Foster kitten calendar for 2010 is now up! ————————–>
I was sitting at my desk yesterday evening after dinner. Fred was in the kitchen doing the dishes. He walked into the room, picked up the phone, and started dialing.
“Who are you calling?” I asked.
He shushed me, hung up the phone, and redialed. A moment later, he did it again. And one more time.
“Holy shit,” he said.
He shushed me.
“Wow, really?” he said into the phone. He answered a few questions, and then hung up the phone.
Turns out, he won us tickets to go see Momma Mia!
I bet this means we totally don’t win the lottery this week. He used up all our luck winning us tickets. Damnit!
(We’re taking bets on whether we’ll actually be able to stay awake for the entire show, given that it doesn’t start ’til 8.)
Did I mention that we got a driveway alarm a few weeks ago? We did, and man is it NICE. I’m no longer ever surprised by someone coming to the door while I’m off in la-la land staring at my computer. They come down the driveway, the driveway alarm rings, and I get up to peer out the window like the suspicious old lady I am.
It kind of sucks when they park directly in front of the sensor and the alarm goes off 13 million times when they park, then get out, then walk around their car. That doesn’t happen all that often, though, and I really like having the alarm. Yesterday, the alarm ding-donged, and I assumed it was the UPS man dropping off my new headphones (more on that in a minute), so I ignored it. And then the front doorbell rang, and I figured I’d better check to be sure it was the UPS man, and instead found that there was a white car parked in the driveway.
I went to answer the door, and there was a guy standing there, wanting to know if we had any eggs for sale.
It used to really annoy me when people would stop by to see if we had eggs when the sign wasn’t out, but it doesn’t happen all that often, and I’ve gotten kind of used to it.
But anyway, I have a question for y’all – a large number of our egg customers are Hispanic. Fred and I have both noticed that no matter how good their English is (and it’s usually pretty good – if they can’t speak English, they send their kids or grandkids to the door), to a one they seem to avoid the word “dozen.” They’ll ask how much the eggs are, we’ll say “Two dollars a dozen”, and then they’ll request twelve or twenty-four or thirty-six. Or “two packs.” Never ever do they say “dozen”, and I’m curious if anyone has any idea why that is. Babelfish tells me that the Spanish word for dozen is “docena”, and if I weren’t afraid of looking like a poser, I’d tell them dos dΓ³lares por docena.
(I’m not sure I’d be pronouncing it right, though. And I’d feel pretty self-conscious about it, since I know zilch in the way of Spanish otherwise.)
Regarding the headphones I was expecting to come via UPS yesterday: last weekend I was going to vacuum the house, so I got out my good noise-canceling headphones because vacuuming the house is BORING and I need to have something to occupy my brain. Keith and the Girl works well in that respect.
So, my good noise-canceling headphones were only giving me sound in one ear, which was annoying. I took off the headphones, looked at the cord, and saw that the cord leading to the left headphone had been chewed nearly all the way through. I asked Fred if there was anything he could do to fix it, and he fiddled around with it for a while before telling me I was out of luck.
I tossed them in the trash and went to boringly vacuum the boring house, and it was very boring.
Then on Tuesday, I was going to make applesauce, and I got my iPod out, and put my backup headphones on, and the fucking things were only broadcasting in one ear. And the fucking cord had been chewed through. And I cursed Jake and Elwood, who yawned at me and went back to sleep.
(I know it’s my own damn fault for leaving the headphones laying around, but GODDAMN CATS. I can’t have ANYTHING NICE AROUND HERE.)
So I ordered new headphones on Amazon. And they arrived yesterday in the late afternoon.
Wasn’t that an exciting story?
Thanks, you guys, for letting me know that pumpkin is in short supply this year. I’m going to hit Walmart and Publix later today, and hopefully between the two of them (and hell, I’ll even enter Piggly Wiggly if I MUST) I’ll find a can or two. My kittens need their pumpkin! I will not be denied, damnit! If I HAVE to, I’ll buy fresh pumpkins and make and can my own. I will!
