
* * * “You want what? To snuggle? HA. Good luck with THAT!” “Bleh.” Sweet Deuce. Keeping an eye on his siblings. A boy and his toy. *************************** I think Sugarbutt looks totally creepy in this picture, like he’s possessed or something. Fred says it’s like in a movie when the evil demonbeast catches sight of you while he’s doing something else. (flickr) Clearly they needed a referee.

* * *
Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: No entry. 2004: NOTHING gets by him. NOTHING. 2003: Yep. When you have a crush on a fictional character and whine about how no one in a NOVEL is telling you anything, it’s about time to get a life, say true. 2002: Obviously she’d never taken Customer Service 101, wherein the “‘Thanks!’ = go away” equation is covered thoroughly. 2001: Poor Sadie. Those damn mean cats just refuse to play with her… 2000: No entry. 1999: No entry.]]>

9 thoughts on “11-12-07”

  1. Robyn! I was reading your 2002 entry and loved your “business” comment to the Staples girl, but did you really say that or just THINK it?

  2. That is definitely a creepy picture of Sugarbutt and Fred’s description makes it that much creepier! Good thing Sugarbutt is such a lover!!

  3. Sugarbutt’s back toes look huge in that picture. I’m still loving his pink nose. As long as his nose is pink, he will never look scary to me.

  4. Does anyone remember an old 70’s movie called “Gargoyles”? That is who Sugahbutt reminds me of…after the girl goes into the desert cave (with the wonky flashlight of course) the gargoyle leader swoops out and grabs her… or sumpthin like that… snicker…

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