Katie says:
The cat rescue organization that I volunteer for, the Goathouse Refuge in Pittsboro, NC, has gotten a $10,000 matching grant if they can earn an equivalent amount by the end of November, so they’re having a big fundraiser. This would be really great for them, since their budget is really tight and donations are down 60% so far this year.
Here’s their news post about the matching grant campaign.
Please help if you can!
Amber in Oregon said:
My friend from work has a dog named Buddy. She adopted Buddy from another home (you can check out Buddy’s page for more about his story if you like; it can describe the situation better than I can). Over the year that she’s had Buddy, he has flourished and become a happy, healthy, sweet little buddy (couldn’t think of a better word!), and has brought my friend so much happiness through his companionship.
However, over this past weekend, he suddenly started having major health problems and is now in the veterinary ICU. The vets have not yet figured out what’s wrong, but are in the process of doing tests. Unfortunately, all of this is very expensive (Buddy needs to stay at the vet 24/7 right now and is in an oxygen unit) and my friend is just about out of resources to cover the expenses. She’s having to face the difficult situation of what to do if she just plain runs out of money.
You can read more about Buddy at his page, and there’s an email link there if you have any questions for his owner, as well as a Paypal link if you’d like to help Buddy with his medical expenses. If nothing else, go over and see Buddy’s sweet little face and send lots of love and good thoughts his way!
Happy happy birthday to the spud, who turns 23 (TWENTY-THREE, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???) today! I won’t go on about her – you can read more posts about her in previous years – but I will include one of my favorite pictures of her, which I’m sure I’ve only posted about 300 times before.
So. Freakin’. Cute.
Happy birthday, Danielle!!!
I am healing quite well from surgery, thank you. I’ve spent the last week in the recliner, in the living room, surrounded by varying numbers of cats. I’m getting tired of this whole healing thing, and I’m hoping that after I see the surgeon on Friday, I’ll get the okay to sleep in a more reclined (ie, laying in bed) position AND to eat chewy foods. I am tired of soups, Spaghetti-Os, grits, scrambled eggs, and chocolate pudding cups.
(That’s a lie: I am not sick of chocolate pudding cups because they are WAY too good.)
What I want more than anything is a great big salad, and I know that hearing that I’ve been eating pudding and Spaghetti-Os and am craving salad makes me one of those annoying assholes who’ll probably say “My goodness, I ate half a saltine and I am STUFFED!” next and you want to smack me hard, but I’ve always liked a good salad and also if you try to smack me, Miz Poo will rise up and sneeze in your face, so check yourself, fool.
They finished the pond, and we have 38 bazillion tons of dirt in the middle of the back forty, and perhaps I will get a picture to show y’all one day soon.
For the record, I don’t know why they dug the pond in a rectangular shape. I think that it might have been easier for them to do it that way. And no, it didn’t cost us more than a roundish pond would have – I’ve seen plenty of rectangular ponds around here, so perhaps it’s a regional thing. Also, that pond might be the size of a pool, but the fact that I live in Alabama and that there are snakes that like to swim in water in these parts have made it a fact that I am not swimming in that pond EVER, although Fred has said that as soon as there’s enough water in the pond to swim in, he’ll do it once, before the snakes and other scary water creatures show up.
Okay, I’m posting some pictures and a video and hauling my butt back to the recliner. I’ll be back Monday for real!
Every now and then, Joe Bob slips out of the collar that keeps him in the back yard, and he comes to find me. I don’t know how on earth he slips out of that collar, sometimes it’s still clasped when I find it, sometimes it’s like he sprouted temporary opposable thumbs and opened the clasp on his own. He never goes far, and he always comes when we call, so I don’t worry too much about him. I do scold him when he does it, though. He just gives me the slow-blink love eyes, and really – how can I be mad at him?
Have you ever seen such a happy boy?
Pretty, pretty Joe. I know I always say it, but it bears repeating: sweetest boy on EARTH.
Miss Molly has earned the nickname “The hussy” because once you start petting her, she rolls around on her back and purrs and purrs forever.
Harlan and Everett knocked this (empty) egg carton to the floor and acted like it was the best toy ever.
Tasty, apparently (and when I took it away from them they were sooo mad at me).
“It’s a giant sparkle ball! Someone left me a giant sparkle ball! This is the most awesome thing ever!”
“What’s this?”
“Oh, just a giant sparkle ball. ::shrug:: You touch it, I kill you.”
Lucy Peppers was in a cat bed on my desk, chasing her tail. Of course, the instant I turned on the camera to get proof, she stopped completely and was like “Who, me? Nothin’!”
I wouldn’t want you to forget the beauty that is Corbie. Consider this your reminder!
2010: Guess who’s 22 today?
2009: Happy 21st birthday, Danielle!
2008: No entry.
2007: I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow, And each road leads you where you want to go
2006: My little girl.
2005: The spud is 17 today!
2004: I hope you dance.
2003: No entry.
2002: “You want to buy STUFF faster than we get rid of it!” he accused shrilly.
2001: Well, the little bastard is home again.
2000: No entry.
1999: Boring work-related shit.
Happy Birthday to the Spud! It’s funny how I’m shocked that she’s so old and yet I haven’t aged a bit in the last 10+ years. Right? RIGHT??!!
I was thinking the same thing, Shelly. I tend to keep people in a time warp. The last time I had seen them is how old they stay… forever. It is shocking when I hear a cousin is pregnant, but then I am reminded they are nearly my age. Nawww… can’t be so! Somehow I have a high schooler and 2 more going into high school next year but I am not old enough! My body says I am about 90 but in my mind I can’t be a day over 25. *sigh*
Happy Birthday, Danielle!!!
I’m not sure if it’s the Corbs beauty that is making that quilted cover look so great, but it’s looking very appealing. May I ask where you got it, and if you got it recently? Want.
Happy birthday, Danielle! Best wishes for happiness today and always!
The… Spud… is… TWENTY FRICKIN’ THREE?????? I. Am. Old. Oh so very very old…
Happy birthday, kiddo!!! 😉
Happy birthday Danielle. The story about Buddy is so sad Sorry to hear he didn’t make it
Happy B’day to the spud!!
Well, happy birthday to the Spud!
And I love that when Joe Bob magics his collar off, he comes to tell you! He’s the sweetest thing.
Happy Birthday to the Spud! She is so beautiful in her picture!
When I glance at your bio box, every single time, the lines:
very happily married to
Fred (Fred no longer
morph themselves into a different arrangement so that, and let me repeat that this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME, my brain processes it as:
no longer happily married
to Fred (Fred blogs)
and (EVERY SINGLE TIME!) I think, “Whoa, what happened, and why is FRED the one blogging about it?!”
In fact, that’s not quite true, because it’s happened so many times that by now, my reaction is more, “Yeah, they split up, I remember hearing about – wait, NO, that’s not right.”
Just throwing that out there, in time for your anniversary if I’m not mistaken. (c:
Is Joe Bob an outside only kitteh?
Happy Birthday to the Spud!
I agree about the salad-it seems like whatever the forbidden food of the moment is that will be exactly what I want. Variety just keeps it all interesting. I could live on pudding too-just throw in some creme burlee and flan too and I’d be good to go.
Joe Bob is the cutest happiest boy kitty ever.
You looked so wonderful in your vacation pictures I can’t wait to see some before and after surgery photos and maybe a new One Fat Bitchypoo entry-please? I could use the inspiration! Your wieght loss story amazes me and gives me hope!