10/21/10 – Thursday

Last day of vacation pics, I promise! (Click on any picture to see the larger version.) Early morning, just-cleaned beach. Early morning sun over the water. Early morning fisherman. If you go up the path, the condo where we stayed was in the back building on the right. Not directly on the water, but I … Continue reading “10/21/10 – Thursday”

Last day of vacation pics, I promise!

(Click on any picture to see the larger version.)

Early morning, just-cleaned beach.

Early morning sun over the water.

Early morning fisherman.

If you go up the path, the condo where we stayed was in the back building on the right. Not directly on the water, but I could lay on the love seat in the living room and see the ocean, so not terribly far from the water, either.

The morning we left, the sun was coming up as we headed out. My father stopped long enough so that I could snap a couple of pictures. Too bad I didn’t roll my ass out of bed before 7 on the other mornings – I might have ended up with a fantastic series of sunrise pictures!

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This is a basket similar to the basket Laurie’s cuties over at Itty Bitty Kitty Committee sleep in. However, in the four years since I bought this basket (at the Smoky Mountain Cat House in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee), numerous fosters have flipped it over and slept in it that way. I used to insist on flipping it right-side up, but they always ALWAYS flipped it upside down, so I gave up. Laurie probably beats her kittens to make them behave. (Oh, stop. You KNOW I’m kidding!)


“It’s COMFY this way!”


I love the way Hutch’s paws are neatly stacked one atop the other, and Starsky is staring off into space. I haven’t quite decided yet if their little heads are stuffed with cotton or something more substantial, like marshmallow fluff.

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Sweet Joe Bob. Don’t you love his dramatic eye makeup?

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2009: No entry.
2008: Let Me Out? No, Wait. Let Me In. IN, I MEANT.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: This is the month that makes the hell of summer in Alabama more than worth it.
2004: I need to win the lottery so I can hire someone to come to my house every day and style my hair while I read.
2003: Which is when Stanley thought “Hey! I shouldn’t just skulk back! I should run and leap! Into the air! Like a big mexican jumping Stanley-bean!”
2002: As if he was going to say to himself “By god, she’s RIGHT! I do not, in fact, reside here. What on earth was I thinking?” and run off.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: “Well, she took that well,” I commented.

7 thoughts on “10/21/10 – Thursday”

  1. Joe Bob is my favorite, followed closely by Tommy. Give them some scritches for me, kthxbai!

  2. I had a cat bed with high sides and my cats totally ignored it. I think it is the high sides – maybe they think if the go inside someone will sneak up and attack them. Or they just like the feeling of being suspended up in the air – more comfy than having the hard floor underneath. I ended up giving the cat bed to my friend. Her cat loves the dang thing.

    Joe Bob is a gorgeous man. I had solid colored cats for so long that when my black & white one came to live with me, I realized the beauty I was missing.

  3. I pretty much want to steal every photo of Starsky & Hutch and make a wallpaper collage of the most adorably cute kittens EVAR!!!

    It floors me to see sunRISES over the ocean My entire life the sun SETS over the water, always with the hope of the elusive green flash. I’m pretty sure I would be getting up quite early on the east coast in order to witness and document this strange sun rising thing ;-))

  4. I have lived in NJ near the Ocean for the past 30 years and I have yet to go watch a sunrise in person! It IS sad and it’s a doable thing on the bucket list. I’ve been trying to get my husband enthused about doing this with me. I am just not an am person! Gorgeous photos!

  5. Love your beach pics, and that sweet Joe Bob. Glad you had a good time!

    Annette – pick a morning and I’ll meet you! Our sunrises are beautiful here in NJ! 😉

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