I was walking out to the back forty last night to check for eggs and toss scratch out to the chickens (and bring George and Gracie their daily treats) when I heard the sound of something hitting the roof of the workshop, which is located next to the maternity chicken yard. I stopped and looked over, and for all the world it looked like a small branch had hit the roof and was rolling to the ground.
Except it didn’t look quite right, so I took another look.
It was a damn squirrel. The nearest tree branch he could have fallen from was at least thirty feet up. I was sure a fall like that would seriously injure, if not kill, him. But he hit the ground, bounced once, and then hopped up onto his feet. He took one look at me (and at the chickens staring at him in surprise) and ran for the fence. He must have tried to climb that fence in six different places before he finally made it over.
This is not the first time I’ve seen a squirrel fall from a tree, but it’s the first time I’ve seen one fall that far. One day last year, Fred heard one hit the bed of his truck, which was parked in the same general area. I guess squirrels must be fairly resilient; I still can’t believe that squirrel wasn’t hurt. I had no idea squirrels spend so much time falling out of trees.
I’m wondering now if perhaps Maxi and Newt aren’t quite the mighty hunters we think they are. Maybe they just hang out under the trees and wait for squirrels to fall into their mouths.
All your cats get vaccines every year? What do they need to get every year? Mine have gotten the ones they get when they are kittens and the 2 rabies shots and that’s it, really, that is it, I never get them any other shots, they also never go back to the vet because they never get sick. My oldest cat died at 17, he had been to the vet 2x, once as a kitten for his shots and once when he had a clogged urinary tract. They are indoor cats though, so that may make a difference.
I had to look at the printout I got from the vet, but this is what Miz Poo got the other day and which all our cats should be getting once a year:
FVRCP: These vaccines include Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), Calicivirus (C), Panleukemia (P). Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) and Calicivirus (C) both address specific disease associated with common respiratory infections in cats. Panleukemia, otherwise known as feline distemper, is neither leukemia nor distemper but actually the feline equivalent of parvovirus. This disease, transmitted by feces, bedding, bowls, and other common items, causes cats to shed the lining of their intestines through bloody diarrhea. The mortality rate is 60-90% and there is no cure.
Feline Leukemia Booster: Feline Leukemia is not leukemia, but instead consists of a virus that attacks the immune system. Like FIV, cats do not die from feline leukemia, but instead fall victim to other diseases that, if they had a healthy immune system, would not be a hazard to their health.
Not all cats need the FeLV vaccine. Indoor cats that never venture outside or live with other strictly-indoor cats do not need this vaccine. Although dogs can sometimes bring in the disease, this is not common. Any cat that goes outside or lives with cats that go outside needs to be vaccinated for feline leukemia. This disease is transmitted through saliva and can be transmitted via water and food bowls, grooming, or any moist surface. It can stay active for up to 48 hours on a moist area.
Now, the only reason I really want to be sure our cats are up on their shots (and stay up on them) is because (1) Maxi and Newt are outside cats who are allowed inside, and I would absolutely hate it if they brought something inside and got the rest of the cats sick and (2) The fosters we get who haven’t been tested yet. Like I said, we’re careful about washing our hands, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.
If we only ever had our cats in the house, and they were all indoor cats, I have a feeling I’d be okay with letting things slide, shot-wise.
Hey! Do you have a rss feed for comments? There are some days I don’t comment but would like to have the comments come to me. I know, I know. You give and give… and we beg for more! π
If you scroll down to the bottom of the entry and click on the number that indicates how many comments there are, it’ll open the comments (or the comment form, I guess). Once that’s open, directly above where it says the number of comments, there’s a link that says “RSS feed.” I’m pretty sure that’s the comments RSS feed, but I can’t guarantee it. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you or you can’t see it, and I’ll… well, I’ll randomly click around and then demand that Fred help me, is what I’ll do. π
Here in Australia, we find pumpkin in the fresh veggie section, I’m always like pumpkin in a can ???? when i read about it. Pumpkin is so nice, steamed or baked are my favorites.
