10/6/09 – Tuesday

Did I mention I’m selling jams and hot sauces? The Chunky Caramel-Apple Jam was popular enough that it sold out pretty quickly, leading me to believe that I need to add it to the supply permanently.   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * … Continue reading “10/6/09 – Tuesday”

Did I mention I’m selling jams and hot sauces?

The Chunky Caramel-Apple Jam was popular enough that it sold out pretty quickly, leading me to believe that I need to add it to the supply permanently.


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We had leftover Roasted Asshole for dinner last night, and it was as fabulous as the first time.

I love me a good juicy Asshole.

(Go back and read yesterday’s entry if you have no clue what I’m talking about, SKIMMER.)


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Jon Gosselin: not only a douchebag, but unable to run that super-complicated spell check.

“Penelty,” indeed. You’d think, knowing that the media would be all over that sign, he’d have thought about double-checking the spelling (or maybe having someone with half a brain double-check it for him while he was busy being douchey.)


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I read in TV Guide last week that over the summer, the average person watched 32.2 hours of TV per week.

32.2 hours? Are you fucking kidding me? THIRTY-TWO HOURS? That average has got to be thrown off by high school students who don’t have anything to do during the summer but watch TV, right? That can’t possibly people who have JOBS, for god’s sake. I don’t have a job, and I’m almost always two weeks behind in my regular TV-watching (with the exception of Grey’s Anatomy). I’ve been working my way through the second season of Gossip Girl for months now (mostly because I don’t watch it unless I’m traveling). I record every episode of Oprah on the DVR, but tend to delete the majority of them without watching because while some of them look like they could be interesting, I don’t want to take the time to watch them. I’ve given up on Jon & Kate Plus 8, because it got boring when Kate decided to stop showing her figurative ass and act like Happy Kate.

Fred and I generally watch about two hours of TV in the evening (and that’s a very generous number – most of the time it’s more like an hour and a half; Sunday night I whined about being tired, so we stopped watching TV at a little after 8, which gave us about an hour of TV time), we’ve lost interest in Survivor and The Amazing Race. We very rarely watch movies in the afternoon on a Saturday or Sunday IF it’s raining out and we have absolutely nothing else to do. I usually sit on the couch and watch TV for about three hours on Friday (and when I’m watching a Real Housewives show, I flip through magazines and half-watch the show). So I figure I’m getting, at the most, about 17 hours of TV in a week. And let me reiterate: I don’t have a job. I can’t imagine trying to cram 32.2 hours of TV into my week.

So roughly how many hours of TV do you watch per week? Thinking about my days, I could probably watch TV after Fred went to bed, or maybe watch TV in the afternoon instead of reading for an hour or so while warm purring kittens are piled atop me.


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Yesterday morning, I got up and showered and dressed, and then headed downstairs to feed the Wonkas. I was going to get some baby food for the True Bloods, because even though they don’t particularly need it, I still give them some baby food as an early morning treat.

I spoil my fosters, y’know.

When I headed downstairs, one of the True Bloods (I’m pretty sure it was Sam) had his paw sticking out under the door. Elwood was in the hallway, sniffing at Sam’s paw.

I got downstairs, opened the back door to let our cats into the back yard, and started calling for Tom, so I could put his collar on him. When I couldn’t find him in the back part of the house, I decided to check upstairs for him. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, Sam came trotting down the stairs.

“Wha?” I said, wondering if somehow he’d been out of the foster room all night without my realizing it. Stranger things have happened.

And then Bill came trotting down the stairs, followed by Hoyt and Terry. I went upstairs and looked, and the door to the foster room was wide open.

I don’t know who or how, but either a True Blood or Elwood (or perhaps both, working as a team) had gotten the door open.

It didn’t happen this morning, so I’m thinking (hoping) it was a one-time thing. We’ll see about that! Maybe we’ve got some little Houdinis on our hands.


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I’m pretty sure that Elwood thinks he’s a True Blood. He can usually be found in the middle of a bunch of them, playing. He is going to miss them in a big way when they’ve gone off to be adopted! (Please note Lafayette over to the side, complaining about something. Doesn’t he look like he’s in great emotional pain?)

Jake’s a fan of the True Bloods, too.

Terry and Sam, in the cat bed on the chair in my bedroom.

A sprawl o’ kittens.


