
Saturday morning, Fred and I took a ride up to a feed store we discovered a few months ago when we were looking for medication for the chickens, who’d picked up some sort of upper respiratory infection (or something; I don’t recall the details, really). They sell chickens and goats and pot-bellied pigs at this … Continue reading “11-24-08”

Saturday morning, Fred and I took a ride up to a feed store we discovered a few months ago when we were looking for medication for the chickens, who’d picked up some sort of upper respiratory infection (or something; I don’t recall the details, really). They sell chickens and goats and pot-bellied pigs at this feed store, so it’s worth the visit just to feed the chickens (and goats and pot-bellied pigs) some corn and be entertained by them for a while.

It just so happened that one of the pot-bellied pigs had given birth the day before, so we peeked in at the mother and babies, then went out back and fed the ducks and geese and little bitty goats. For a little while, I felt like I was living in one of Lisa‘s pictures.

They had two Great Pyrenees guarding their ducks and chickens and goats, and they both came over to be petted and look us over to make sure we posed no threat to the ducks and chickens and goats. I pointed out to Fred that Great Pyrenees dogs always look very worried, I guess that that’s because they know safeguarding the livestock is a very important job.

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We stood around and Fred talked to the owner for quite a while, and we bought a few things before heading home.

When we got home, I made breakfast and then Fred went out to work, and I started cleaning the house. We’re going to have company here for at least a few hours on Thursday, and so I decided that if I scrubbed the house over the weekend, all I’ll need to do Thursday morning before everyone arrives is to vacuum the downstairs and perhaps run a dust cloth around.

That took me the better part of the day, and then I got to spend a few hours digging through the 1700 foster kitten pics I’ve taken over the past year in an attempt to narrow them down to 12 for the calendar. This was QUITE the undertaking, and thank god I had Fred to help me pick out the final 12.

It’s my goal, over this next year, to go through the pictures before I save them to the “2009” folder and only save the calendar-worthy ones to that folder.

(I don’t hold out a lot of hope that that’s going to happen, though, so expect whining about this time next year regarding how damn many pictures I take.)

In any case, I got the pictures for all three calendars chosen and uploaded, and the calendars created, finishing just in time to go watch TV.

Saturday night, Fred watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, while I sat on the couch with my laptop in my lap and surfed the internet. At one point, a resounding CLANG! echoed through the house, originating in the dining room, and I looked down the hallway to see about a thousand cats running, panicked, down the hall before they scattered in all directions.

Turned out, someone had knocked over the fireplace screen in the dining room, and it scared the shit out of every cat in the house.

Sunday, I ran to town, did the recycling, and then went to Wal-Mart. I prefer to get our groceries at Publix in Madison, but since they’ve closed the road I would take that would lead me in a straight shot from Smallville to the Madison Publix, I find it too much of a pain in the ass to get there, so I’ve been going to Wal-Mart or Piggly Wiggly, neither of which even comes close to holding a candle to Publix.

I ended up going to Wal-Mart because I had some stuff to return, and because I wanted to look for a small humidifier. I’ve got a big humidifier coming in the mail, but we’re still going to need a small humidifer to humidify the top floor. I looked all over the damn store for the humidifiers before finding a small display of them over by the Christmas section.

I bought the humidifier, a few groceries, and a warm flannel jacket for Fred, and was home in no time flat.

Turns out the humidifier is too goddamn noisy, which of course I only found out once I’d gotten it set up and running, which meant I had to take it back apart, drain it, and it’ll have to dry for three days on the table before I can box the goddamn thing back up and return it to Wal-Mart.

Google tells me that what I want is an ultrasonic humidifier. Google is such a goddamn know-it-all.

The really good thing about the fact that we’re doing breakfast for Thanksgiving is that the only thing I needed to buy for Thursday was butter and a frozen pumpkin pie. Everything else, we already have on hand.

I spent the rest of Sunday puttering around, balancing the checkbook, doing laundry, canning the jam Fred made. The usual fun stuff.

Today, I’m going to the mall to try on more jeans, stock up on shampoo, and buy some warm socks. Maybe I’ll swing by Target to buy an ultrasonic humidifier while I’m at it. Google’s a know-it-all, but Google’s right an awful lot of the time. Bastard.

Hmm. Did I mention I’m stopping by Target? TIM TAMS, HERE I COME!!!!!

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After I vacuumed the entire house Saturday – including the foster kitten room – I went upstairs to hang out with the kittens and they were nowhere to be found.

