I tried to warn you about the black lipstick (Maddie). That’s how the Goth Kitty Look starts. Then it’s the piercings and tattoos. Did you notice in today’s pics of Maddy that she has her ear and tongue pierced?
I looked closer, and by god she’s right!
I want to know who snuck her out of the house to be pierced and painted (note the black nails).
I suspect the evil Mister Boogers is the culprit.
* * *
I was supposed to answer these questions in
Nance‘s comment section, but I needed something to lengthen this entry out a little, so here you go. It’s the Nebshit meme!
1. Do you kiss your pets? Of course! Not on the lips, though (do cats have lips? Judging by Miz Poo’s past lip problems, I’m going to say “yes”.), usually on top of the head, or (in Sugarbutt’s case) behind their ears.
2. Do you read the sites that bash bloggers/journalers? I wander through them from time to time, though I can barely keep up with the journals and blogs on my links list; I don’t usually go look at everything they link to.
3. If you could adopt an impoverished child without any red-tape and finances were not an issue, would you do it? I’d love to say yes, but honestly? No. I don’t want any more kids, impoverished or not. I’m happy to wait ’til the grandkids come along.
4. How much cash do you have on you right this minute? $30.
5. Have you ever gone to the bathroom in the woods? Yes and I did NOT enjoy it. Unlike everyone else who just loooooves to do it, I’m sure!
* * *
So we went out to the Smallville house yesterday after Fred got off work. He set about to spraying all the mud off his tractor (which he hadn’t done the night before because we didn’t have a hose in Smallville, a situation which has since been remedied) while I wandered around the yard hanging up bird feeders, checking out ant piles and the pond (which has more water in it than we’ve ever seen before!) and finally went into the house to change the lightbulbs in the closets and straighten up the kitchen.
He finally came inside and we went upstairs to start painting, which is when we realized we’d been invaded by little beetles that might or might not be ladybugs or
asian beetles. They were coming through the window in the upstairs bathroom in the tens (I know! Horrifying!), and some were crawling around looking for sex or drugs or possibly a little of the rock ‘n roll IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN*, and others were laying dead on the bathroom floor.

If I’d had the vacuum cleaner at the house, I would have sucked the fuckers right up, but since I didn’t, I didn’t do a damn thing except plan to take the vacuum cleaner with me to the house on Friday.
I don’t go out of my way to kill bugs, but if I feel they’re invading my territory (like the huge-ass spider who booked it across the front porch the other night, so I stepped on the fucker) or being a general pain in the ass (see above regarding beetles), I have no qualms about killing them.
I know. I’m going to hell. At least I know I’ll have good company!
So I set to work painting the door I’d painted the other night, because it clearly needed another coat of paint, since the primer was peeking through. It didn’t take me as long to paint it this time, and when I was done I told Fred we needed to move it so I could paint another door, only he decided that I should paint the guest bedroom walls around the doors and trim.
I was worried about doing real painting, because I’m not much of a painter and I paint really slow, but although it took me most of the evening, I did an okay job. I got around the doorways while Fred painted the ceiling in several rooms and maybe did some wall painting as well, I’m not sure.
At least I had thought to bring my iPod with me, so I listened to
Keith and the Girl the entire time, so it wasn’t too painful. Boring (the painting part, that is), but not painful.
*It’s okay.
I don’t even know what I mean.
* * *
Tuesday night when I had to haul some branches to the back forty, I had to slog through a bit of water, which got my sneakers all wet, which got my socks all wet, which got my feet all wet.
“Tomorrow I’m going and buying waterproof boots!” I told Fred indignantly. No one should have to slog about with wet feet – it’s 2006, not 1986! We aren’t living in the dark ages! Dry, warm feet for everyone! I demand it! REVOLUTION!
So during my many errands yesterday morning I found myself in Target and I took myself to the shoe section, and I bought myself some boots that are waterproof and should keep my feet nice and toasty warm.

And they’re black and rubber and SEXY to boot. (Hahaha! “To boot”! I slay me!)
Unfortunately they didn’t have the boots I REALLY wanted in my size, but I’ll try to learn to live with the pain.
* * *

Of course. Where else is there to sleep in this horrid, uncomfortable house where there are three warm and cozy cat beds to every single cat? Where else but on the printer?

Does this look comfortable to you?