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The Wonkas are doing well – I’ve seen them all eating Babycat crunchy food right from the dish as well as canned food, so I know they won’t starve to death. I should probably wean them off the bottle, but have I mentioned that I spoil my bratty fosters? They’re just so HAPPY when they’re sucking down their bottle, and they always look so hopeful when they see me coming into the room. And now that they’ve figured out that whole latching-on thing, they are so EASY to bottle-feed. I’m going to spoil them just a little while longer. DON’T JUDGE ME.

“Auntie Hyacinths says you HAVE to spoil me and give me the bottle whenever I want it!”

“I would be very sad if you stopped giving me the bottle, and the internets would call Kitty Protective Services on you!”

“I was just checking out my box, and I heard someone say there’s a bottle in the room?!”

“I am a wee starving kitteh, and I want my bah-bah!”

Look at that smug little face!


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Pretty, pretty Gracie. (I know I don’t put up enough pictures of the dogs. Therefore, the rest of this week I’ll include dog pics at the end of the entry! You’re welcome.)


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2008: Pretty batshit crazy, as it turns out.
2007: No entry.
2006: You all have my full permission to skip the boring stuff to get to the cute kitten stuff.
2005: I forsee a lot of spud-teasing this evening.
2004: Phil Hellmuth is a whiny little bitch.
2003: β€œAnd then he told me he likes to have sex with you in the break room every day at 11!” he lied.
2002: No entry.
2001: Recovery.
2000: No one ever said I had a long attention span!

34 thoughts on “10/6/09 – Tuesday”

  1. I thought I watch a lot of TV. I don’t come anywhere near 32 hours, more like 15-20. Of course that doesn’t count Sundays, when I have one or another football game on all day long. I don’t actually sit and watch more than a few minutes here and there as I putz around the house, doing Ihavenoideawhat.

    1. I wonder if they included the hours of having the TV on while people are off doing other things. I bet they did – which might explain the high average. We only have the one TV, and it’s at the front of the house. If we had a TV in the computer room or kitchen, I bet I’d have it running in the background just to have something to glance up at while I’m working on something.

  2. Since the Tivo/DVR came along, you can breeze through shows pretty fast, skip commercials, etc… I wonder if they mean real-time hours or TV show hours? See, now I’m all confused.

  3. I don’t think that Jon Gosselin made that sign. If he did, he is truly an idiot – his first name is spelled wrong. πŸ™‚

    1. Hmph. I didn’t even notice that. πŸ™‚

      (Maybe he used some of that money he (allegedly) drained from their joint bank account to pay someone to make the sign!)

  4. I’m afraid I am one of the people raising the average. Mike and I probably watch at least 4 hours a night during the week and more than that over the weekend. Each fall season we try any new shows that seem interesting – normally we can delete at least half of them after the first 5 minutes. This season, there have been no shows deleted so far – which is why there’s nearly 50 hours of TV on the DVR. Surprisingly, we still have tons of time to do other fun stuff (and work!). Free time is one of the advantages of being a DINK.

    Also, please bundle up all available kittens and send them to me ASAP.

    That is all.

    1. Does it make you nervous when there’s too much recorded on the DVR? If our available space drops below 50%, we’re like “WE HAVE TO CLEAR SOME SPACE!!!”

      I can just see your mailman now – “Uh, this package seems to be… hissing?”

      1. Mike gets twitchy and starts deleting things randomly, but our DVR has 50+ more hours free so I don’t worry too much. Worse case – I get the disc from Netflix or watch it on Hulu!

        1. What on earth did we do before television shows came out on DVD?! Hard to believe people once upon a time had to be in front of the TV when the show came on or they were out of luck, isn’t it?

  5. I don’t watch TV. So if I am included in that average, someone has to be doing a lot of watching! I do watch DVDs — does that count? I sit at the dining room table with my laptop computer while I am quilting and mostly watch movies that have an English and a Spanish soundtrack. I watch them first in English so I know what is going on, and then I watch them in Spanish with Spanish subtitles. My Spanish still sucks. I waste my time reading instead of TVing.

    And thanks much for the Gracie picture.

    1. I bet they’re counting DVDs in that average. We’re working our way through seasons of CSI (Vegas) and Bones, so approximately 2/3 of what we watch is on DVD.

