
scoot on over to Donna’s site and help her Pay it Forward, won’t you?

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This month seems to somehow be simultaneously screaming by and plodding along. I hit the “fuck this” wall as far as exercising goes, and didn’t do the elliptical yesterday or today. I also hit the “fuck this” wall on cleaning the entire house every Saturday, but I did dust and vacuum yesterday, did a lot of rearranging and decluttering and laundry, so I’m considering the day not a total loss. Local reader J kindly offered us a bunch of boxes of canning jars that her father and his fiancee had cleared out of a deceased relative’s house, and we were thrilled to accept. Not only did she give us the jars for FREE, she and her fiance delivered them to us yesterday. I could get used to that kind of service! I haven’t gotten a final count on the number of jars we’ve got, but the first load of them is in the dishwasher being cleaned, and I imagine we’ll be running the dishwasher at least a couple more times. Thanks, J! Spanky actually made an appearance while we were standing in the front room talking yesterday. In fact, he appeared twice, went slinking around the room, stretching and showing off. Not the scaredy-cat he used to be – it’s only taken him 11 years to get used to the idea that strange humans aren’t necessarily going to snatch him up and torture him. The other cats evaporated, though, and weren’t to be seen. Since we didn’t have much taped on the DVR, we ran to the movie store yesterday afternoon, and last night we watched Evan Almighty and Catch and Release, both of which I really kind of liked. I didn’t expect to like Evan Almighty, given that I haven’t heard a single good thing about the movie, but I did. Steve Carell is usually pretty damn funny, and this remains one of my favorite movie moments – it always makes me laugh ’til I cry – and so if you’re looking for an entertaining, not terribly deep movie, you could do worse. I liked Catch and Release, too, because I like Jennifer Garner and I love Kevin Smith, but my god – the way Kevin Smith throws “sir” into every other goddamn sentence just gets all over my nerves. Also, Timothy Olyphant needs a good hard smack. Otherwise, good enough movie. A little predictable, but worth the watch. For tonight, we have Sicko and some crappy horror movie Fred chose, and of course there’s always The Amazing Race, woohoo! For now, I have jars to look through, laundry to fold and put away (my laundry didn’t dry on the line yesterday, despite hanging out there for ten hours, so I’m running it through the dryer this morning. SUCK.), litter boxes to clean out, and bathrooms to scrub. Fun!
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So, back at the end of September, we had foster kittens – five sisters – and we only had them for a few days. They passed through to Petsmart pretty quickly. Dulcinea got adopted fast, but the other four stayed at the pet store, and every week I’d go in on Mondays to clean, and I’d say “WHAT are you girls still doing here? Are people nuts? You’re so pretty and sweet and friendly!” I’d give them some extra love, put them back in their cage, and tell them to get adopted before next Monday. They didn’t, though. Last Monday when I was there, I came up with an idea, and when I got home I suggested to the shelter manager that I take the KATG2 bunch to the pet store, put them in the big cage where the four sisters were residing, then bring the sisters home for a few weeks of R&R. She was okay with that, so on Friday I did just that. The sisters are having a good time hanging out in the kitten room, racing around after each other, and doing lots of napping. Skittles is spending most of her time under the dresser – she’s interested in playing, but not so much in being petted – but I think that given a little time, she’ll come around. Punki (front) and Elle chill out. Felicia is such a sweet little goofball. Skittles hides under the dresser. “I vant to be alone.” Punki, ready to pounce. Felicia and the Crazy Eyes. Pretty Elle poses. Play time for Punki. *************************** Brudderly love. Tommy’s working on his “Booger hate” look. Bath time for brudders.
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: Apparently I’ve got the Jaws of Doom. 2004: Reader questions. 2003: Of course, my immediate response is “Are you on drugs???” 2002: I think that everyone there had a little cartoon question mark over their head, ’cause I sure as shit did. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry. 1999: No entry.]]>

One thought on “11-18-07”

  1. Kitty R&R.
    You are a saint!
    Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
    P.S. Of course you can use the Christmas dishes. I hope you share a photo of your holiday table!

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