
Christmas plates out of the garage where they’re stored, so we can eat off of them. I’ve been assured by several people that it’s not tacky to serve Thanksgiving dinner on Christmas plates, so y’all just shut up.

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Tufted Titmouse at the feeder. (flickr) Chickadees at the feeder. I sure do love chickadees. They’re so freakin’ CUTE. (flickr)
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Yesterday was a Newt-filled kinda day. I don’t know why, but Newt adores sleeping on that box. Keeping an eye on crazy little Spooky and the straw. Facing down Spooky. “STOP STARING AT ME, LITTLE KITTEH!” Eyeballing the food dish. Heading for the food dish, while Spooky darts in to take a sniff. Deuce’s turn to do some sniffin’. I don’t know what was going on on the other side of the cat carrier, but it sure made Newt bring out the Crazy Eyes.
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Previously 2006: Here’s Doctor Robyn’s list of diagnoses. 2005: Cat hair on the seat of your pants! It’s the Next Big Thing! 2004: Do you suppose that cats realize that when we kiss them, it’s a sign of affection? 2003: NAS-TAY. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Thanks, y’all, for your emails regarding hamster sex. 1999: So, I didn’t get the kitten. ]]>

13 thoughts on “11-17-07”

  1. I watched part 1 & 2 of the Oprah show and I immediately started to panic about my own house, especially my closet. It’s very full. The day to day clutter in the living areas I can deal with without much stress, but closets? If it’s hidden, it ain’t there has always been my motto. Last time I decluttered the closets would have been about a year ago, right after the holidays, and I’m shocked! at the amount of junk I have in them now. Time to do it before the holidays, I think. I know that I could never let my own home become filled with garbage and junk, but something that was said rang true with me, along the lines of “don’t be judging. It doesn’t matter if it’s one drawer, one room or your whole house. Clutter is indicative of deeper issues.” Oh, thanks for pointing out just one more neurosis I have, Oprah.

  2. I was riveted to Oprah’s hoarding show too and I can attest to the fact that the 2 bags a day trick would work well. For a while my routine took me past St. Vinnie’s every week so I decided to drop at least a brown paper grocery bag each time. At first it was easy to come up with several bags but I knew I was making progress when I was having to scrounge to fill up a bag. Now I’m mostly left with the stuff the fledglings have left behind in the nest, dh’s computer graveyard and crap, and paper. My goal is to pare down my personal belongings to no more than one could fit in the trunk of a car. To that end I now keep a cardboard box in the garage next to my car and a stash of oversize Target and BB&B bags handy and I try to always be on the look out for things we don’t need or look any more. I think it’s the greatest gift I could leave my children, to not have the burden of sorting through piles and piles.

  3. I LOVE hoarder shows! I can’t wait to get some QT with my DVR so I can check these out. Perhaps I should watch them before I start my de-wallpapering project today. Anything to avoid starting on that dastardly task, right?!

  4. We’ve hired and totally filled the Dumpster THREE TIMES since December 2005, and we’re still NOT DONE YET! :-/

  5. I watched part one and couldn’t wait to see part two. I thought the husband was some kind of zombie automaton. I was also surprised they only got $13,000 for that stuff. They must have sold it for a quarter apiece! I thought they were going to get $50,000. from selling all that crap. Anyway, I think the Mom will go BACK to hoarding. She just seemed so emotionally fragile. What do you think?

  6. Love, love, love your Christmas plates! And thanks for education me that a Titmouse is a bird; I always thought it was some kind of rodent.

  7. Thanks for the linky-love! I’ve been shopping like crazy already. Luckily this stuff will leave my home soon… I’m also de-cluttering and selling stuff on eBay and doing my best not to be too much of a pack rat. My dad lives like a hoarder. It’s really, really bad… he looks so good/put together on the outside and it’s all about “appearances” with him… but his ex-girlfriend didn’t get to come to his house ONCE in 9 years, you’d think she would have questioned that…? I haven’t been there in 5 years myself. My brother has, and he says it’s horrible. I just dread the day he dies and we have to go through that stuff!!

  8. When Mom came to live with us we had to go thru all her stuff. We didn’t realize what a packrat she had become. The basement was the roughest. Box after box of odds and ends that hadn’t any use. She had kept so many boxes of old papers that was really trash but had to be gone thru because we were afraid there might be something important. Whewww

  9. How GREAT that you get Chickadees where you live! I loved them when I lived in Maine, and they don’t make it anywhere close to Arizona. Jealous.

  10. I watched that show. So did my mom and she called me and wanted me to find the quiz so she could take it. She failed….Haha

  11. Is it on YouTube, or did anyone tape it and love me enough to send it to me?
    I took pictures of my cluttery junky mess today, so I can go back at the end and (hopefully) see what a difference I’ve made.

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