  6. My tv watching is maybe .5 a day. My husbands is at least 3 on work days and pretty much all weekend long. I would rather spend my time reading 2 books a day on weekends. πŸ™‚

  7. I tried to figure out how much we watched and I think I watch maybe 10 hours a month and I think that may be high! Even my kids rarely watch tv and they range from 14-19. To be honest I don’t know what we do instead of watching tv. Everything but tv I guess!

  8. Watch too much but very often it’s on in the background and I’m not paying attention. It’s company-my stereo doesn’t work. We have to pull out the cabinet I hope Elphaba only disturbed the wires not ate them. That was her favorite hiding spot when she came here as a tiny kitten. The dvd is there too so that doesn’t work either. I record in the dvr a lot-watching the commercials live really pisses me off now. We pay-per-view 1-4 movies a month. We really need to get that fixed to save money with red box. If the dvr is at 70% I’m happy. I have the whole Fringe series from day one and only watched the pilot. Need to watch or delete. I’d have Wolves Of The Cala long done (200 pages to go) if I watched less TV.

    1. I’ve been seriously considering re-reading that series, I love me some Dark Tower!

      @Robyn: Alla sudden, I can see your site today! The angels are singing!

  9. That average does sound pretty high. I might watch a hour a day, I’d rather read
    a book.

  10. I average 5 or 6 hours a week and that’s probably pushing it. And I was going to comment on douchebag dickweed Jon also. He’s just making himself look more and more like a dumbass as the days go by. And we wondered about Kate being the ass!!!

  11. I think I might watch about 1-2 hours a night-depending on the programming. Sunday is my biggest night with 3 hours. I don’t like having it on as background noise, so my usage depends on what shows are on. Though, at the moment, I am watching hours of TV, because I just got hooked on Battlestar Galatica, and am making my way through the DVDs. It’s funny, I never thought I would enjoy the show-but I love it!

    So you and Fred don’t watch the Amazing Race anymore? I still enjoy it, the only reality series that has kept my interest over the years. I gave up on Survivor a couple seasons ago.

    1. No, we just kind of lost interest. We missed most of the first show, and then most of the second, and finally Fred said “You know what? I just don’t care!” and neither did I, so we stopped taping it. Maybe we’re getting reality TV’d out.

  12. I agree that Johnathon (HA – sounds like a long session on the toilet) didnt’ make the sign AND that he is a douche, however, him pulling the plug on the series is the BEST thing either of them has done since this whole debacle started.

  13. I’m above average in my TV watching. I can’t help it!! There are so many shows I like! I’m unemployed, so that explains most of it. IF I were working {which is what I’d MUCH rather be doing}, I know that my TV time would be cut drastically.

  14. Anthony Bourdain ate chicken asshole on his show once. Ewwww.

    Do you watch Food Network? Do you hate “Cooking for Real” as much as I do? That show is worthless, and I’m sick of the host’s wig. She makes nothing worthwhile, and name-drops every five seconds. EUGH!

    That is all.

  15. I wonder if next time instead of roasted asshole, you could make asshole nuggets? Or asshole fingers? With Dippin’ sauce! πŸ™‚

  16. Asshole nuggets. THAT is why I read your comments, Robyn, things like that right there. High five to Granny Melissa.

    I watch about a half-hour, maybe 45 minutes of TV/DVDs… a month. I only watch it if I’m at someone else’s house and they have it on (what IS it with people who have to have the TV on constantly? I can see turning it on because you’re going to watch something, but there are a lot of people who seem to think that you can’t close the front door if the TV’s not on yet) or if I’m passing through the den and my son has something on that I can’t resist. That’s one of the reasons that I DON’T watch it more often – I can’t make conversation or read a book or do anything other than stare gape-jawed and drooling at the screen. I cannot for the life of me understand how people can carry on a conversation, cook a meal, do ANYTHING with the TV going.

    What’s really stupid about all that is, I just bought a big 47″ (or something) flat screen TV. In my defense, the TV we had was ENORMOUS despite being only about a 27″ screen, and weighed more than 100 pounds (honest). The entire den had to be organized around where the TV fits, and it drove me nuts. The new one will be wall mounted, as soon as I get around to that, and that’ll free up the floor plan for the entire (obnoxiously-narrow) den.

    My son thinks he’s going to take the big TV with him when he goes to college. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I may not watch it, but at least I’ll HAVE it in case I ever DO decide to watch something on it.

  17. I spend a lot of time in front of a TV that is turned on, but most of the time, I’m not “watching” it ’cause I’m surfing the net and reading my blogs.

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