
Leanne‘s smack dab in the middle of it all. They don’t have to evacuate just yet, and hopefully won’t have to – everyone send some good thoughts her way, would you?

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Back in April, when we signed up with Dir3ct TV (or DIR3CTV, as I guess they prefer to be known), we were told that when we signed up, we’d receive a free DVD player. Now. You know and I know that we don’t really NEED a DVD player, but it might possibly come in handy in the future on long car trips or whatever, so we were all excited at the very idea of it. We were supposed to receive the form with our first month’s bill, and we needed to fill out the form and send it back in with a copy of our first month’s bill. Except that sometime in June Fred received a call from them saying that they hadn’t received payment from us, and they were going to turn off our cable in two days. Since the reason we hadn’t paid them was because we hadn’t received a bill, we therefore didn’t receive our first month’s bill OR the form to fill out. Fred asked what we were supposed to do, and they gave him the url and told him to print it out, fill it out, and send it in with our first month’s bill. So I printed it out, filled it out, and sent it out with our second month’s bill, since we’d never received the first one. Days went by, chickens grew, cats learned to jump the fence and run off like the douchebags they (he) are (is). In August, Fred said “Hmm. We still haven’t gotten our DVD player, have we?” “We have not.” He called DIR3CTV and they told him they’d “expedite the process”, but that we should go ahead and print out another form and send it in with a copy of our first month’s bill. We don’t have our first month’s bill, we told ’em, and they were all “Mm, yeah. Whatever. Send it with your second month’s bill or whatever. Ask me if I give a fuck.” So I printed out the form, filled it out, and sent it in again with a copy of our second month’s bill and an explanation of blah blah blah never received the first bill blah and so forth. Yesterday, we got a letter from them. Dear Fred And3rson, Thank you for your recent participation in the DIR3CTV Gift With Activation. Unfortunately your redemption submission is ineligible for this offer due to the following reason(s): We have been unable to find a valid, active DIR3CTV account in your name with the account number provided. Please resubmit your Redemption Form including your new, active DIRECTV Account Number and all required documentation for this Offer to the address below. I thought to myself, god I’m an idiot. I filled out the form with the wrong account number! No wonder we haven’t gotten our DVD player yet! I got out the most recent bill and looked at it. Account number 12345678. I looked at the letter. Account number 12345678. Um. What? So I scanned the letter and the latest bill and emailed them to Fred. He called DIR3CTV and politely gave them hell, suggesting that he felt like he was getting the runaround. At this point, you understand, it’s not about the DVD player. It’s the PRINCIPLE OF THE GODDAMN MATTER. We want our fucking DVD player! They told him they’d “expedite the process” and we should receive it within the next six weeks. Then I’m sure they hung up and said “We just bought ourselves six weeks of NO CALLS from Mr. And3rson. Boo-yah!” I’ll believe that the free DVD player exists when I’m holding it my hands and not one moment before.
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Meme, stolen from Kym. One word answers. The Air: Wet. Favorite Fall Indulgence: Apples. Out Your Window: Chickens. On Your Desk: Cat. On Your Feet: Nothin’. Favorite Fall Smell: Burning. Temperature On Your Thermostat: 50ish. Your Shirt: Nightgown. Your Hair: Bedhead. Something You Want to Make Sure You Do this Fall: Ocoee. Where You Last Took a Fall: Dunno. Your Last Drink: Water. Your Last Meal: Dinner. You’re Thinking About: Lazing. Hearing: Booger. Your Favorite Fall Color: Orange. Your Take On Seasonal Novelty Flags (i.e. turkeys, pumpkins, scarecrows): Depends. A New Fall Show You Like: Journeyman. Your Plans for the Evening: Television. Your Relationship With Pumpkins: Platonic.
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Today’s cat stuff is over at Love & Hisses.
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Previously 2006: Okay. I have a LOT of favorite things about the house, I cannot lie. 2005: “That makes me want to get pregnant and have a baby, just so I can name it Lavernicus,” I admitted. “That WOULD be an excellent name.” 2004: No entry. 2003: It took two days from the first time I called Stanley “Beanie-bean” in front of Fred before Fred started doing it too. He’s such a copycat. 2002: “She was giving me a handjob under the water, and I didn’t stop her, even though I’m not attracted to her, BECAUSE I AM ONLY HUMAN.” 2001: Fred is a freak. 2000: “Uhhhh….” I said, casting around for something smart-ass or impressive to say. 1999: My desk is a total shitheap, because I’m Robyn and I’m a slob]]>

16 thoughts on “10-24-07”

  1. Bob is very pretty. Glad to see he/she is getting fed well. Good thing The Nip isn’t illegal. Otherwise, Bob would end up in jail. Hee!