Oh, it’s in the produce section here, too – but I prefer the convenience of popping open a can and mixing it with kitten food rather than having to actually prepare the pumpkin. If it comes down to it, I’ll go buy some fresh pumpkins, cook them, and can them so I’ll have them on hand!
I weighed the Cookies last night, and every one of them is over a pound. Three of them (the girls) were all at exactly 1 pound, 1/2 ounce. Keebler was 1 pound, 1 ounce, and Hydrox was the big guy at 1 pound, 3 ounces.
They’re growing up!
It’s funny, when you look at her, Milano/ Pink looks like she’s noticeably smaller than the others, but apparently not. Maybe she’s just got a big head!
Lorna Doone/ Orange, hanging out on top of the container of baby wipes.
We have this little bitty kitten-sized box in the Cookies room. It was there when the Wonkas were in that room, and they loved to push it around the room. Gus would stand with his front paws on the box and just push it from one side of the room to the other. The Cookies, on the other hand, like to just go into the box and hang out in there. Every now and then I’ll do a head count, realize someone’s missing, and start looking. Most of the time it’s Milano who’s missing, and most of the time it’s because she’s just sitting in the box, staring off into space. I don’t know what she sees, but it’s apparently quite interesting!
Awww, look at who’s a little poser! He totally knows you all have a crush on him, and he’s milking it. Suckers!
“MY GOD IT’S BEEN TEN MINUTES SINCE WE ATE WE ARE STARVING TO DEATH!” Look at Lorna Doone, there, with the determined look on her little face. She’s turning into quite the little climber!
“Hello, SUCKERS. You know you love me. You feed me a bottle and snuggle with me, please?”
Nine times out of ten, when I walk into the room, most of them are snuggled up in this big comfy cat bed.
It’s a big weekend ahead for the Wonkas – tomorrow morning I’m going to let them out into the rest of the upstairs! There’ll be a door (that Fred built) blocking the hallway so that they can only go into my room and the bathroom in addition to their own room, and so that the other cats can’t get to where the Wonkas are. But this means that the amount of space they’ll have will, like, triple. And if they’re anything like every single other foster kitten we’ve had, they’ll end up hanging out on my bed most of the time. They’ll go back into their room at night, but will have the run of the upstairs during the day. I suspect they’ll like it quite a lot!
I don’t know why, but she loves to stand at the back of the water fountain and bend over the top of it, and drink from the top. I keep expecting her to lose her balance and fall in, but it hasn’t happened yet!
“Is it nap time?” Indeed it is, little girl. Let’s snuggle up and snooze!
“Who, me? NOTHIN. Just sniffing this fuzz. And maybe eating a beetle. That’s all!”
“Lady? Why you can’t hold that camera straight, ever?”
Miz Poo keeps an eye on Jake and Elwood. She thinks they probably need to be smacked.
2008: So, the Crooked Acres election results are in!
2007: Goddamn bossy fucking cars.
2006: With a squeak, she fell into the tub and just sat there for a moment with a look that very clearly said βDo you believe this shit?β
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: So, Jackie, howβs the weather up there in Vancouver Washington?
2002: My life. So very exciting.
2001: Instead, when the question was posed to him, he looked at me as if I were perhaps mentally deficient.
2000: Have I mentioned that I love that man?
1999: And when you’re not good at something, unless you’re hugely delusional, you pretty much know that you’re not good at it. Even if you don’t know, there’s always someone more than willing to point it out to you.
I also love pumpkin and love to play with it in cooking. I make some kick ass pumpkin cranberry muffins, if I do say so. Every year I buy pie pumpkins, struggle and curse with the peeling, the boiling and the mashing and SWEAR that next time? Next time I’m using the canned. And I always, always go back for the fresh. This year I smartened up a little and I’m roasting the pumpkin. My hunny was in Oz and came home raving about a delicious salad using roasted pumpkin, spinach, fresh mozzarella and vinaigrette. I’ve tried to recreate it, and while tasty, just wasn’t the same? Has anyone heard of a similar recipe?
