* * *
Things I forgot to mention yesterday:
1. The garage at the Smallville house is very much open to the elements. I was in the upstairs of the garage on Saturday sweeping up all the crap, and I realized that you could see directly outside from the second floor. No wonder there are so many dirt dawber and yellowjacket nests. We’re going to have to do something about that if we’re turning part of the second floor of the garage into a foster kitten room, since exposed to the elements = too hot in summer, too cold in winter, and a window air conditioner/ heater won’t help all that much. I actually tried to convince Fred that we should turn half of the front room (which will be half living room, half sitting area/ reading room) into a foster kitten room, just put up a wall and door, but he wouldn’t go for it.
2. We stopped at a little country store less than half a mile from the new house on Sunday. They have a little deli section at the back of the store, and we’d brought bread and condiments with us, and bought some deli ham and cheese at the store, so we could make ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch. The cheese was DIVINE. As I was eating one of the extra slices of cheese, I said to Fred, “I don’t guess this is 2% cheddar, huh?” “I doubt it,” he said. No wonder it was so damn good!
3. As we were eating lunch on Sunday and watching the traffic go by, Fred said that he kind of wished the house was a little further from the road. “We could just tear the house down and build a new one at the very back of the back forty. And then we could have a long driveway with huge trees lining the driveway, like the road in Forrest Gump!” Fred said, “Yeah, except the trees wouldn’t get that big in our lifetime!” He’s always a party pooper.
4. I tried to convince Fred that we should put a pool in the middle of the back forty, and put a screened-in gazebo next to it. It would be quiet and peaceful, and all we’d hear would be the sounds of the crickets singing, birds chirping, and the gentle splash of the tequila as it hit my glass. (Or not – one of the sucky things about being diagnosed with a liver disease is that you can’t drink much because it taxes your liver. This is heartbreaking to me because I am SUCH a big drinker.) Fred pointed out that probably after the first few months of having to trek back to the middle of the back forty to use the pool, we’d get tired of it and never go back there again. This is true – but Fred’s still a party pooper.
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We went to Lowe’s and bought a refrigerator last night. The space where the refrigerator will be going is kind of small, so our choices were limited. We found one that would fit perfectly, and then it was just a matter of choosing the color – black, white, or bisque. I kind of wanted the black one, because our white refrigerator gets so grimy, especially on the handles, but I thought a black refrigerator would look odd in the kitchen, so we opted for the white. There was a stainless steel one that I REALLY liked, but it would have stuck out too far. Also, it was way more expensive than the one we got, so there you go.
They’re going to call when it arrives at Lowe’s to set up delivery. I hope it’s soon, because lugging the cooler back and forth is getting to be a bit of a pain in the ass.
We stopped by the house so Fred could try to get the rollbar on the tractor put down (which he did) and I could drop off the clean cleaning rags. Neither of the bird feeders I hung up on Sunday had been touched at all; I guess it’ll take a few days before the birds decide to start checking out the feeders.
The dirt dawber was still hanging out in the laundry room. If I’d had something to smack at him with from a distance, I would have killed him, but I didn’t (need to get a fly swatter), so he’s still there.
Tonight, we’re heading out there as soon as Fred gets home. We’re going to finish primer-ing the guest bedroom, hopefully, and perhaps start on the spud’s bedroom. I’ve never painted a damn thing before; hopefully I won’t fuck it up too badly.
* * *
Maddy is officially off the bottle! She hasn’t had any formula in two days, and she’s still using the litterbox plenty and is bouncing around with as much energy as ever – if not a little more. She and Sugarbutt actually PLAYED this morning, and I got a little movie of it, but it’ll be a few days before I get around to putting the movie up for y’all to see.
This morning Maddy weighed in at 1 pound, 3 ounces (or thereabouts – it’s hard to get an exact weight on her at this point, she’s so wiggly and squirmy), which means that she’s almost doubled in weight (and probably size as well!) since we got her. As of Thursday, she’ll be guesstimated to be 6 weeks old, and I’ll be giving her her first vaccination.
They grow so fast, don’t they?

Maddy does her rabid bat impression.

Sleeping. The only time she’s still.
More pictures
over here.
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Reader yawny pet pics:
Ariel says, I couldn’t resist contributing to your yawny pet pics section and the chance to give my kitty her 15 minutes of fame. 😉 This is Neko, who is about 10 years old and has been my companion since she was maybe 6 months old. She’s the sweetest cat on the planet, but these pics crack me up because they make her look so decidedly evil. Awww, she doesn’t look evil. She looks like she’s giggling! Okay, maybe in an evil way…
Melissa says, Kitty pictures, my favorite! I’ve included a few of my little boy, Mr. Puss (or Stinky as we so lovingly refer to him) … he’s still a baby and not too cooperative with getting the yawn pictures caught on file, but I’m working on it! I love the way Mr. Puss looks like he’s smiling in the top picture! What gorgeous eyes he has.
Hey mom, is it hockey season yet??!
Psycho kitty with curved fangs
She thinks you’re REALLY funny!
I mean REALLLLLLY funny!
