area, like most, is flooded with abandoned and homeless animals. The Centex Humane Society is about 90 minutes north of here near Fort Hood and is one of the only no-kill shelters serving this part of the state. Last week a fire occurred in the middle of the … Continue reading “11/13/09 – Friday”

I am from Austin, TX and this area, like most, is flooded with abandoned and homeless animals. The Centex Humane Society is about 90 minutes north of here near Fort Hood and is one of the only no-kill shelters serving this part of the state. Last week a fire occurred in the middle of the night and over 100 animals (99 were cats) were killed and it destroyed a large part of the building, severely limiting the ability of the shelter to keep animals until they find a forever home. They are really in need of donations to rebuild and get back on their feet.

Read more about the fire and see a picture of the aftermath here and here.

Go read about the Centex Humane Society shelter and donate if you can!


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FOAM 5: Food: Eggs, fresh from the coop, just washed. (We don’t usually wash eggs, but these needed it.)
Outside: The Poltergeist tree in the side yard. My favorite tree.
Abstract: The comforter on my bed. I adore it, but it’s getting old and dingey.
Myself: Look, me with a kitten! What a shocker. That’s Orange (Lorna Doone), and we’re hanging out on the bed in the Cookie room.


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Hey Robyn-about the water fountain. Do any of your other cats use it to drink from? I am contemplating buying one, only because my cat Basil (who is the spitting image of Sugarbutt) LOVES to drink from the tap in the bathroom. I hate leaving it dripping-he and his brother Monkey get paw prints all over the counter, and then they shake their head and get water spray all over the mirror.

One of my clients told me that her cat won’t even look at it, so i am having second thoughts. (since they go for $40 a pop)

I have two of the Petmate fountains upstairs (one in the foster room, one in the bathroom) and a Drinkwell downstairs in the laundry room near their food. They all get plenty of use. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all our cats use the fountains at various times – some of them drink from the top, where the water comes out, and some of them drink out of the “bowl” part at the bottom.

The fact that your cats like to drink out of the faucet certainly makes me think they’d like the fountains. And hey, think of it this way – if you get it, give it a try, and they don’t like it, you can always sell it on eBay. 🙂

Personally, I prefer the Petmate fountains, because they’re quieter. The Drinkwell, on the other hand, doesn’t need to be filled as often.

We did have a Cat-It fountain for a little while, but Miz Poo was the only one who’d use it, and then I broke the globe when I was cleaning it, and that was it for the Cat-It as far as I was concerned.


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So what’s the Crooked Acres opinion on chicken tractors?

I have 4 chickens in a chicken tractor. It was moved over the summer but it’s parked (on top of my former garden site) for winter. They get scratch and kitchen leftovers for entertainment, in addition to chicken feed. You know…they seem happy enough but they are also dumb, dumb animals. 😛

I would like to have a bigger yard for them or free range but I couldn’t be sure of their safety/suffering avoidance that way, either.

Oh, I think chicken tractors are awesome! I’ve tried for the last couple of years to convince Fred to build a few so the chickens could keep down the weeds between the rows of plants in the garden, but he just hasn’t had a chance. My usual gripe with chickens who don’t get space to roam is that they’re generally confined to one small space, they peck all the bugs and grass and weeds up, and then they’re left on this little dirt-covered space. With the chicken tractors, they can be moved so that they get fresh ground and all that healthy greenery and bugs, and I think that’s pretty cool.


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not.a.skimmer.swear! I haven’t seen any posts or pics lately about the pigs….. what’s up with that? Are they gone to pig heaven (the butchers?).

No, not yet – the latest two pigs are going to freezer camp at the beginning of December. We’ve opted to go back to the guy who did our second set pigs, because we like the job he did (though we truly don’t have any gripes about the job any of the three places we’ve taken pigs have done), he’s the closest to us, and (most importantly), he’ll process the pigs. The other butchers in this area stop processing anything but deer this time of year; this guy doesn’t do deer at all.

I probably should write about the pigs more often, but I tend to forget to take the camera out to the back forty with me, which is a reason you don’t see a huge number of pictures of the dogs and chickens, too!


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Robyn, I was just checking my Twitter feed and Whoorl recommended a site new to her and I wondered if you knew about it? Foodzie is like Etsy but for food. People place their home made food items there to sell. You probably do OK selling stuff directly from your own website but I just thought of you as soon as I saw Whoorl’s recommendation.

Oh, I know about Foodzie – I try to stay away from it, because I’m pretty sure I could spend $200 there without thinking twice. That place makes me DROOL.

The main reason I don’t sell stuff on Foodzie is because I feel kind of, well, outclassed by the sellers there. I mean, look at my jar of jam. Now go look at this fancy shit. I COULD go the fancy route, but I’m not that creative when it comes to that sort of thing and honestly? I don’t got time.

Of course, $4 for mine buys you 8 ounces of jam rather than the 4 ounces you get from them, so there’s that.