For the record – LOVED Mamma Mia the play. The movie? Whatta stinker, IMHO, and I lurve Meryl, Pierce and Colin Firth. T’were a drag.
Oooooooh, have FUN! Mamma Mia the SHOW is great, not like that DOG of a movie.
Just for the record – I sent you that driveway alarm link from Harriet Carter about a year ago.
Also, since you are following my advice, you need a miniature cow.
I would love to have a miniature cow – I just can’t convince Fred that we need one! π
Could it be that “dozen” isn’t metric, and the US is pretty much the only country NOT using metric measurements. Just guessing…
There may be a slight translation confusion going on re: pumpkin, as I think in Australian, pumpkin is what we call squash, possibly specifically winter squash – hubbard, kabocha, butternut, etc. Whereas what USans call pumpkin is specifically the orange-rind squash/gourd, the large version of which we carve into jack o’lanterns and the smaller ones are generally only used for sweets like pie, cake, sweet breads, etc. That’s the only kind we widely get in cans, in a mash form for baking; you can’t get canned acorn squash or that sort of thing (though you can get sliced canned-veg-type zucchini and yellow squash, usually in a tomato sauce).
So, Brenda, you might try butternut, hubbard, or acorn to reproduce your husband’s salad. I don’t like roasted USpumpkin very much, but eat tons of roasted acorn and butternut.
Thanks, Lyn. I know when we were in Fiji the same was true of squash/pumpkin. Hell, I love it all. π
I did not realize that!
My mother has a cat that chews.. and chews any cords! She’s ruined one playstation controller, two headphones, and has ALMOST ruined my computer tablet. I remember being so angry when my favorite pair of headphones had been chewed because I DO NOT like earbuds and can not stand them and it’s so hard to find good earphones that I LIKE to wear.
And Mom blames me for leaving my cords out. π Well I blame her for not teaching her cat not to chew wires! lol.
Funny I never thought about it, but now that you mention it when I buy eggs here in Spain, I always ask for 6 or 12 and never for a “docena”. Although it is the correct translation, I don’t know that I have ever heard the word used.
And as far as having children doing the buying, I have seen the same here with English-speaking families. Children learning a foreign language generally have more authentic accents, and even if they don’t, native speakers can be more tolerant and patient with children. It’s difficult for many adults, even if they do speak the language well, because they’re often more self-conscious and invariably have suffered discrimination at some point because of even a slight accent. As an American whose family has been in the US for eons, I never gave the topic much thought ’til I became an immigrant myself! π
I’m going to guess that it’s more a matter of the word not being in common usage, maybe? Or not about eggs, anyway. It could very well be less them avoiding the word and more them just not considering the use appropriate or called for.
Exactly! π
Driveway alarm sounds wonderful. My husbans used to fix cars “on the side” and there were always strangers ringing my doorbell. I HATED IT too. I used to fantasize about having a moat with snapping alligators. I guess a driveway alarm is a reasonable compromise. Most of the knocking has stopped thank God. Husband has a friend’s vintage car he needs to work on parked out front. 3 or 4 strangers rang my bell wanting to buy it. If it was for sale it would be facing the road with a for sale sign. Ofcourse they were all stupid men!
You need to put a NOT FOR SALE sign on it, I guess! π
I beg pardon, madam, but there are DOGS in that cat calendar over there.
Just sayin.
Shhhhh. π
We only had 10 cat pictures (since Jake & Elwood are in one picture), so it seemed obvious that George and Gracie needed to be represented, too!
Hey—-where is Joe Bob?
AGH! How the hell did I manage to do THAT???
Going to fix it right now!
Poor Joe Bob!!
It’s fixed.
I know – poor Joe Bob. He got lost in the crowd!
He seems to be a solitary kind of guy!
He is – he likes his space. He’s so sweet, but some of the other cats just for some reason do not like him at all, so he avoids them.
OMG, I looked at this and had to do a double-take cause I thought it said Joe-Boob. Hehe, what a dork I yam. Hehehe.