She doesn’t like stupid people… Isis (the top two pictures) and Murron (the bottom three) belong to Lisa. I LOVE that second picture of Murron – she looks like a little vampire kitty.
Alice belongs to Turtlemama, who says, This is just one of our three cats. This is Alice, whom we call Pretty Miss Alice or “Ow! Don’t fucking bite me!” Sometimes it’s both, “Hey Pretty Miss Alice! OW! DON’T FUCKING BITE ME!”. She likes to bite for no good reason…she’s always done it, she’s her own cat and no one can make her change. yeah.
Anyway, it’s not yawning, but they are good ‘Kitty sticky tonguey outie’ pictures! Is it just me, or in that first picture does Alice look like she’s thinking “You want a piece of me? ‘Cause I will MESS YOU UP!”?
Lisa says, Here’s my yawning Smudgie, tending bar! Looks like Smudgie’s been partaking of the bar a little, too!
Thanks for sharing your cat pics, Ariel, Melissa, Lisa, Turtlemama, and Lisa!
* * *
2005: If I hadn’ta covered my head with my hands, I might be DEAD right now!
2004: No entry.
2003: “No,” Fred said. “You’re the muffinhead. DID SHE STAND OVER YOU AND MAKE YOU INSTALL IT??”
2002: Spanky is the Lance Bass of our family.
2001: I guess if tomorrow’s Day Zero and Friday is Day One, that makes today Day Negative One.
2000: No entry.]]>
Are you sure it’s not the flashy camera wielding person the Boogs isn’t hatin’ on? Heh.
why why why does Mr. Boogers hate me?
Why does Mr. Boogers hate us so?
Because you ALL never sends me yummy snax. And you ALL is always talking about that stinkin’ little kitten and how cute she is. SHE IS NOT THAT CUTE WHEN HER CLAW IS IN YOUR NOSE AND YOU ARE SNEEZING FOR AN HOUR.
Doesn’t Alice look like she’s using someone else’s tongue to lick with? That tongue does not look like it belongs to her.
Yes, why does Mister Boogers hate us? 🙁
Maddy is the cutest kitten. She is so expressive. She reminds my husband and I of a very expressive dog online named Chuck.
She takes some of the best pictures of him.
Hey Robyn, have you guys heard about the Liger? Someone bred a tiger and a lion. It’s a huge animal. check out those pictures. 3 years old 10 feet tall and weighs 1000 lbs. It’s really pretty though.
Oh yeah, here’s a video of it.
Oh my god, that sleeping Maddy pic is just the most adorable thing ever!
Hi Robyn. I had been searching for the Enell site name on your site, but I remembered it and ordered one last week. I have a question: Does yours ever rub you and leave a sore spot at the bottom of the front, behind the hooks? I think it fits fine, but it just rubs there. I’m thinking if it were a little longer it might be better, but I don’t want to go any bigger because it’s the right amount of tightness. I don’t think a larger size would be longer so much as looser.
I remember you writing about using some kind of power because you were getting chafed. This is not so much of a chafe as a sort spot, so I don’t think (?) it’s the same problem.
Anyway, thanks for the tip!
ah we luv ya boogy!!
Melissa – Your cat is gorgeous!!
If the picture you posted yesterday is the thing in your laundry room, it’s not a dirt dauber (they have long thread-waists and don’t go out of their way to sting you), it’s a rotten vespid wasp – and those things DO go out of their way to sting. When I see one of those babies in my house, I call on my husband to “take care of it” (even though he mocks me for being a chicken), and I advise you to do the same!
I don’t know what I would do without a dose of “Mr. Boogers hates you” shot now and then. His bad-ass attitude cracks me up!
Elizabeth: Yeah, it’s the thing in the laundry room. I got pretty close to it when I was taking the picture; I’m lucky it didn’t come after me, huh? I’m taking a newspaper to the house with me today and I’ll make sure to squish it with some rolled-up newspaper!
Thank you Robyn for the web site for Enell. I finally found it yesterday afternoon after MANY searches! 🙂
I don’t care how many times you do it…the Mr. Boogers hate you shots make me laugh out loud EVERY TIME.
Mr. Boogers does not like all these other cats on his Mommy’s site!
About your Dyson. I am seriously looking into buying one (the same one you’ve got, Dyson Animal DC07), and I would like to know how long you’ve had yours, does it still work as well as it did when it was new, if you’re still loving it, does it really pick up cat hair (especially those fine little downy white belly hairs?) and anything else you could think of about it.
I’m looking at probably spending around $600 here in Canada, so I want to make sure it’s a good investment. My last 2 have been Hoovers which I paid around $200 a piece on & I cannot tell you how much I hate them. Don’t work worth a shit in my opinion.
Hey Robyn, 17 years ago me and my 2 year old grandaughter planted a sapling of a fur tree. I, too, didn’t think that I would live to see it grow to maturity. I turned 70 years old in June, and that darn tree got so big it over took the house. {We made the mistake of planting it too close.} We recently had to cut it down,{sob,sob}. By the way, Fred could build a nice little brick barbecue grill on that concrete slab in the back yard.
I love Mr. Boogs!