FOAM 4: Food: New jam flavors.
Outside: Leaves are turning – and falling!
Abstract(ish): Okra pods, drying over the fireplace.
Myself: Sitting in the recliner in my room, being ignored by the kittens. Brats.
I understand and appreciate y’all wanting to buy chicken from us (both frozen and canned), but the word on high from Fred is: no. We’d have to charge too much to make it worth our while (and you might be willing to pay a lot, but we’re not willing to charge a lot, thus the conundrum), and in the end, the chickens are really worth more to us as food rather than an income source, since each chicken provides us with two or more meals.
I’ll let you know if that changes.
Our next door neighbor has a son in his (I think) 20s. Maybe early 30s. He doesn’t always live with her, he seems to show up around the beginning of summer and stay until late fall, from what I can tell. He seems to be the bored sort, and when he’s bored, he comes up with things to do. For a while, he was building small fires (even asked Fred if it was okay to take stuff off our burn pile to get his fires going). Occasionally, he goes into their shed and there’s the sound of hammer hitting something for a while (I have no idea what he’s building, if anything. Maybe he’s just working off his frustrations). Lately, he’s been taking up fishing.
In the back yard.
I guess, strictly speaking, he’s practicing fishing in the back yard. He stands out there with his fishing pole and he casts. Then he reels his line back in, and casts again.
(“He might be casting a weight,” Fred tells me. I’m not sure that really means anything; Fred might be throwing words together to mock my lack of knowledge of fishing. He doesn’t know that I’m a fishing aficionado from way back. Why, when I was a kid, I spent many an afternoon catching and releasing the same damn catfish from Malabeam Lake with my Dad.)
Last year’s attempt to stave off the boredom was hitting golf balls into our garden (which had been put to bed for the winter before this began) and tromping through the garden to retrieve his ball. If you’ve ever had a dog who wasn’t allowed in the living room (RIP Taffy!), you know that they’ll occasionally do something like “accidentally” drop a ball so that it rolls into forbidden territory, and then they prance after it, all “What? It’s my ball. I know I’m not allowed in here, but my ball! I can’t allow it to remain in here!” Same idea.
Recently, Fred happened to see the neighbor’s son inching closer and closer to our property line, casting further and further onto our property. We talked about going over and saying something, but it seems childish to be all “Could you not cast your FISHING LINE into our garden, please?” when Maxi and Newt tromp across their back yard all the damn time and they haven’t complained.
The other night, Fred said “I should go out there at night and put a “NO FISHING” sign in the middle of the garden.”
We laughed ourselves stupid at the idea.
Yesterday afternoon I emailed Fred to tell him that the guy had started mowing the lawn and wondered whether he’d get the front and back lawn done in the same day (he rarely does; and yes, we might need to get a life). Fred emailed me back and said:
It probably depends on whether or not the grassfish are biting.
And I laughed myself stupid again.
This is what big-time partiers Fred and I are: Saturday we left the house after dark for the first time in forever, as I believe I mentioned in yesterday’s entry. We went to get pig feed, and then headed for the movie store. Traffic in Closeville was heavier than we’d expected, and it made Fred crazy because he’s pretty sure that no one else should ever be on the road when he wants to go somewhere – they should all just pull over and let him through.
“You just don’t expect Closeville to have this much traffic on a Saturday night,” he said.
“No kidding,” I said. “There are no bars around here, where the hell are they all going?”
“Probably Huntsville,” he said. “But there are a few bars here. There’s that one in Applebee’s, and the other one in that restaurant we always think about going to, but never have.”
I had to ponder for several long moments before I came out with it “I thought we’re in a dry county?”
“No,” he said. “This is a wet county; [other nearby county] is dry, I think, but Nearville (which is in that county) is wet.”
“Are you sure we’re not in a dry county?”
“We had this discussion like a year ago,” he said. “Doesn’t Publix sell wine and beer?”
“I have no idea at all. I never noticed.”
“Yeah, I looked in the other grocery store before Publix opened. They were selling wine and beer.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” I said. Obviously, alcohol isn’t a big part of our lives, if we (I) don’t even know whether we live in a county where you can buy it.
