
* * * In keeping with my plans, I slacked yesterday. I had to get up and out to the pet store in the morning, but after finishing up there and stopping at the grocery store, I kept my ass at home and did a whole lotta nothin’. I managed to tear myself away from the computer sometime late in the morning, then watched the latest episode of Tell Me You Love Me (ball count: two) and Desperate Housewives. I kind of gave up on Desperate Housewives late last season, but decided to give it a try again, and so far I’m kind of enjoying it. I love me some Dana Delaney, though I think she’s wasted in that role. I spent about an hour with the kittens (Jesikat, the calico, is a big chicken, but came within five feet of me while I was laying on the floor (they tend to feel less threatened by me if I’m laying on the floor, I’ve noticed), which is progress), vacuumed the downstairs, spent some quality surfing time on the internet, and washed the comforter that goes on the guest bedroom bed, which one of the cats was kind enough to barf all over. (At least they waited ’til the guests had left, I’ll give ’em that.) At one point during the day, I looked outside to see that it was raining pretty hard (yay!), and Frick had flown from the chicken yard into the backyard, and he was just standing there, looking all miserable, getting wet. I went out with a cup of cracked corn, walked to the chicken yard (he always follows me like a little puppy when I walk anywhere in the back yard because he LURVES me), opened the gate, tossed the cracked corn into the chicken yard, and he literally ran around in circles trying to figure out how to get inside the chicken yard. With me standing there holding the gate wide open. Bless his fluffy little head, he’s not the brains of the outfit, for sure. He figured it out, I went in and checked for eggs, and then shut the gate to the chicken yard on my way out. He stayed in there, under the rain shelter, with his sisters for the rest of the day. (Note: Yes, Frick is a “she”, but I’ve been calling her “he” for too long to change my ways, now.)

* * *
Okay. Uh. I’ve got nothin’. And I need to clear off the memory stick. So, here are a ton of pictures. Just for you! You’re welcome. Toms, hanging out on the air conditioning unit. Stinkerbelle (whom I have taken to calling “Prissy” for some unknown reason) loves to play with the strings on my apron. In the yard, Miz Poo keeps a watchful eye out for troublemakers. Hetty McHetterson. “Hey! Where ya goin’? Can I go too?” Harbl airin’ is a daily requirement at Crooked Acres. A scattering of kitties. Miz Poo keeps an eye on Dem Chickenz. “What?” “I hets dem chickens. I just wants to touch ’em with da fangers, and dey clucks and runs away. Het.” ************************************** I got an email from another woman who volunteers for the shelter. She’s actually an adoption counselor on adoption nights at the pet store. She said that she ran into Gilligan and Spanky (and their owner, of course) at the vet. They were in for a well kitty checkup, and the owner loves them to death. They’re adapting well, are very friendly, and like being petted, though they still don’t like being picked up. I love a happy ending, especially for that bunch – considering how feral they were when I got them, I’m so glad they’re doing so well! ************************************** “Hey. HEY! Is there snackin’ going on down there?!” “BwahahahaHA! I went over by Rhian and I farted, and then I ran away, and when The Man picked her up so The Mean Lady could give her that nasty medicine, he was all ‘Did you poot, little tortie?’ and she was SO EMBARRASSED!” “Hey LADY! Where’s my SNACK?!” “I’m not seeing any snack on that plate. Am I going to have to get mean?” “Bob. BOB! Hey, Bob! Look, you got any of the good stuff? I had me some snack and I’m all comfy and full, and I need me some ‘nip to take me all the way to HappyLand. Jesikat says you’ve got the best stuff around. Don’t hold out on me, man!”
* * *
Previously 2006: “I don’t know, babe,” I said finally, hoping he wouldn’t go through another four or five possibilities. “It’s a fascinating mystery.” 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: I believe that might be a personal record, right there. 2002: My poor baby. 2001: it’s MY journal and I’ll exaggerate if I want to. 2000: No entry. 1999: Why we don’t need another cat, by Fred]]>

14 thoughts on “10-23-07”

  1. If you click on the 1999 entry for today…down there at the bottom where it says “Why we don’t need another cat” by Fred, he writes an entry where he earnestly explains why you don’t need more than FOUR cats. Hee Hee. He was kind of cute there, the way he said that 4 was enough. I believe he called it a slippery slope.

  2. Hi Robyn – Sure wish you could send some of your rain out our way (to San Diego). We’re battling some wicked wildfires right now with lots of Santa Ana winds that aren’t helping. But your kitty pics give me something other than the news to look at, so thanks! We’re not evacuated yet, but we’re packed and ready to go (the poor cats are going to have to bunk together in a large dog carrier). Maybe if your readers could just think some good thoughts for us? We’re doing good locally with donations and help, but I’d never turn down a good prayer. It might help!

    I had two dreams last night, that my daugher and her kids were living with me and he ex, was with a younger girl; though, to me, he would have been with a “younger male,”
    The reason that I think it would have some acuraccy was because I had at that same dream, I would be having a large BM and I was trying to examine it. That came true this morning, so, I am ready and you and your experience with the dreams about Fred, keeps me centered, until I hear from my daughter.

  4. HI Robyn,
    We are heading for Grand Cayman on Saturday. I owe you a postcard. Please send me your address at my email. We are going to miss Crooked Acres while we are gone. We will send some pics from our trip when we get back. It is rainy and cold here in Indy today and of course two of the three furbots are buried deep in the covers lest they get the shivers, the poor delicate flowers. The third is now rubbing her a%% in my face as Itry to type…

  5. Leanne: Absolutely, good thoughts coming your way! We’ve really needed this rain, but I’m certainly willing to share! I hope everything’s okay out your way.
    Joan: No, that damn Jimmy, who knows where he’s at? That corn came pre-cracked. But if Jimmy HAD cracked the corn, I would totally have cared and made a big fuss about it!

  6. Okay, I have a strange question/request. Would you consider dressing one of your cats in a Halloween costume? The reason I ask, I’m writing a Lifestyle feature for our daily newspaper about popular costumes for people. I called local stores, and realized pet costumes are very popular too.
    All I’d need is just ONE cat wearing something simple…maybe a tiny pointy red-devil ear hat, or such. I guarantee I’ll use it in the article, give you credit and send you a copy. One catch: It has to be done by early Friday, due to deadline issues.
    Of course, if you can get a costume on one of the chickens, that’d be great too. (That IS a joke!)
    About the cats, I’m NOT joking, I’m serious. I think it’d make a funny/cute aspect to my article, and you’d get photo credit (sorry no pay) but also, just think of how famous the cat/cats will become!!

  7. Robyn, if there is one word I would never associate with you it is “slacker”, another word would be lazy. You kickass and take names ALL THE TIME. I really admire you. I am going to get this whole comment stitched on a pillow and sent to you. But, I don’t stitch, you do right? 🙂

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