
Tex-Mex, and he splits the entire batch up into single servings and freezes them. Yesterday, I made a batch of spaghetti for him – a couple of diced green peppers, a couple of sliced jalapeños, a diced onion, a pound of ground turkey, two jars of homemade spaghetti sauce over angel hair – and when he was done divvying it up into single servings, he had a little pile of cooked angel hair left over. He did what we always do with leftovers these days, which is to take it out to the girls. As soon as he opened the back door, chickens swarmed from all corners of the yard, and he tossed the pile of angel hair out onto the ground for them. First to the pile of angel hair was a Speck (or, if you insist, Barred Rock), and she grabbed the entire pile of angel hair and proceeded to run around the back yard with a flock of chickens chasing her and bitching like the ChickenPigs they are. Around the perimeter of the yard she ran, occasionally (accidentally) dropping a clump of angel hair along the way, and as each clump dropped, a few chickens would stop to eat it. As she got back to the point where Fred had originally tossed it, she finally gave up and dropped what was left to the ground and began eating as fast as she could, until her sisters caught up to her, and they squabbled over what was left. The Girlz totally paid for themselves with that little bit of entertainment.

* * *
Cat stuff over at Love & Hisses.
* * *
Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: I feel so worldly and sophisticated now. 2004: “Bessie,” Fred said. “We used to watch TV without being able to rewind it. We can do it again!” 2003: No entry. 2002: It seems like yesterday. 2001: The term “give my feelings” cracks me up for some unknown reason. 2000: Mark my words, it’ll be back to looking crappy in three days flat. 1999: “Take credit card. Buy computer. Big monitor. Go fast. Go buy. Now.”]]>

24 thoughts on “10-25-07”

  1. Question for tomorrow….
    How can you tell when 2 cats are just playing or when they are really fighting? If they are fighting is it better just to leave them be or break it up?

  2. It’s not the “damn cats”, it’s the Damn VETS. Glad the kitty is okay, though.
    The chickens fighting over the angel hair pasta made me laugh!

  3. For fighting vs. playing, I like this youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQQo0gfBHq0 You can tell the cat is playing, even though that ferret is cRaZy, because it’s tail is relaxed and not “lashing”, nor are it’s ears laid back (much). They play for nearly ten minutes in the video. Don’t watch it with the sound on unless you like Survivor or Manowar.
    We only break up catfights in our house if one of the combatants is cornered and obviously scared. Otherwise, we assume they’re playing. I used to have a BIG cat named Sly that would “tattle” on the two smaller cats for fighting; when I made it clear that I wouldn’t break it up, he’d look so disgusted, then break it up himself by ramming them with his chest. Heh. Sly was some sort of mutant, overgrown Siamese, so he “talked” a lot with a DEEP cat voice because he was so barrel-chested. After he’d break up the fight, he’d lecture the other cats just like a cop. Then they’d try to make nice with him! So funny. I miss Sly.

  4. That story about the angel hair pasta reminded me of when we had chickens. We used to go out after a rain and turn over a few shovels of dirt in their yard so they could fight over the worms like that. Pure entertainment!

  5. I just had the same thing happen with my cat, she was vomiting liquid and wouldn’t eat for 2 days. I took her to the vet and he said she probably had heartburn and gave her something like Tagamet, I took her home she’s been fine ever since. Heh, except it only cost me $45!

  6. Robyn, I bought the Bissell Little Green machine. While I don’t have dogs or cats I do have kids and that thing has been a life saver!! I let my kids occasionally have lunch etc in the living room if one of their favorite shows are on and if something gets spilled I just pull it out and clean it right up. I keep solution in it ready to go. It would be great for someone that has pets!

  7. Question for the comment-answering extravaganza: If you and Fred decided to dress up for Halloween, what/who would you be? YES this is my poorly disguised attempt to solicit ideas for Halloween costumes! Suddenly we are going to a huge costume party and I am stuck for ideas. In 2005 we went as Hurricanes Ivan & Katrina. This year, I’m brain dead! DreamGuy won’t cotton to my proposal: PEBBLES & BAM BAM. So I’m stumped. WWR&FD?