Pink/Milano is quite obviously sitting in that box waiting to be shipped to me in NC – I keep telling my hubs that I must drive to Alabama and claim her as soon as possible – she has stolen my heart
But I’ll let you ship her to me if need be π
Hey, some extra bubble wrap, a little catnip to keep her occupied, I’m sure she’d be fine!
Just went through the calendars to look at the pictures; they are gorgeous! I love both of them!
Thank you! It was hard to narrow down the pictures, but luckily I had Fred to help me. He’s not as caught up in the “Remember when we had this foster? What a sweetie!” as I am. π
I want those purple slippers/moccasins! (Unless those are Fred’s feet.)
They’re mine (Fred’s are boring and brown. Also, about twice the size. Heh.). I got ’em at Land’s End, and they are SUPER comfy and warm.
My eyes are really bad but are those “human” toes on the poser I see??? Maybe I am having too many “senior moments.”
I’m not seeing the “human” toes, Martha, but your comment sure did make me laugh! π
Ahh, now that makes sense about the pumpkins. Definatly use butternut pumpkin for that salad, its a very popular salad down here in Aus.
Well, if I must, I must. π
I went into a shop yesterday that sells lollies from overseas, USA, UK, & New Zealand mostly, & there was some tins of Libby’s pumpkin ! I had a bit of a laugh thinking that we had your tins here, and over there you were having a shortage. But it was very expensive, $7.99 a tin, aussie dollars of course.
Thanks, going to Land’s End now…
(Your feet look very small and cute. Unlike my huge honkin’ size 9.5s…)
Robyn, those calendars are just beautifully done. Tommy and Sugarbutt looked so so handsome in their portraits! And my heart gave a little lurch when I saw Boogie. Miz Poo also looks very beautiful in HER photo. Oh dear, now I feel I should mention how great everyone looked so they are not jealous. I really am enjoying all those photos, and really like the idea of the proceeds going to the shelter. It’s another generous thing for you and Fred to do, I appreciate it! Off to order my calendar…
Thank you, Heather! π
Hey Robyn-about the water fountain. Do any of your othr cats use it to drink from? I am contemplating buying one, only because my cat Basil (who is the spitting image of Sugarbutt) LOVES to drink from the tap in the bathroom. I hate leaving it dripping-he and his brother Monkey get paw prints all over the counter, and then they shake their headd and get water spray all over the mirror.
One of my clients told me that her cat won’t even look at it, so i am having second thoughts. (since they go for $40 a pop)
We have two cats that like to do that, so finally gave in and bought the Drinkwell 360, which has water that comes out of the top like from a faucet, and it’s been the hit of the hit parade! Pricey, but I’m not constantly forgetting to turn off the tap or having to wipe up cat hair.
I tried & tried for the Momma Mia tickets, but no go. Haven’t won a purse either. No luck at even a free movie pass. I suck at radio contests!
Not related to this post, but I came upon something interesting while doing a search for ‘lemon scent’ on your site. One July 6, 2004 you wrote:
Next, weβre going to try our hand at growing a peach tree. By the time the spud has graduated from high school and weβve found a house we like on many, many acres, both the lemon and peach trees should be ready to plant in the ground.
Just call me Farmer Robyn.
Hee! Btw, found what I was looking for – Yankee Candles electric air fresheners (trying to cover up cat and dog smell!)
Also, don’t remember the date, but you went to the store with dried cat puke on your purse! Hahaha! Sorry for laughing, but it was really a hilarious story!
“But he hit the ground, bounced once, and then hopped up onto his feet. He took one look at me (and at the chickens staring at him in surprise) and ran for the fence.”
And then he said, “I MEANT to do that!!” Bwahaahaa!!!
“I canβt have ANYTHING NICE AROUND HERE.)” Oh my gosh, that is what my husband always gripes about when coming in from the garage. We have a kitty door in the garage entry door, and the litter boxes are out there. Our arthritic 15-year old apparently likes to leave piles of #2 in unauthorized areas and cough up all his hairballs out there. I’m just glad the elimination stuff is not in the house. But hubby does not agree with me…