If you missed yesterday’s entry, we’re talking about crystal litter in the comments.
Now, how about the Cat Genie – anyone have experience with that?
First, the good news because I can’t wait to tell y’all – yesterday, Orange AND Blue were adopted! Not together, but to very good homes. Didn’t I say they were going to go quickly?
When I got to the adoption center yesterday, I put the three girls in a big cage and Hydrox and Keebler in a smaller cage. The girls just flopped down on the beds in their cage, completely unconcerned. Hydrox and Keebler, on the other hand, went and hid in their litter box.
I hate it when they do that because it makes me feel EXTRA bad (like I need anything to make me feel even worse, right?)
I went to their cage and talked to them, and they both came out to be petted and cuddled, and then when I put them back in, into the litter box they went.
I told them I loved ’em and to stop being drama queens, and then left.
I don’t suspect either of them (or Pink) will be there much longer, though. Who can resist those little faces?
Okay, before we get on to pictures of them, how about a look back to how they looked when they first came to us, way back at the end of October:
And now:
Hanging out atop Elwood, who doesn’t appear to mind much.
Keebler. What a smug little face!
“Behind you! Quick! A serial killer! Or nothing at all! One or the other!”
Hydrox snuggles with Miz Poo and Tommy. Never thought I’d see the day when Miz Poo would put up with this.
Keeping an eye on the other kittens.
Orange, in the bed with Miz Poo. I love how annoyed they both look.
Last weekend, Fred kept putting kittens in his sweatshirt and walking around with them. They were not so thrilled.
Blue, Keebler and Hydrox, snoozing.
I do have a few more pictures, which I’ll share with y’all tomorrow. ‘Til then, here’s a movie to keep you entertained. This is just after I bought the new carrier, and Hydrox thought it was THE BOMB.
Tomorrow, you also get to meet the new guys. That’s right, new guys!
Here’s a peek (there are two of them):
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: And my Self said “Wow, that sounds like a pain in the ass.”
2006: “I had a double serving of beans last night/ and I’ve got some hard gas going on/ Pull my finger, baby.”
2005: Back from Maine!
2004: My parents’ Christmas decorations.
2003: And yet, show me a zit and I’m on it in two seconds flat.
2001: My body gave me two birthday presents yesterday – my period (a day early) AND a mild return case of conjunctivitis.
2000: In his narcotic cough syrup-induced haze, he nodded sympathetically and hacked a big green chunk of lung onto his plate.
That didn’t take very long at all! The adoption or the new guys! lol
That video is too funny!
I always wanted to foster puppies for the guide dog society, but Jamie was worried that I would never be able to give them up when it was time for them to go get trained. Apparently, the trick is to get more right away!
Friends of ours have a Goldren Retriever puppy for a year of socialization before it goes to a service school. She is just a total joy for the family. Every day she goes to high school with the son, stays and greets all the students in two classroom. My grand daughter, Sami helps by taking her out for the potty breaks. It’s a real commitment. The family knows they will all have to be on anti-depressants a month before Sophie has to leave them.
I am so happy for Blue and Orange and a bit envious of all the Cookies and Wonkas new families. They have been by far my favorite off all the liters you’ve had since I’ve been comming here. LOVE the meezers-they are so beautiful but Hydrox is super cool too-I love Tuxes-had two in past and they had great personalities. I thought I’d be all totally sad for a while but guess what? That black cat you’re teasing us with looks a great deal like my favorite cat of all time Miss Cleo who has been gone for 15 years. I have someone new to drool over already. You are the best, Robyn and bitchypoo really rocks!
Wow, I think I need the Cat Genie!! Problem being it doesn’t seem like I have a place to put it for proper functioning. But there is hope for the future – I really really really hate litter boxes. And those crystals never worked for us.
Thank you for posting on your birthday – I like when you post.
The new guys remind me of little Gus. The floof! Although they sort of look possessed by some evil spirit – I know they will warm up in time. You have that effect on the kittehs.
That last picture looks like Mr. Fancypants!
Yea, they grey one looks a lot like Gus! Never had a cat genie so I can’t comment on that.
Luv the pic of Blue, Keebler and Hydrox. It looks like Keebler is melting all over Hydrox!
Glad to hear that homes were found so fast. It must make you feel so proud to have brought them up to be so darn cute and adoptable!
Can’t wait to hear about the new guys…
Oh ,I don’t know how you do it. You are truely a saint among cats. (and crazy cat ladies) It’s bad enough to have to let go of baby kittens that you raised,I can’t even imagine if you had bottle fed them.
I knew those “white ” cookies would go like hotcakes because fools ,such as myself , are out there paying upwards of 500 dollars for snow bengals or lynx point meezers.
That’s one of the things that they should state on the adoptable kitten/cats “profile” is ,if they are part a “certain ” breed ,like Hydrox. He doesn’t look it, but he will still have the behavioral traits of the breed ,and that is what some people are looking for in a cat.Not that “I ” don’t think every cat in the world is lovable.Do you see what I’m saying?
(holy crap, is there spell check on here?)Can’t find it. Please ignore all typos.
And Happy birthday too! Maybe someone will leave a litter of kittens on your porch :))
(Oh how I wish they would do that to me)
Bye kids, enjoy your forever homes. The two new ones look a little scared. Fred, Cat Whisperer, might have to work his charms.
I HAD a Cat Genie. The 3 cats totally rejected it. Only good thing is they have a guarantee and will take it back if your cats won’t use it. The problems – noisy, the cats still tracked the litter and since it wasn’t normal litter, it hurt when you stepped on it barefoot. One cat actually used it, but preferred not too. One cat attacked the scoop arm when it went up and down and it really did not get all the little pieces of poop out of the litter. You had to take it apart and clean really well or it would stink like pee. In my house, it was 3 paws down. We returned it and got our full price back less the shipping cost to return it (which wasn’t cheap).
I just have to say that I have just fallen head over heels for Hydrox out of all of the cats/kittens you’ve had. If I lived closer, he would be mine. Yes, I would have 3 cats! *gasp* I hope he goes to a great home VERY soon. The new guys looks scared sh*tless! I’m sure you’ll fix that quickly
It doesn’t really get any more off topic than this, but I thought you and Fred might enjoy this –
30 minutes. Color me impressed.
Them be some CRAZY eyes!!!
We used to have a Cat Genie for our two cats. Suddenly, one of them starting doing his business everywhere BUT the Genie. In fact, one time he sat in the doorway of the bathroom where the Genie resided and squatted right there – IN THE DOORWAY. Apparently, one time he was actually using it when it began its process and freaked him out. I had to get rid of the Genie, but I still giggle from time to time thinking of how that must have looked when the Genie started up with Furball right there.