I haven’t had any kind of alcohol since before I had weight loss surgery, which is almost four years ago. Before that, I don’t know when I had any alcohol – maybe a strawberry daiquiri when I was in Maine the year or two previous. I actually bought strawberry daiquiri mix and whatever the hell alcohol goes into daiquiris (vodka? rum? It’s not gin, I know that much. Is it?) a year or so ago, thinking it would be fun to mix up a batch and drink them one Saturday night. Still haven’t done it.
I’m curious to know what the effect alcohol would have on me, since the weight loss surgery (oftentimes it hits post-op patients harder); I was a lightweight to begin with, I’m wondering if all it’d take is a couple of sips before the room was spinning.
I guess I’m not curious enough to actually give it a try, at least not yet.
Ah, well – one of these days!
Gus is famous! He was on The Daily Kitten yesterday!
The Wonkas are really and truly enjoying their extra space. They’re very good in the mornings – they hear me get up, but it’s not until it’s light out and they hear me coming up the stairs with their snack that they start howling at the door. I open the door, put down their plates, and scoop litter boxes. They eat, then they come over for a snuggle, and then they start racing around.
It was seriously cute, the first day I opened the door so they could have the run of the bathroom and my bedroom. I opened the door, and then sat on the floor of my room. They came out slowly, slinking along the way cats do when they’re not sure what’s going on, and then it’s like Gus realized he had room to really RUN, and he reared up on his back legs and ran forward five or six steps.
It was like he was popping a wheelie!
(Too bad I didn’t have the camera with me.)
Most days, I go up and give them their snack, visit once or twice during the morning, then go up after lunch to lay down on the bed with them and perhaps (usually!) take a short nap. They love to pile on and around me (Mike always claims the spot closest to my face so he can demand kisses), and we all snooze together.
There’s just nothing that makes a nap better than having a pile of purring kittens around you. I highly recommend it!
The Cookie weaning is continuing. Most of the Cookies are doing well – they understand that the plate of food IS their food, and they generally don’t demand bottles. I’ve seen most of them lapping water out of the water bowl, which makes me happy.
Milano/ Pink is proving to be a tough nut to crack, though. She’d really rather have her bottle, thank you. I’ll let HER tell you about that.
“Oh, really. REALLY. You’re under the impression that a couple of plates of canned cat food and a bowl of formula makes a meal, no bottle is required? Boy, I have news for YOU. I am uninterested in the canned cat food, and I know you’ve seen me eat crunchy food in the past, but now? Nah. Not interested. Pardon me while I put myself to bed on the heating pad. I’m going to curl up in a miserable ball of misery, and when you come back in a little while to check on us and hang out and give out pettings, I’m going to just stay here. Sad. Miserable. Starving to death. I’ll ignore you SO thoroughly that, by 4 pm, you’ll be demanding Fred hold me while you make me a bottle. And I will drink that bottle down. SUCKER. I’ll take my next bottle WHENEVER I PLEASE, thank you. Oh, and the best part? You’ll discover, next time you weigh me, that I’ve packed on another 2 1/2 ounces. Clearly I’m starving. Did I mention you’re a SUCKER?”
All five! Left to right: TimTam (Blue), Milano (Pink), Lorna Doone (Orange), Keebler, and of course Hydrox.
I don’t even have to look at the paws of that kitten on the right to know it’s TimTam. She has such a sweet, open face I know her immediately! (She’s the only one of the five who doesn’t have white paws.)
Joe Bob has such a high-pitched, creepy meow. He’s a sweet boy, but that meow can raise the hairs on the back of your neck.
2008: The pigs gave it two (four?) hooves up.
2007: Write about your day!
2006: I guess you can teach an old Fred new tricks.
2005: Canβt a girl be a dumbass without the whole world going into an uproar about it?
2004: For once, he had no good comeback.
2003: βOh yeah. I hate this feeling. I should have just had a Diet Coke.β
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: Can you tell this irks me?