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Hey. Remember how we weaned the Wonkas and I was all “Yeah, I don’t think I want any more bottle babies” and then God laughed and sent me the Cookies?

Well, we’ve gotten the Cookies mostly weaned (except for that spoiled rotten Pink, who really could be perfectly well weaned by now, but when you’re faced with the Eyes of Hope and “Ba ba? Ba ba?”, only the most heartless person would deny the little princess.) I said to Fred the other day “Oh, thank god, the bottle feeding is now mostly at an end!”

Fred’s even feeding the Cookies when he gets up in the morning and giving Pink her bottle so I don’t have to get up at 4:30 any more! It is GLORIOUS.

So then.

The day before yesterday I was in the kitchen, and the phone rang. I saw by the caller ID that it was the shelter manager.

“Hi,” she said when I answered the phone. “Is this the kitten daycare?”

“Oh, god,” I groaned. “Whaaaaat?”

Two 11 day-old kittens had been abandoned by their mother on this woman’s patio. She wasn’t necessarily looking to get rid of them, she was doing okay with bottle feeding them, but she has a job and can’t take the kittens with her.

Susan reassured me that I didn’t have to, that I could say no, but honestly, I didn’t mind taking them for a few hours. I mean, I get them for the day, I feed and snuggle them and kiss their little faces, and I hand them back over.

AND I don’t have to get up at 4:30 to feed them!

(Seriously, though. God really wants me to have bottle babies in my life, huh?)

She dropped them off yesterday morning, and they ate pretty well, they pottied just fine, and they purred like mad for me. They’re not named, and I don’t know if she’s planning to give them up – she said she was going to try to find a home for them because she travels a lot, but then she said she might get attached to them – but they’re awfully cute.

(I wasn’t able to get good pictures of them this time around, but they’ll be back Saturday, so hopefully then!)

The all-black one (I think it’s a girl, but I didn’t look that closely, so I could be wrong).

The black and white one – definitely a boy.

Mr. Black and White has a ring around his tail. It’s so cute! (I was calling him “Ringo” in my head, of course.)

They’re adorable, but I have to admit – at this age, all they do is eat and sleep and they’re kinda boring. Shhh, don’t tell anyone I said that! They’ll take my Crazy Cat Lady title away!


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My poor Wonkas. They had their vaccinations on Wednesday, and all day yesterday when I’d pet them, I’d accidentally pet the injection site, which was still sore, and they’d cry at me, and I’d feel like the most evil person alive.

They forgave me, though. They always do, thank god.

Kitty yoga.

Violet practices her awesome karate moves.


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The Cookies are doing well. I put them in the bathroom for a little while yesterday so I could get their room cleaned. Have I mentioned that the way they track food and god knows what else all over the hardwood floors drives me nuts? I finally convinced Fred that we should move the desk out of that room and then put all three litter boxes where the desk was. I vacuumed and mopped the floor, and it looks a million times better in there.

Now that they’re mostly off the bottle (except, of course, for Princess Pink, who’ll give up that bottle when we pry it out of her cold dead paws), we put the kitty condo over next to the bed, so they can climb up on the condo, and then climb up on the bed. They don’t do it when they’re in there alone, but when I go in and lay down on the bed, they about have a shoving match to see who can get up on the bed the fastest.

Pink and Hydrox both require a little help to get up on the bed, but they seem to have no problems getting down.

Did I mention that I weighed Hydrox two days ago and he’s at a pound and a half? He is one solid little guy.



When you mix canned pumpkin with canned kitten food and feed it to light-colored kittens, you inevitably get orange noses.

Is it just me, or does she look strikingly like a Gremlin?


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Snoozin’ Spanky.


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2008: (You should imagine that I was swearing at the top of my lungs, this entire time.)
2007: Well, of course. Of course he was in the house. Where else would a squirrel be, after all?
2006: In lieu of an entry today, you get a plea.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: I’m not holding much love for Tubby at the moment, believe you me.
2002: And also, I have short and stubby legs.
2001: I think that our dog thinks she’s a Mexican jumping bean.
2000: In fact, my new motto is going to be “Bitch, whine, moan. Lather, rinse, repeat.”
1999: I would name her Molly.

22 thoughts on “11/13/09 – Friday”

  1. oh – and another thing – sell the jams and other foods on there if it could reap decent rewards – as someone who ordered a bunch of stuff from you earlier in the year it was WAY worth the cost of shipping and anyway the fancy stuff gets taken off the first time you open it! We loved your cute labels and the jars were awesome too even though they are heavy, but the stuff inside is what make repeat customer not the packaging. I’ll write you a testimonial from an overseas customer if you like 🙂 from your British Buyer, Noo 🙂

  2. I meant to ask this at the beginning of the week before the comment answering extravaganza but of course I forgot. I’m having a problem with our two 8 month old kittens waking us up in the middle of the night. They sleep on the bed but at 2,3 or sometimes 4 in the morning they wake up, walk over us, flop down next to our heads and bat at our head with their paws. We try to get them to go back to sleep but we don’t want to pet them to much because then they’ll think “woo hoo, lets wake Mom up and we’ll get some lovin!”. We inevitably have to get up, throw them out of the room and listen to them scratch at the door for a while before they go away. This happens every.single.night. I threaten to bring them back to the shelter we got them from but then they do something really, really cute and I melt. (I really couldn’t bring them back, I’m just faking it and I don’t think they believe me anyway). Suggestions?

