* * * I totally flaked out on cleaning the house yesterday. I just did not WANT to clean the house, and so guess what? Didn’t do it. And no one will do a damn thing about it, and I can turn a blind eye to the dust for as long as I like, and I love being able to slack when I want. I did do my 35 minutes on the elliptical, though, does that count? I bought a $35 DVD player at Target on Friday, and it works just fine. $35 for a DVD player. Remember when they were several hundred bucks? Lord. And then, after I didn’t clean the house (but after I did vacuum the upstairs and spend some extra time with the kittens), Fred and I took a drive to Amish country in Tennessee. Getting away from the house for several hours was just what the doctor ordered. Fred bought all kinds of man toys (does that sound dirty?) and I bought… pretty much nothing, but that’s okay, I just wanted to get away. And we did! We stopped at a Goodwill store in Lawrenceburg (home of Senator Fred Thompson!) because I wanted to look around, and Fred ended up with two complete outfits to wear while working outside, AND a Promise Keepers t-shirt, which made both of us laugh ’til we snorted. I looked at the women’s clothes, but didn’t find anything I liked. I think later today I’m going to go to the store and buy a couple of pots of Mums for the front porch. The gerbera daisies and impatiens I had finally died due to the cold, so I need to put something else out there; the porch is looking pretty bare. The other day I was sitting at my computer when the front doorbell rang. The cats freaked out and evaporated, and I ran to the side window to see if someone was parked in the driveway. There was a bluish Mercedes or BMW sitting there, one I didn’t recognize, so I didn’t answer the door. Why should I answer the door if I’m not expecting anyone, I ask you? After the person at the door knocked a few times, he gave up and I watched him walk to his car. He resembled Fred’s father a lot, but I know the car his parents drive, and that wasn’t it. The guy backed out of the driveway, drove down the road a little, and pulled into another driveway, and went inside. So he was apparently a neighbor, and for the rest of the afternoon I wondered what he wanted. Did he want to buy some eggs? Did he have a complaint about the loudness of the TV in the garage when I worked out? Was he coming to tell me that he’d hit Newt or Maxi on the road? Something else entirely? I didn’t have to wait long to find out – later, after Fred made a trip to Lowe’s, he was standing in the driveway gathering the stuff he’d bought, and the man pulled in and asked if we had any eggs to sell. I don’t mind selling eggs to strangers, but I don’t know that I want them knocking on the door looking for eggs when there’s NO sign out there, damnit.

I just LOVE weekend posts! Woo hoo! For some reason I see a lot of slacking off in December though, lol.
Man, I would buy eggs from you too. I’m one of those pseudo vegetarians who eats eggs and buying the organic “free range” (Mm, right) ones are really expensive.
Hey Robyn, hope you enjoyed your trip to Lawrenceburg. You know I love going up there! I imagine it’d be hog heaven for Fred, what with all the farm implements and old-fashioned do-it-yourself-stuff. Did you cruise around off the main road & get back where the Amish families live? It’s beautiful country this time of year. We are headed out for a day in the country ourselves here shortly. Oh and I hear you about people coming to the door. Hate that. Hmm. Maybe yall need a new sign for out front: “NO EGGS TODAY.” Or “Beware of the Cats.” Hee!
Man Robyn,
I think you should put some of these cat stories into one of the Kodak gallery books and then let your readers buy them. I’d buy a couple as gifts!
I do love your bird girlz and your catz even the ones who are not yourz and I think you and Fr3d are The Bomb. The commentz comment poster trying to pimp cars and carcredit though, Not.So.Much.
Great post, keep rocking our NaBloPoMo world!
My neighbor sells eggs and he has a permanent sign that says “FRESH EGGS” on his lawn, and a little one he hings from a hook that says “SOLD OUT” when he doesn’t have any more. That may help alleviate the situation if you did something like that.
Thanks for the weekend posts!
i totally agree with not anwering the doorunless you are expecting someone. i worked at home for a while and one day there was a commanding knock on my door. i didn’t it, and didn’t recognize either of the two men in FBI suits at the door. imagine my surprise when they tried to open the door- thankfully it was locked. they finally left and there was a church pamphlet on the doorstep. i wonder what they would have done if the door had been unlocked. i’m sure it wouldn’t have been the lord’s work!
No door answering here either, unless we are expecting someone, though my DH (the softie) will answer if it’s one of the neighborhood kids hawking their overpriced school stuff.
Tigerbutt looks like a wild tiger peeking from behind the weeds!
I have to join in with the suggestion for a “Sold Out” or “No Eggs Today” sign. That should keep the pushy neighbors away. Of course, if your neighbors are lonely old people they just might come knocking anyway for no reason.
Good move to keep your doors locked and don’t open it to strangers. A former neighbor of ours got raped (with her toddler present) by an attacker who pushed his way in when she answered the doorbell.
Love the kitty pics.
The kitty saga is the best. How’d you get them to pose like that? HeeHee.
As of this week, we now have two cats that are not ours that someone has left at our house (gotta love that country living!)
When I only saw one, I started calling him OD (Out-Door) – when the second one showed up, my hubby said we should call it Even, to balance things out.
I said nope, I think we should call it Quits! 🙂
Love today’s kitties in the weeds pictures.
As of this week, we now have two cats that are not ours that someone has left at our house (gotta love that country living!)
When I only saw one, I started calling him OD (Out-Door) – when the second one showed up, my hubby said we should call it Even, to balance things out.
I said nope, I think we should call it Quits! 🙂
Love today’s kitties in the weeds pictures.
I LOATHE uninvited guests. If you feel the need to “stop by” because you are ‘in the neighborhood” call me from the porch. Otherwise, I ain’t answering. apparently the people who lived in my house previously were unsavory…and sometimes people come calling and then will peer in the windows (front and back!) if I don’t answer. Uh, I’ve made that 9-1-1 call. ack!