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If you love the cheesefest known as The Real Housewives of Orange County, you need to know that season 3 starts tonight!
And speaking of cheesy TV, I did bring the Footballers Wives dvd inside and try it out on the DVD player inside. It plays fine on that player, so we need to get a decent one for the garage. I said to Fred, “I expect you to take care of this”, and he just shrugged and wandered off.
Bastard. I need my cheesy TV while I’m exercising, DAMNIT.
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I didn’t get a picture of it – I had no camera at hand – but the other night I was cleaning the kitchen, and when I was done I walked toward the computer room and on my way, I glanced into the laundry room, because I could hear the Litter Robot running.
Newt was sitting, perfectly still, head cocked, watching the Litter Robot do its thing. Like it was Kitty TV or something.
That Newt is about the cutest thing, and speaking of Newt (lately, I’ve been calling him “Monsieur Newtles” and Fred’s been calling him “Newt-a-lewt”) :

The other night, he claimed Sugarbutt’s basket for himself. He’s good at that, claiming beds that other cats like to use for his own. For a cat who was absolutely terrified the first several times we lured him inside, he’s adapted far quicker than I would have imagined. Feet – or anything, really – moving around under the covers scare him, though.
I had to get up at 4:00 the other morning to go to the bathroom, and Newt heard me get up and like a shot he was in the hallway, and as I walked by, he perked up and began walking in excited circles, obviously hoping that I was about to go let him outside so he could commence hunting. It was too early, though, so I just did my thing and went back to bed. When Fred got up an hour later, he let Newt and Maxi out like he usually does.
When I got up, later, I opened my blinds to look out upon the day, and right outside my bedroom window, Newt was chewing on a dead bird.
That’s an appetizing start to the morning.
I looked out the window yesterday to see that Flappy McGee was roosting on the back of one of the chairs on the patio. I thought she looked pretty funny, so I went to the door to take her picture. She saw me coming, and since the chickens’ immediate reaction is that I MUST be bringing them food, she hopped down off the chair to run over to me.
I got her in mid-hop.

Looks like a bat, doesn’t she?

I just adore that sweet little bright-eyed Rhian. She is SO FREAKIN’ CUTE.


If Jesikat sharpens her claws, Deuce must run over and sharpen his, too. It’s the LAW.

Snuggly Peyton.

Deuce keeps an eye on me.

Pretty Malley.

Maxi makes herself at home.
2006: With a squeak, she fell into the tub and just sat there for a moment with a look that very clearly said “Do you believe this shit?”
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: So, Jackie, how’s the weather up there in Vancouver Washington?
2002: My life. So very exciting.
2001: Instead, when the question was posed to him, he looked at me as if I were perhaps mentally deficient.
2000: Have I mentioned that I love that man?
1999: And when you’re not good at something, unless you’re hugely delusional, you pretty much know that you’re not good at it. Even if you don’t know, there’s always someone more than willing to point it out to you.]]>
So, Fred’s mystery car is revealed?
Maxi has Mister Boogers eyes of HET in that picture!
We be needing to see the picture of the new car, Robin, or is it a “mystery car”? Love, Love, the pretty kitties, oh! and Flappy McGee too. You are a busy girl. How you do it all, I don’t even wanna know!!!
Hi Robyn,
So I,m back from Cayman. Mailed your postcard on Tuesday. Or rather I handed it to the nice lady at the resort who promised it would be mailed. The clock is ticking. I give it another week before you get it. Missed ready your daily entries.
I was thinking the same thing, but I wonder if Robyn just picked a random car to piss Fred off.
I too have a Hyundai Accent and I feel your pain.
I remember I hated my 1988 Taurus because they put the seat belts on for you and if you weren’t ready, it could quickly become ugly.
Skimmers, I refer you to this entry. Also, this one. Love ya! Mean it! Damn skimmers.
Not sure if this will work for you – but it might…my boyfriend’s truck does the same thing with the seatbelt reminders. If you hit the button on the seatbelt (the release button) that shuts his up.
about the seatbelt: my friend has a Ford something or other truck that does the same annoying “you’re not wearing your seatbelt” ding. She told me you press the seatbelt release latch, like you’re unbuckling the belt, and magically the dinging went away! Or I went deaf from the dinging, but either way…no more dinging! Worth a shot, right?
We have that same cat toy and our cats LOVE it. Also, Maxi looks like she’s been taking het lessons from Mr. Boogers.
Ohhhhhh…….I feel like an idiot….but I guess we just had it so ingrained that Fred wouldn’t reveal the car that it stuck!
So, of all the matchbox cars you’ve purchased, which one do you like better: The Roxio, the Reno or the Accent?
Michelle: You shouldn’t, I just like to tease you guys for not ALWAYS knowing every single detail of my life.
To be honest, I’d be surprised if it stuck in anyone’s head what Fred’s new car is. We didn’t make a big deal of it when he bought it, just kind of glossed over it.
Amanda: I’ll save that for Friday’s entry.
Our car does that annoying dinging too. I’ll have to try Kerry’s suggestion!
It’s such a good thing that The Cats That Aren’t Yours now sleep in your house. That will make for an easier winter, don’t you think?
I love the Real Housewives! I cannot drag myself away from it. Did you see any of the marathon that was on on Sunday? I caught some of it. When I have it on and my husband sits down to watch some TV, he does nothing but complain about what a stupid show it is, who cares what those women with too much make up are doing, they all look like they’ve had plastic surgery, oh come on real people don’t live like that, etc., etc., etc. I end up turning it, but it’s tough, it’s like a train wreck, I can’t look away. Do you think I used enough commas in this comment?
Also, I thought of something else about the Real Housewives. Do you think Lauri’s lips look like they need chapstick or something? Her lips gross me out. Maybe too much botox on her wrinkles. I don’t know, there just is something not right about her lips. What are your thoughts on this?
I am soooooooo not a skimmer and I had no idea you had said what kinda car Fred has.
Aaaand I remember reeading BOTH those entries.
My car bitches at me if I keep the blinker on for too long. Though in Atlanta traffic, it’s sometimes necessary.
(BTW, I found a home for one of the younger kittens. Woo! One down, 5 to go.)
I’m so glad Newt and Maxi are NOT your cats.
Just think how spoiled they might become out there ,in the wild ….with no mama. :))))
My friend has a Hyundai Accent and she LOVES it beyond reason. Says it’s the best deal out there. To continue with no point at all, I have a Honda Element and I love it, too.
And The Real Housewives is a fascinating train wreck, but I end up feeling genuinely sad and worried for the young people. Except they’re all so rich.