  2. Rhian is toooo cute. Like a mini-me for Miz Poo!
    And Bob looks very suspicious…and perhaps threatening. “you didn’t see anything! So don’t say anything!” hehe.

  3. Such an innocent face for a “pusher.” So pretty, but the pretty ones are the ones you have to look out for. Heh
    I love Dir3ctV itself, but hate their customer service. It definitely needs improvement. Out of all the time we’ve had to call I’ve only had one pleasant experience my husband hasn’t ever had one.

  4. Robyn, (I’m a long time lurker, but never commented before)
    I think the dir3ctv dvd player offer is a scam. The same thing happened to my parents a couple years ago. They were told that they would get a dvd player and surround sound free if they signed up. Months went by and they never heard anything about it. After many days of frustrating phone calls they found out that the offer never really existed!

  5. I think Bob is a girl based on how pretty she is! Also, my ex’s dad never got his DVD player from DirectTV either…is a scam!

  6. Thanks for the mention of the California fires. My family is smack in the middle of it as well in Escondido, CA dealing the Witch fire. We’re sitting on pins and needles. We’re lucky and have have not had mandatory evacuations, but were told by authorities to prepare to evacuate. Many friends and family have had mandatory evacuations and still are unable go home. Send some good thoughts their way, please.

  7. By the way, dir3ctv sucks dirty ass. We had them a few years back and it their service was the crappiest EVER. Don’t even mention their name to my husband – he goes ballistic. We went back to cable over it. Good luck!

  8. We’ve had Dir3ctv for years b/c my hubby wants the NFL package. If not for that I’d get rid of them b/c I hate them with the ferocity of Mister Boogers het. We’ve been customers for so long we’re supposed “Preferred” and they sent us this special card with a special phone # on it for if we had problems. When we call they say “Good morning Mrs. X, we are so glad you are one of our preferred customers, how can we help you today”, then they totally screw us over anyway. At one point last year we had them out every week for two months. Two freaking months because they are absolute idiots. Okay, sorry, I got a bit excited. When we move, if I can’t talk my hubby out of using them, I am making him deal with them from now on because they make my blood pressure too high.

  9. when you get your dvd player, have them send one over to me. they originally told me it would be in the box with the dish! i have sent in numerous bills and forms to them as well. it’s been almost 3 years and i am still waiting. i guess i should have asked for expedited service, rather than referring to it as an escalated issue. i am also waiting for the $50 credit from my son getting service 2 years ago. by the way, he is still waiting for his dvd player too. anybody wanna play “class action lawsuit” with DIR3CTV?

  10. It’s not just you. We also signed up with the free dvd offer and it’s been over a year. Still no dvd. Actually I forgot all about it until reading this post.

  11. Does your neck of the woods have a legal limit on the number of cats you can own? I wouldn’t be surprised if you have more cats than the shelter you work for!
    Hopefully you’re able to lure in the “Pusher” and get him fixed so that he’s not off creating more feral cats.

  12. I called to sign up with Dir3ctv and asked about the free DVD. They told me that once I had my service installed, to call a certain number. Got installed, called the number and they said – oops, no DVD player for you – you should have called our number to begin with. But we’ll put you down for “special discounts” because it wasn’t explained to you properly. But when I called to get my “special” discount, I was told that since I was no longer a new customer (it had just been installed) I wouldn’t qualify for any discounts. So I emailed the jerks and they gave me 3 free months of starz or showtime or something.
    I am loving the DVR service though.

  13. Hi! Thanks for all the good thoughts you’ve sent our way! Most of the evacuated areas have been allowed to return, although some new ones are being evacuated out in East County SD. Since y’all did such a good job with the good thoughts, how about a rain dance or two? =)

  14. I just adore how Tom Cullen is sitting in what is obviously HIS office chair ! “Oh, Mrs. Wiggins (the Carol Burnett charcter), could you please take a letter?”
    Poor Sugarbutt … All he has to play with is a trash container !! The boy needz more toys Mom…

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