Three cats in the space of five feet and none of them are hissing, growling, biting, or smacking at each other. It’s a
Christmas Halloween miracle!
Today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: More Myrtle Beach.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: I’ve turned into a crazy cat lady for real, haven’t I?
2000: The spud turns 12 next week, can you believe it?
1999: I’ve been out of sorts all day.]]>
If your printer has been running, it is probably pretty warm. But still, she probably didn’t want to miss out on all the fun and excitement. Cute!
Oh, man. I want froggy boots!
Now that maddy has her tongue pierced, does her meow have a lisp?
can you just turn on the printer to scare the crap out of her? or is that too mean? (thanks for the linkage!)
The picture of Maddy in the printer…priceless.
I love your boots! I always wanted to get a pair but I don’t think my fat calfs would fit. Grr! 🙁
Da kitties are so cute all sleeping… 😀
I live in an old farmhouse in the country. We have beetles every single spring and fall. First time after we moved there I was freaking out, but you get used to it I suppose. Now I just don’t even think about it, I just vaccuum them up when I do the floors. It’s the field mice I can’t get used to. Is it true that if you have a cat in the house the mice won’t be as bad a problem?
Do not use a vaccuum that you love to suck up these lady bugs/asian beetles. They emit a terrifically stinky gas and they will eventually make your vaccuum REEK. Been there, done that.
I bought a small electric hand vac that I use exclusively to suck up the lady bugs. Every couple of years I buy a new one because no matter how often you change the disposable bags or wash out what you can of the vac, it just gets rank from the lady bugs.
I guess the beetles I notice around here are those Asian beetles, but I’ve been calling them “yellow ladybugs.” I don’t know whether it’s the light or warmth that attracts them, but they love to fly around light bulbs.
Those boots are quite snazzy! LOVE Target.
Ditto on the nasty beetle thing — and don’t smash them, either. The scent is a pheremone marker that attracts more beetles, and it also leaves an oily stain on your walls. You might consider doing a round of Killz primer on the rooms you have yet to paint. And if you get to the attic — hoo boy. They’re probably having some real “rock n roll” up there.
We once lived in a 100-year-old farmhouse in the woods of Missouri that was Stephen King with the ladybugs complete with the slasher soundtrack… I couldn’t stand it.
Now we know where they “fly away home” to, like the poem says. It’s YOUR house.
A good fact sheet about asian lady beetle infestations: http://www.uky.edu/Ag/Entomology/entfacts/trees/ef416.htm
I love Miss Maddy on the printer, and that she is a goth cat. Also, love the boots.
Whee Robyn you got yourself some shitkickers!! Welcome to country life!
oooh, I have much envy for your new wellies! When I lived out in the country I had a red ladybug pair that would occasionally garner me some askance glances; but I liked them.
..but there are always these:
RE: beetle disposal
You could use a dustpan and brush. It even works on carpet…
Of COURSE you needed a pair of rubber boots my dear! You are a farm wife now remember 😉 They come with the territory. Pity the Froggy ones did not come in your size though.
Ooh ladybugs are supposed to be good luck if they are in your house. Or is that your house is going to burn down? Anyway, that ladybug massacre is weird but cool. Dyson will handle it just fine I am sure! 😉
I had an infestation of ladybugs when I was living up in Maine, and I’m superstitious and have always been told it’s bad luck to kill them… so I spent hours catching them individually in an overturned glass, running them outdoors and then back in to catch some more. I’m sure they were just flying right back in through whatever hole they originally arrived by.
No wonder it took me so damn long.
I had a terrible infestation of those bugs in my dorm room one year. My roommate wouldn’t let me kill them – she insisted they were lady bugs and that killing a lady bug would bring bad luck. This was before arguments were settled by google. I had to go to the library and actually bring home a book so I could show her that they weren’t lady bugs and we could kill the little bastards without hurting our grades or making the baby jesus cry. Sheesh. Also, I like your boots. Mmmm. Shiny.
I’m hoping you don’t vacuum the bugs up, unless, like one other reader suggested, you buy a little vac especially for that job, because they can live inside the vac bag and multiply, too, before they die…and you will worse off in the end. We have hoards of ladybugs every year too here in the northeast but I don’t mind them for some reason. They seem harmless to me and if I ignore them, they seem to disappear on their own eventually. The broom and dustpan idea for the dead ones would be my choice. Maybe take them all to your “back forty” and put them on the burn pile… that’s far enough away so the smell can’t get to you.
Now you’ve done it – I have boot envy. Mine are the ugly green ones you get at the farm supply store. AND, they’re trimmed with cow poo. Of course, once you start wearing them, they all look the same – dirty. I should warn you, if you are walking through really sticky mud, you WILL walk out of them. That’s always fun. Enjoy!