
* * * Pet store kitty pics from Monday are here.

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Lately, I’m getting very strong decluttering urges. Yesterday as I sat in the living room watching Grey’s Anatomy (like we don’t KNOW he’s going to stay with his wife. I mean, that’d be the maximum angst situation for Meredith, wouldn’t it?), my attention kept wandering to the knickknacks cluttering the tops of the movie storage racks, trying to decide what I could get rid of. I have collected an awful lot of those damn egg creatures:
and the thing is that I only really really LOVE one of them. And I hate the fact that they’re cluttering up the living room. Same with the Quarry Cats I collect:
I have a ton of them, but I only really LOVE one or two of them. I can’t decide whether I want to just pack them all away to declutter, or get rid of the ones I don’t absolutely love, and keep just the ones I adore. I have a feeling that my need to declutter is going to hit critical mass here in the next few weeks, and I’ll have a ton more stuff to put up on the giveaway page.
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After I left the pet store on Monday, I went to the grocery store, and as I sat at the red light leading out of the grocery store parking lot, I saw this bumper sticker on the SUV ahead of me:
And all I could think was “I don’t get your point…” Which is probably what people will be thinking when they see my new “Gimme Your Tots” bumper sticker. When I get around to putting it on my car, that is.
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I emailed the shelter manager last night to let her know that Sugarbutt would be finishing his medication on Saturday and would be ready to be adopted whenever there’s space at the pet store. She emailed me back to let me know that they’re pretty backed up, and it could be a little while. And I emailed her back to tell her that as far as I was concerned, she could take allllll the time in the world. If it took, like, 10 or 15 years I’d be A-OK with that. You make him giggle. Everyone needs a brudder to help keep him clean. Mister Boogers shows off his mad aerobics skillz. I was Swiffering the cobwebs off the walls and ceiling, and Sugarbutt, Tom Cullen, and Mister Boogers were FASCINATED by the Swiffer. If that ain’t a smiling kitty, I don’t know what is. Fred had just been rubbing him under the chin. Resting up so that he can run around like his tail is on fire. It’s a blurry picture, but I had to put it up. He doesn’t even look like a cat. He looks like an alien. A mad little alien. Crazy. He’s CRAZY from the catnip. See the SIZE of those pupils? All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2004: I cannot stand this song. I cannot stand this video. I am filled with extreme hatred every time I happen across either the song or the video. 2003: We went to see Miss Saigon on Sunday. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: The man drove two hours to spend one hour with his grandchild and then drove two hours back. How cool is that? 1999: May I say that the child gets an UNGODLY amount of presents. (Comments closed due to spambots)]]>

28 thoughts on “10/27/05”

  1. Yes, I know what you’re going to say, but… please, please, please consider keeping Sugarbutt. Tom Cullen loves his brother and I’d hate to read that he was pining for him when Sugarbutt goes up for adoption.
    Oh, and maybe I’m missing something (or maybe I’m just dumb), but could you explain the name Tom Cullen?

  2. Oh Robyn,
    I could never in a million years hold down a regular job again. When I hear people talk about the stuff they have to endure at their jobs I realize that I’d be saying FUCK YOU pretty much every second.
    And the whole idea of having to suffer through an INTERVIEW with a moron? No. Couldn’t do it. I would rather die a thousands penniless deaths.

  3. Robin, I really admire for you taking in these foster kittens because it must be so very tough to give them up. I particularly feel for you about giving up Sugarbutt. Just in case it’s helpful, even though I’m sure you’ve thought of it, you might want to consider pet health insurance for the kittens or even your older cats. I know you and Fred are rightfully concerned about veterinary bills for the older cats, but maybe if you had pet health insurance for the some of them that would protect you against major expenses, it wouldn’t be so risky to keep them. I use http://www.petinsurance.com. Annual premium is probably around $150. They do offer multiple pet discounts. I have two dogs (previously we had three) and it gives me a lot of peace of mind and in most years has paid for itself. Best wishes.

  4. Being a Texas, I wish I could answer your question about the bumper sticker. Because, really, I love it. My best guess is it’s a holdover from when France didn’t want to invade Iraq and much of Texas was sitting on the back of the rockets yelling “Yeehaw!”. (I could hear them. Trust me.) But really, I don’t know for sure.
    I love your kitten pictures. I’m beginning to think my husband comes in my computer room at night hoping I’m reading your blog so he can laugh at the pictures. Good stuff!