    1. Martha~ those hours of the night are known as “kitty play time” around my house. We have cats that sleep with us (in some cases, on top of us!). I’ve gotten used to it, although they still will wake me up during the night when they move.

    2. Martha, I find that training them to be wary of a can of compressed air is always a good thing. You don’t blast it directly at them, of course, just in their general direction so that the noise startles them into stopping whatever they’re doing. At this point, my adult cats (except Miz Poo, but she’s under the Princess Exception, of course, and allowed to wake me up at night) leave me alone when I’m sleeping (or just carefully snuggle up against me), and Jake and Elwood know better than to start playing on the bed in the middle of the night. Sometimes they need a reminder, though, and all I have to do is pick up the can of air and shake it at them (no actual spraying required), and they either stop what they’re doing, or race off to do it elsewhere.

  3. Hi Robyn. Have you thought about a return customer thingy where people send the empty jar back to you for reuse and a little discount? Or would the shipping eat up the profit?

    1. I think the cost of shipping the jars back to me would outweigh the benefits of getting a discount; the empty jars are kind of heavy and not cheap to ship, I’d imagine. Too bad, though, because that would be kind of neat!

      1. I wonder if it would cut down on the shipping costs if you put the jam in a foodsaver vacuum bag to ship… BYOJ (bring your own jars). Would that even work?

        1. It’d cut down on the shipping costs, but it wouldn’t really work. Once the jam is made, it has to be processed in jars in a boiling-water bath to kill potential bacteria, and I don’t think that would be doable with the Foodsaver bags. It’s an intriguing idea, though!

  4. I love watching the kittens grow. It never fails to surprise me how fast it happens. You give good kitten fix Robyn.

  5. Love the Gremlin picture! I keep calling my husband over to see the kittens (wireless router doesn’t work) and he won’t do it. I think he’s afraid I’ll ask for another kitten. Those cookies are a cute enough to almost make me do it. Good thing no one locally is offering us a meezer kitten right now.

  6. So this year I’m going to give some one-piece lids a try, you can order the jars in bulk and from what I’ve read, as long as you hot-pack and hot-water-bath, they will still seal like 2-piece lids, but are about half the price. I’ll report back to you with my results. 🙂

  7. My ShellBee cat makes a snuggle stop around 2/3 in the morning. If I’m lucky enough to be in bed asleep she wakes me by nipping my nose. But I think she picked up the snuggle pattern from where I’m up a lot around that time with mom. We snuggle for a while until I’m sure mom is going to stay in bed.
    BTW Robyn, thank you for pics of Mz. Princess Poo :0)

  8. I think you use only Freshstep litter. However, if Challenger House has to buy litter, they might be interested in a PetSmart Deal. PetSmart currently has Tidy Cats 35lb scoopable containers on sale for 12.99. They have special containers now that have $5.00 off PetSmart coupons inside. The coupons are good on any PetSmart purchase until 5/2010 with perks card. Also, Purina has blue flyers of coupons as you walk in the door of PetSmart. There is a $2.00 off coupon for any package of Tidy Cats scoopable. It is valid until 11/30/2009. So, with a bit of wheeling and dealing, Tidy Cat will be $12.99 – $2.00 purina – $5.00 PetSmart coupon = $5.99. This works out to about $.17 lb. Freshstep at my Sam’s is 14.49 per 40lb container. It works out to $.36 lb (plus tax).

    You do have to buy a container and open it to get the first $5.00 coupon. So there is a bit of work involved but I think it is a good deal.

    You may not be interested but if any of your readers are looking for inexpensive shelter donations – this is a good option! Shelters don’t care if the litter has been opened to fish out a coupon. 🙂

    Shelter cats and shelter volunteers will love you.

    1. I think Challenger’s House buys their litter in bulk from Wal-Mart (the no-name stuff, I believe), but that is an amazing price, I’m sure they’d take the Tidy Cat as donations. Hell, I might have to switch to Tidy Cat for a while!

  9. Violet practices her awesome karate moves.

    No no…

    Yes, your honor, I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    Invisible courtroom oath kitteh!

  10. Snickers loves to show up in our faces in the middle of the night, too. My husband always leaves room for him to cuddle next to him, but he likes to prance accross the top on the pillows pawing our noses and sometimes taking a little love nip on the cheek. We tried banning him to the family room downstairs, but now as soon as he sees me straightening up papers and gathering pop glasses, he knows we are ready to go to bed and he makes a bee line for the upstairs.

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