  8. I’m sure you get lots of people suggesting neat websites, etc; but for some reason I think both you and Fred would really love http://www.rathergood.com It can be filthy but it can be hilarious. It’s a guy from Australia or somewhere who makes awful musical videos. My favorite are the Tales of the Blode series. So my questions are, Have you ever been to that site? And would you consider naming a batch of kittens “Blode,Food,Griblit and Hairy” once you’ve seen the little videos? (Lame questions I know but I’m brain fogged today.)

  9. When you had your WLSurgery, did they do it via scope or did they have to cut all the way open? Also, after the surgery have you had to take a myriad of vitamins and supplements?

  10. Hi – cute pics! Wish I could have seen the chickens…
    I have a question for tomorrow – My kitty usually ate a can of wet food (fancy feast, the kind with morsals in gravy, never never the pate-type, god forbid), and I just kept a dish of dry food out during the day. Usually he would finish his wet food at some point, but for the last week or so he hasn’t touched his wet food at all. I have been trying other brands, but no go. He still fortunately eats the dry stuff, so I know he isn’t starving, but wonder if this is something I should be concerned about, or am I just an idiot.

  11. That’s so funny that Jennifer recommended the Little Green Machine for people with pets. We have one and call it the “Little Green Barf Cleaning Machine” because we have 6 cats and are CONSTANTLY cleaning up barf! It does work well!

  12. Hi Robyn,
    Love the chicken story. I second the rathergood.com note. Great, twisted fun. Question for tomorrow:
    Are your hummingbirds gone? Ours left about 2-3 weeks ago. I miss the little guys.

  13. Pretty please, can we have a video of the girls eating angel hair the next time you cook some?

  14. I did the same thing you did with my dog once. Now if he is turning down food, puking clear etc.. I give it 24 hours or a little more. He ususally ate something that he wasn’t supposed too. I had to learn the same thing with my kids, noone has died yet (knock on wood). I know it is hard when they aren’t acting normal, cause you never know. You are a good Mama! 🙂 Glad the Spank is ok!

  15. I have a superduper question!
    Since your move to the country it appears your life has changed drastically! It seems you are really busy all the time and doing so many cool country-type things! I was wondering…(and you have probably answered this already somewhere)…has your book consumption decreased dramatically? I know you read like 80 books a week (or maybe not that much) and I wondered how you found time. Do you still read so much?

  16. Another kitty question:
    Have you ever had to (or known someone who had to) shave one of you cats b/c of matted fur? We have to take my 16 year old baby to the vet this weekend to have the mats looked at…the vet said it is likely they will have to shave him. I’m so scared that it’s going to upset him so much that his old kitty heart will just stop. Do you know anything about cats’ reactions to being shaved?

  17. I can barely see through the tears of laughter imagining the chicken scene! Hoo, boy! Oh, how I wish you had video! Damn.

  18. Hi Kim,
    I have had to have my 17 year old guy partially shaved a couple of times due to mats. He is a Birman and their hair is so fine it mats when they get to a certain age and can’t bend as well to clean. Gibson did just fine but then he is the King of Laidbackville. I took him to PetSmart and it was quick, inexpensive and they did a fine job. You can stay and watch also.

  19. Why do you not keep the video camera handy for events like this. Although I don’t think you’d be able to hear the chicken bitchin’ over the laughter. And the camera would shake. Would if I were holding it anyway.
    I was stressing out you were going to tell me Spanky was dead. Poor old guy.

  20. Okay, this is yet another cat question- we have a medium haired cat, and a short haired. In your experience, have you ever noticed that medium to long haired cats wash less? Izzy, the longer haired cat hardly ever bathes. Chloe, the short hair, bathes almost obsessively (like every other cat I’ve had). Izzy takes a swipe here and there, mostly after we touch the god damned princess, lol.

  21. I was so afraid you were going to say Spanky had died, especially when he wasn’t reacting to the cat carrier! I’m relieved to hear he’s doing much better.

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