There was, however, a small lump hiding under the bedspread on my bed. I patted it gently, and it chirruped at me. I laid down on the bed and talked to it, and it got excited, ran around in circles trying to remember how to get out from under the bedspread, then it stopped moving and made a sad sound. I lifted up the bedspread to see Delmar sitting there, and when he saw me, he got excited and ran over to me and snuggled up to me.

These kittens are so sweet they’re going to be the death of me, I swear.

2008-11-24 (16)
“Friends, Romans, countrycats, lend me your ears…”

More pics over at L&H.

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2008-11-24 (11)
Mack Daddy Joe B. shows you how it’s DONE.

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2007: Questions, answered.
2006: No entry.
2005: I think I need to go eat some deviled eggs to assuage the pain.
2004: And I just glared at him and thought to myself Just because you’re too stupid and scatterbrained to read and watch TV at the same time doesn’t mean I am, jackass.
2003: “Purring? You don’t like the sound of them purring?”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Just a little more knowledge o’ Robyn y’all can add to your notes.
1999: No entry.

19 thoughts on “11-24-08”

  1. Hey Robyn,

    The calendars are very cute!! But on a more serious note – do you think you can do anything about the Plain-Jane situation?

  2. You know, Robyn, if you guys bought a dairy cow (or even a goat) you’d never have to go grocery shopping. You’d be making your own butter to cook your own eggs and potatoes. To eat with your own bacon. And put on your own veggies. ‘Course you’d have to grow some wheat so you could mill it and bake your own bread, too.

  3. Where did you find the big humidifier? it’s it free standing? Will you tell me if you like it? For some reason I have had the hardest time finding one. grrrr.

    I can just picture the cats running down the hall, afraid. Mine used to be like that – until we got the dog. We keep a baby gate up and Minnie (one of the cats) likes to just throw her body weight against it to push it down so she can get through. The noise doesn’t even startle the cats anymore, but the dog goes INSANE!

  4. Aren’t they the cutest things when the crawl under the cover and chirp when touched?!! My ShellBee cat likes to crawl between the toss pillows on the couch and then peak from behind. That’s how she stalks me when we’re on the couch. If I act as if I don’t see her she reaches a paw out and taps my arm. Then if I tap the pillow she’s under she makes this little whinny ‘meh’ like I’m the one picking on her. I never understand who could resist a furry purry cat!

  5. Those are the best pictures you have taken for your calendars. I love the pictures of the Great Pyrs. I have two and they are the most gentle laid back dogs on earth – well unless they need to take care of a threat to their flock.

  6. Why yes, I did go to Target on Friday. And yes I did get Tim Tams and yes they were delicious, emphasis on were. This is going to be a problem.

  7. I went to Target specifically to get Tim Tams and couldn’t find any! Either I didn’t look close enough or they haven’t made their way to Arkansas yet.

  8. So, I have a couple of weird cat behavior questions.

    Do any of your cats put things in their food and water bowls? My cat likes to get her puff balls, my pony tail holders, that little ring around the milk jug, a plastic ring she found of my daughters, etc. She also likes to bring stuff and put it in my bed. Last night I was blessed with a soaking wet puff ball and most mornings I wake up with her black and red ribbon in my bed.

    Also, what is with the infernal licking? She’s an inside cat, terrified of the outdoors (guess I shouldn’t have named her “Bad Ass Ninja Cat”) and cleans herself constantly. Annoyingly constantly. Every time I pet her she has to clean herself and/or me. Licking, licking, licking, licking. GAH.

    Any insight?

  9. I don’t know how you ever chose 12 pics for each calendar. LIfe is stressful enough without having to make such decisions.

    I know you posted about Tim Tams the other day but I’ve never heard of them. I’m not sure I should explore further, though. I have enough bad habits as it is.

    Mack Daddy Joe B. is totally pimpin’!

  10. OK, Here’s a crazy reader dream for ya…

    In this dream, there were a shortage of pigs on the planet and humans were being used as surrogates. Here I was, pregnant with piglets, and you happened to be the only qualified human/piglet midwife. So I made the 5 minute drive from Maryland to Alabama so that you could deliver my piglets.

    Thought you might want to know… May be a new career for you!

  11. Nobody else is suspicious of that loaded sentance? “We stood around and Fred talked to the owner for quite a while, and we bought a few things before heading home.”

    Whatjall buy? I think it was a potbelly, some ducks and pyraneese.

  12. Debbie, Jane has just gone quiet for a bit. She’s started a new job, and she said she’d be posting less, but the natives are getting restless. I think that’s all that’s about.

  13. The Other Kathy…thanks, I knew about that…I was worried something more had happened. I know what you mean, I miss her posts!! She and Robyn are part of my everyday.

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