it. EVERY DAY FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER there will be an entry here. It might be short on content and long on pictures, but it’ll be HERE. Got it?
* * *
I’m pleased to announce that I have finally finished the
The O.C. disc that’s been sitting in the garage since April. Now I have to send it back to Netflix and get the next disc, and until that gets here, I have to find something else to watch. My friend Liz lent me the entire
Footballers Wives series, and I put the first disc of the first season into the DVD player, but it wouldn’t play. I don’t know if the disc is too new (?) or the DVD player’s too old, but I think it’s high time we either get a decent DVD player for the garage or get a new one for the living room and move that one out to the garage. We no longer have the remote for the DVD player in the garage, and it’s a big pain in the ass to have to get off the elliptical when one episode ends and I have to go to the DVD player to start the next. Did you know that DVD players have “buttons” on the “front” to control the “menu”?
I had no idea, myself. I thought if the remote was lost, you were screwed. Learn something new every day, dontcha?
* * *
My GOD I love turning the clocks back in the Fall. We turned the clocks back Saturday night at bedtime, and I stayed up ’til after 11:00 reading, then when I woke up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to find it was light out, it was only 7:00.
Okay, maybe I didn’t wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Maybe I woke up to yell at Sugarbutt for rattling the blinds (he had his collar on and could have gone out back, but no. NO. Dumbass had to look out the side windows, because it’s the best way to annoy me until I give up and get out of bed). In any case, I got up, it was 7:00, and it was bright and sunny out.
By the time I got done with all the usual morning stuff – litter boxes, emptying the dish washer, doing the elliptical, putting laundry in – it wasn’t even noon yet, and I had nothing to do.
I love days like that.
So I slacked for the rest of the day, or at least for a few hours until it was time to make the sides for dinner (Fred was in the mood to use the smoker, so made some kind of pork and some kind of beef, and I suspect we’ll be eating those for about half the week. I love it when Fred smokes stuff, because it gives me at least a couple of days of no cooking, and that is NEVER a bad thing.).
* * *
Yesterday, late morning, Fred yelled “Holy shit! A hawk just flew across the back yard!” I grabbed the camera and ran out back. The girlz were huddled by the side of the house cackling to let us know that there was something amiss, and the hawk was sitting in one of the trees on the opposite side of the yard, eyeballing the girlz.
Naturally, I grabbed the camera.




Yesterday, late morning, Fred yelled “A hawk just flew across the back yard!” I grabbed the camera and ran out back. The hens were huddled by the side of the house cackling to let us know that there was something amiss, and the hawk was sitting in one of the trees on the opposite side of the yard, eyeballing the girlz.
Naturally, I grabbed the camera.

I think he didn’t like having me so close, because he took off pretty quickly for greener pastures.

Snuggly sisters Rhian (left) and Jesikat.

“Hey, come back here! I want to fight!”

I just love this little cat, can you tell?

Pretty Jesikat.


“I is in a box.”


Rough life for a Spanky.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Did you think I was writing this from The Great Beyond?
2003: Wonder if I appear too old and feeble to help with the loading of the groceries.
2002: That’s your trivia fact for the day. You’re welcome!
2001: Amish country.
2000: No entry.
1999: Hey, this is some exciting stuff, isn’t it? What will I talk about next, dryer lint? Woohoo, somebody stop me!]]>
I thought that hawk was an owl, at first. What great photos you got!!!
I like turning the clocks back too. Didn’t yesterday just seem endless?
Before you get a new DVD player, try the disk on the other DVD player in the house to see if its the disk or dvd player thats the problem.
Also you can get a universal remote for like $6 at Wal-mart or k-mart or wherever and program it to work the dvd player with the missing remote. We go through remotes like CRAZEEE because my husband has a habit of dropping them and breaking them….
I would just like to say that I bought a new camera on Saturday, and my main way of deciding which one I wanted (before I got to the store and handled them) was to look at my flickr contacts and see what they used. Hooray – I am now the proud owner of a Sony Alpha A100! Thanks for the silent input (your flickr info!) I love it.
I love me some footballers wives…AND footballers wives: overtime.
Wow! those pictures are amazing. I bet the girlz were happy he left!
LOVE the hawk photos! And I keep meaning to mention, if and when Fred runs out of things to smoke, he can start on SALT. Yes, fancy gourmet shops sell SMOKED SALT, with various flavors (Mesquite, anyone?). Apparently they do this in MAINE. Who knew???
What great shots of an immature Red Tail Hawk.
DVD players are so cheap now! I remember it being such a huge thing when we bought our first one and now you can get a fairly decent no frills for $30 around here.
Love the hawk pictures.
Hey Robin,
Beautiful shots of the hawk, just amazing.
Sadly in Hawaii we have no reason to observe daylight savings, so we don’t. I still get up at the same time, the dogs see to that.
Have a good fall day (I miss those sometimes).
Hi Robyn. Did you ever get your new DVD player from the satellite dish folks?
I liked the extra hour sleep on Sunday but the cats didn’t. We feed twice a day (no free feeing for our portly girl anymore) and they’ve taken to waking me up at 4:30 in the morning now. UGH! But all should be good by the end of the week.
Great photos of the hawk!
Hey Robyn! Why are you posting on weekends?
Thanks for addressing that because that bugs the SHIT outta me when people do that, I don’t know why, I know there are much bigger fish to fry but people don’t act like you are a faithful and thorough reader and keep asking the same questions as the person in front of you.
Fantastic pictures! I love hawks, especially when they swoop down and scare my neighbors’ yippy dogs. I know, I’m a mean bad person.
I love those hawk pictures! I bet the chickens were scared to death.
DUDE, I’ve totally been outted as a skimmer. Damn.
Sorry, Kay, I’ll try to be more diligent
And I see that someone already asked, but yeah, what’s up with the free dvd player you were supposed to get? That’s the kind of thing that yanks my chain.
I love THIS time change but the other one? NOT so much..
Just a obversation about the hawk that is perusing the bitchez…. When I was a kid and my Dad had free ranging chickens. He had a hawk swoop down and smack/crash into/kill one of the chickens. Now, granted the chicken died but it also out weighed the hawk by pounds. So the hawk wasn’t able to lift the chicken away so he left without dinner. And my Dad had a dead chicken. BE WATCHFUL- is I guess what I’m saying.
Great pics. But, yes, be watchful. My mom’s favorite cat, Sophie, was taken by an owl (not hawk) in Montana several years ago. She was a pretty good sized cat too! It was really, really sad. I thought my mom might need therapy to get over seeing that!