Miz Poo, dropped 54 pounds, watched Fred start his own webpage, and started a second page of my own. Oh, and started a page for the spud (I’d link to it, but it’s not anything you haven’t seen in these pages). And on top of that, I’ve gotten so many emails from you guys that I couldn’t even begin to count them. I save them all, though, and I appreciate them more than I could ever tell you. I don’t say it often, but I mean it from the heart: thanks so much for reading; I appreciate it and the emails y’all send so very, very much. Okay, enough of that mushy crap. So, how am I going to celebrate my one-year journal-versary? Well, I’m moving. No, not me personally, not physically (thank god), but virtually. I decided I’d use the money I made putting out fires at DI and buy a new domain, and very slowly over the next few months I’ll be moving over there. Why will it take so long, you ask? Because I want to do a little bit of rearranging and such, and of course first I’ll need to remind myself every day for a month that I need to get crackin’ on it, and then one day I’ll get my ass in gear and work on it for several days, and then I’ll get burnt out and not want to set foot near my computer for a weekend, and finally I’ll upload it all to the new domain. I’m exhausted just thinking about it! Everything’s gonna move, and eventually bitchypoo.com will be gone. I know I mentioned it a few months ago, but quite frankly it’s a tad embarrassing here in the deep south, to tell someone that your webpage is "bitchypoo dot com." And I’m going to be moving the spud’s page over there, so I’d rather not tell her grandparents to check it out on bitchypoo. I know y’all understand. The journal name will remain the same, though, and so will the content (though if you’re lucky I’ll start swearing even fuckin’ more!). The journal won’t be accessible from the main page, so once the moving is done, y’all make sure you bookmark the right page. Or join the notify list. One or the other. —–]]>