Agustus should have been named Einstein . . . that kitten has some crazy fuz going on! P R E C I O U S ! ! !
Hubbie’s BF’s family named their Maltese puppy Einstein for the same reason.
Oh, that would have been a great name for him!
I had WLS 3 yrs ago in Feb and just starting imbibing this Summer. Whew boy, I’ve been a lightweight for a long time, but boy am I a cheap date now! I actually enjoy a good drink more now than before surgery. They warned us not to drink & drive cuz it truly hits the bloodstream a lot faster, but no worries, I wouldn’t dream of that anyway. My fave is a hot & spicy Bloody Mary. My hunny keeps plying me with Martinis…I can handle a vodka, but a gin Martini knocks me out after a few sips. Good times on the cheap, hehe.
Saw your comment on white chicken enchiladas on nance’s site. I had leftover chicken and made a recipe I found on all recipes last weekend and it was great. They are called chicken enchiladas with creamy green chile sauce.
I did not fry my tortillas. I microwaved them to make them soft. Substituted fat free yogurt for the sour cream. They are not spicy at all. If you want spice, add it. They weren’t covered in a creamy sauce. It was a thinner sauce (the way I made it anyway) and the enchiladas sucked most of it up. You could play with this recipe. I thought I might put rice in with the chicken next time. Add the cheese only on top.
Thanks, Marcie – I very well might have to give that a try!
Grassfish-LMO! What else is there to do in the country but observe crazy neighbors? I would say something to him before he hooks a cat if he’s using hooks. Maybe he isn’t? Hope so. The Cookies are your most adorable fosters so far! If I had a huge house I’d take as many as you’d be willing to part with!
not.a.skimmer.swear! I haven’t seen any posts or pics lately about the pigs….. what’s up with that? Are they gone to pig heaven (the butchers?). I had WLS (lapband) this past April and I have not yet imbibed either. I just don’t want to waste the calories! I get little enough on a daily basis as it is!
I had my WLS 3 years ago (and I just got over 2 complications from it…this far out).
I drink once in awhile and YES what may take another person a couple of drinks only takes me a couple of sips. WHEW BOY.
You and Fred are the best stress busters around :0)
Between the laughter over your Neighbor GrassFisher and Fred’s video clip my day has lighten a load.
You guys are greaat.
I had my surgery 2.5 years ago and I’m a featherweight now. I made the mistake of getting a sangria this year when we went out for our anniversary. Halfway through I was falling asleep at the table. Poor hubby.
A daiquiri gets rum. I was a bartender, I’m sure about this.
I lost 70 lbs and drank the whole time I was doing it! Which sounds, of course, like I lost 70 pounds because I drank and did nothing else π I definitely drink less now and a smaller amount will affect me more than it used to, but I still love my glass of wine with dinner and the occasional pre- or post-dinner cocktail. Wine has a manageable number of calories and if I feel like having a martini or a manhattan, then I just work out a little extra the next day. It’s like chocolate or ice cream or cheese: I enjoy those foods and I enjoy a cocktail. I’m not going to give them up but I’m also going to limit my consumption.
Mmm, now I really want a cocktail π
I can’t believe nobody’s asked… what are the new jam flavors?
Apricot, Cranberry, and Apricot Confetti (has apricot, red onion and peppers. Fred says it’s “odd”, but my other taste tester says it’s really good!)
They’re not officially up for sale yet, but will be once I get around to taking pictures and putting them up on the jam page. π
Interesting article about pig intelligence:
You should get your next pigs a mirror!
What a neat article!
Oh God those kittens are killing me! They’re so damn cute!!!
Ever since I was a little kid we would have kittens that would nurse on your earlobe. Apparently kittens like to suck/nurse , just like babies even when they know how to eat . When they are taken away from their mother too soon (or don’t have a mother) they still have the instinct for the nursing . Maybe Fred should design a pacifier for baby kittens π
also ,those white kittens look exactly like my snow bengal. I’ll email you his picture .(feel free to post it) I have had lynx point siamese cats as well, but those kitties look more like the bengal.
He is casting lines in your yard??? Tell that boy to get a JOB!