cleaning spray and cleaning rags, if you must know), then took a break to make breakfast for Fred and then for myself, ate breakfast, did some aimless surfing, then got back on it. After breakfast, it was just after 11:00, and I dusted the entire downstairs (I did the upstairs right before I vacuumed it), wiped down the kitchen counters, and then decided to rearrange and clean the shelf unit in the laundry room. Then I vacuumed the entire downstairs, cleaned the floor in the kitchen (cleaning spray and rags), and all of a sudden it was almost 1:30. I still have no idea how it ended up taking me so long to do the dusting, vacuuming, counter-wiping, and rearranging. If I had to guess, I’d say that should have taken only about an hour. Maybe I stopped and took a nap in the middle of it all, and have just forgotten? In any case, the house! Is! Clean! for another week! Woot! While I was cleaning, I was vacuuming in the dining room, and as I watched, two wasps came out of the fireplace and flew into the computer room. We’ve wondered where the fuck they’ve been coming from – and suspected that they’ve been coming down the chimney in the dining room – but it’s good to have confirmation of that suspicion. At this point I’m killing between four and six a day. The cats come in handy when it comes to wasps – they always perk up and run over to the general direction of where the wasp is, so I know where to go with my fly swatter. I’ve gotten so good at killing wasps that I can occasionally swat them out of mid-air with the swatter, like it’s a tennis racket and they are the ball, and I hit them hard enough that they’re dead before they hit the ground. I suspect that when I was little and would run in terror from any kind of bug at all, screaming “Beechie! Beechie!” (I have no idea where I came up with that name for bugs) no one would have EVER believed I’d be killing wasps several times a day without batting an eyelash.

OMG, you are SO trying to make me look like a lazy SLOB and I hate you! I’m going to go wipe down SOMETHING now, dammit. But I’m still not exercising – that shit can be deadly, ya know.
Am I the only one who’s confused about what constitutes a proper push-up? Are women supposed to be doing push-ups from the toes now or are the knees still an acceptable alternative? And how far down do we have to go before going back up?
When I was in school, girls weren’t allowed to do knee push ups, we had to do toes. We had someone spotting us and we had to go down until we touched their thumb which was extended up from their fist. When we did the presidential pysical fitness test at the end of my senior year, I could do 40 toe push ups! (I don’t think I can do one now!)
Nance: Hey, whatever I can do to make you feel inadequate!

Lulu: The article specifically said bent-knee push-ups, so that’s how I did it. And generally I go far enough down that my chin almost touches the floor. Well, that’s how I do it at the beginning. Toward the end of my 60-second push-up extravaganza, I was cheating more than a little.
Renee: I don’t think I could do even one toe push-up – but I might have to try later today and see!
does anybody else read her cleaning process while mouth is dropped open and eyes bulge out?
whew she makes me tired
I’ve come to grips with my inherent lazitude. Which means nothing gets done, but now I don’t care!
It’s great. I highly recommend it.
I feel impressed and inspired by Robyn’s cleaning routine and it’s a great calorie burn when you can keep moving and do a top to bottom house clean in a morning or afternoon. I’ve been making and using the same cleaning spray she uses for years. I saw the recipe in an issue of Consumer Reports and it’s as streak-free as Windex and I figure it disinfects as well as those sprays made for disinfecting.
Damnit, now I’m feeling guilty for sitting on the sofa not doing anything while my boyfriend plays video games. Logging off to swiffer the bathroom.
I have never been able to do a single pushup, ever. Not knees, not toes, not nothing. Not even wall pushups. I can go UP perfectly fine, but I cannot let myself down.
Also, Robyn, I think if you keep posting about housecleaning I am going to come over there and kick your ass. Stop being so industrious, dammit! Lounge around in bed all day or something!
Rest assured that I am doing NOTHING today. The only reason I spend hours cleaning on Saturdays is so I don’t have to clean during the week, except for occasionally running the vacuum cleaner.
I find it interesting both Maxi and Newt gravitated towards the kitties that look the most like them!
I miss you blogging daily. This is nice. (hard on you, but a treat for the rest of us)
Have a good rest of the day!
why are you updating on the weekend?
it’s a November (update every day for a month) challenge she’s doing with Nance (I think).
Since you did so much housework, I am taking the day off. Thank you!

Hi Robyn,
I have a question for the cat expert.We have a cat at the office. She was there living under the building when we all (the people I work with and for) first came there and was wild WILD WILD. But she gentled down over a period of time and now she is the office kitty although she lives outside. Last winter I made her a house with bedding when it got cold and wet outside. So this is the only home she’s ever known.
The problem: In the next 2-3 months we are moving. The owners are building a new office about a mile away. It will be along a much busier street and closer to the street. How can we make her transition safe and stress free? Several of us have talked about making her in inside cat. Any suggestions?
I need a nap just reading that…
Okay, I’ve just skipped down the entire entry to the comments, so I could ask WHY ARE WE ALL HERE ON SUNDAY? Is something going on? What’s happening? And should I be preparing for something that everyone knows about except me? I’m all kerflumpt. Seriously.
I’m going to to read your entry now. Good day.
Question about Maxi and Newt. Don’t you live fairly close to the road? Do they not go near it? And I love you updating daily….