  5. Liz: Yep, it’s from The Stand. 🙂
    Dianes: The bumper sticker just cracked me up… ’cause we’re in Alabama. And I felt like there was something missing from the bumper sticker, like “…and we’ll kick your ass!” Maybe it’s just meant to be educational, in case people didn’t know that Texas is bigger than France!
    Missicat: Only you can say whether you’re the cranky old bitch or not. 😀

  6. Robyn, I laughed SO HARD at the paragraph about being the cranky ole bitch w/ pictures of cats at her desk. I have worked with quite a few of those!
    Thanks, you’re funny. 🙂

  7. The Texas/France bumper sticker just means that if and ( I hope not) when Texas wanted to, they could kick France’s butt with “no help” from the US of America. It just goes back to France not hepping us in the Iraq War. I say Goooo Texas!!!! But then the Astros really got their butts kicked in the World Series didn’t they? Go White Sox!!!
    I, too love your kitty pictures Robyn !
    “Happy Belated Birthday to the Spud Girl!!! Goooo Spud!! Nanamama 😉

  8. Yeah, you are so keeping Sugarbutt. =) You’ve been denying yourself the orange kitty love for too long…
    My little Persimmon kitten (Persy for short), who could easily pass for a member of Sugarbutt’s family, says KEEP HIM!

  9. Oh I would love to take that little sugarbutt off of your hands. I am in kitty love and I know I could convince my Princess Sophie that another kitty in the house only means MORE kitty love. MmMMmMm Kitty love. Oh and …at first glance at one of the pictures of today I thought to myself ‘oh my …girlfriend needs to borrow a razor’ but then I realized it was Freds leg. It was? Wasn’t it?

  10. Hi Robyn,
    Where did you find your “tots” bumpersticker?!? I definitely need one of those! Every time I watch ND I get a hankerin’ for some tots. 🙂

  11. Cathy in Canada: Oh HELL yes that’s Fred’s leg. If it were mine, it would have been photoshopped out of the picture. Not that my leg’s that hairy. IT’S NOT.
    Patti: I got it at Hot Topic at the mall.

  12. I just had a job interview on Monday (went okay, I guess). Fortunately I was not asked about my strengths and weaknesses. I ))))HAAAATE(((( that question!
    Super-wonderful kitty pics, including pet-store kitties! *sigh*

  13. I’ve been interviewing for various jobs, and I gotta tell you, it’s hard keeping a straight face during some of these questions.
    And Sugarbutt is SOOOOO cute. I wanna kitten.

  14. MmMmmmmmm Hmmmmmmm.
    LOLOLOL I don’t know why I am finding Robyn’s …errrr I mean Fred’s hairy leg a wonderful source of amusement today but I am totally cracking my shit up.
    You know I jest. Don’t ban me lolol

  15. You guys originally decided to keep M-O-O-N for the enjoyment of Meester Boogers, but you haven’t really said if they’ve hit if off yet & are playing together. & Sugarbutt, too??

  16. I also hate job interviews. Thank god I didn’t have to interview for my current job (apparently, the US Army sees no need to talk to its potential civilian employees in person before hiring them). Once, in about my fifty-zillionth interview during my recent 7-month unemployment period, when I was asked to discuss my weaknesses I said, deadpan, “I have no weaknesses whatsoever. I am the world’s only perfect human being.”
    Yeah, I didn’t get that job.
    And poor Texas…have they forgotten how little ol’ France hooked us up during the American Revolution?

  17. A belated Happy Birthday to the Spud! I couldn’t get on the computer yesterday. Robyn, what a great entry you had last year. It’s something she can treasure forever. Hmmm, perhaps I should create one for each of our four boy/men.
    I vote for Sugarbutt to stay. You’ve been through so much with him…cleaning his ass and carpet, etc. It just “feels right” to the rest of us!

  18. Shelly: All three of them play together pretty well, though Tom Cullen and Sugarbutt play together more than they play with Mister Boogers. But Mister Boogers joins in whenever he feels like it.

  19. Oh, Sugarbutt looks so comfy and at home. It will traumatize him to take him back to the shelter again! Pleeeeeze Fred, just ONE more?

  20. The Tots bumper sticker reminds me I bought a shirt for my son the other day at JcPenney on clearance, it said ‘Why don’t you go fix yourself a quesa(dilluh) or something’..I knew it sounded awfully ND.. Thanks, now I feel hip.

  21. Robyn,
    Aww, Sugarbutt looks really happy with Tom Cullen and Mister Boogers and it would be great if you kept him. I wish my two cats got along like that. Also, how do you get those great pictures of the cats yawning? They are the best!

  22. Your Quarry Cats pic is right next to the Flossie Swag picture and it made me smile.
    Just thought I’d share!

  23. I’m glad that the spud enjoyed her birthday. Thanks for linking to last year’s photo entry. Reading the lyrics again for “I Hope You Dance” brought tears to my eyes anew, but this time they had a whole new resonance. My “baby” (23) in at this very moment in Egypt. She’s swum in the Red Sea and traveled to see the Sphinx. Egypt is where she decided to spend her fall break. This years she’s living in St. Petersburg studying Russian on a fellowship and Egypt is a hot (and cheap) fun and sun destination for the locals. She’s dancing her heart out.

  24. But if Sugarbutt goes back to the shelter ALL of his siblings will be gone and there will no chance of being adopted with his family. He thinks that YOU’RE his Mama now. Please don’t separate the brudders!!!
    He looks so happy cuddled up with M-O-O-N!!!!

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