Yesterday was pretty low-key for me – I got the important morning stuff done, then hung out on the couch under my electric throw (like an electric blanket, only smaller!) for the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon, switching between catching up on the shows I watch, and the inauguration.
Grey’s Anatomy fans, please remind me why the hell Meredith and Christina aren’t talking? For the life of me, I can’t remember and I don’t feel like slogging through recaps to find out.
Also, remind me how Derek’s father died?
Eric Stoltz makes a REALLY good creepy serial killer.
Speaking of TV watching and such, Fred and I gave Burn Notice a try, and we liked it so much we watched Season 1 in no time flat.
And then we were lucky, because USA is showing the HELL out of Season 2, part one, this week, apparently ramping up to starting up the second half of Season 2. So we’ve managed to record most of the first half of Season 2 on the DVR, and once they’re all recorded, we’ll watch them.
I really, really like the show despite the fact that (1) Jeffrey Donovan has got a very smackable face and (2) I’m no fan of Gabrielle Anwar, because she seems like a real pain in the ass (JUST MY PERCEPTION). But despite the smackable face on Jeffrey Donovan, I love his character, and despite the fact that Gabrielle Anwar seems like a pain in the ass, I love her character too (also, she’s got killer abs). And how can you not love Bruce Campbell?
I highly recommend the show, if you hadn’t guessed.
Also, last weekend we were in the movie store, searching desperately for movies to watch (because it was cold out and we wanted to sit on our asses and watch movies all day), and finally I picked up Baby Mama and said “I think Tina Fey wrote this. We should at least give it a try.”
Turns out Tina Fey didn’t write it, but it wasn’t a bad movie – certainly worth watching, in any case. Made us laugh out loud at least a couple of times.
I’ve been having really odd dreams lately – very vivid ones – and I don’t know why, but I’ll admit that they’ve been pretty entertaining.
The other night I dreamed that my doctor told me that I had “chicken cancer.” And that I had two to ten years to live. And I was all “THEN I’M GOING TO LIVE ELEVEN YEARS, BECAUSE I’M GOING TO KICK THIS CANCER’S ASS!” The next day I kept thinking about my diagnosis and laughing my ass off.
(I don’t even want to think about what the hell “chicken cancer” might entail.)
I took Marion and Claudette to the pet store last night, and let me tell you – it was quite some job getting those two girls into the carriers! They did NOT want to go (not that I can blame them!) and it took Fred and I about twenty minutes to wrangle them up and put them in the carriers.
At the pet store, when I put them in the cage, they just kind of huddled there in fear. Reports from the adoption counselor are that they continued to be pretty scared, but hopefully after a few days they’ll realize it’s not that bad.
Fingers crossed!
The sad news is that Delmar was returned by the people who’d adopted him. He’s apparently too bitey, and didn’t get along with the other kitten they’d adopted the week before. I can’t really blame them, they have a four year-old and a little kid combined with a bitey kitten, well, not good!
Poor Delmar.
So, my poor babies – not adopted! Wah!!!!
A few days ago, an email went out looking for someone who could take a couple of three month-old sisters who are suffering from upper respiratory infections. Since Marion and Claudette were going to the pet store, I offered to take them.
Last night, after I got Marion and Claudette settled in their new cage, I met the foster mother in front of the pet store.
She needed someone to take the kittens because she and her husband were going out of town. I told her I’d be fine with keeping them from here on out, or if she wanted them back, that was fine with me, too. She’s pretty attached to them, so I suspect that they’ll be going back to her.
They’re skittish, but so far I’ve spent time just hanging out in the kitten room with them, and they’re very VERY curious. They’ve come out to play and sniff around. I put a small space heater in the room with them, because it’s been cold lately, and since the door to that room stays closed, it can get cold.
Only one of them is still on medication for the upper respiratory infection, the other one seems to be doing just fine. Even the one still on medication is very bright-eyed and curious. She’s an angel when it comes to medicating her, thank god.
(My apologies for the bad pictures – I didn’t want to use the flash, ’cause it was making their eyes shine.)
I’m going to spend some serious time with them today – I expect the curiosity will be too much for them to stand, and I’ll be snuggling with them soon enough!
Sugarbutt suffers from what we like to call “Ass-on-fire-itis.” The instant after I took this picture, he went racing at the window, then did a Matrix move off the window, raced through the house, and ran out into the back yard.
2008: We were in bed asleep by 10:00, because we are such the party people.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Yeah, it doesn’t take a whole lot to make us laugh, I guess.
2004: Now isn’t there anything we can do to force Joey Buttafuoco back into obscurity?
2003: So if you meet me in person and expect a “Mighty fucking fine to meet you, fuckface!”, you’ll likely be disappointed.
2002: Wrong on that one, Brigitte. Trust me.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
As far as I recall, Mer and Christina aren’t talking b/c Christina took all the heat for the interns-operating-on-one-another fiasco and Christina felt Mer threw her under the bus when the Chief was doling out punishment. Derek’s dad was killed in a robbery, I think. Some thief took his money then killed him, hence his hatred for criminals. (As if the rest of us love them?) I cannot figure out why I still watch that show! I used to love Denny and now every time he’s on screen I want to shoot someone. Everyone is ridiculously stupid and irritating, yet I still watch. Maybe I need an intervention.
I am so sorry to hear your kids haven’t been adopted out yet. Poor babies. Soon, though!
just a quick question-how old are those new kittens?
Orange kitties!
“Matrix move!” Bwah! I’m stealing that. Simon does that as part of his victory lap after a successful trip to the pan. Weirdo.
I believe Chicken Cancer is equivalent to Cancer of the Nuggets.
Shelly: I agree about Denny. It’s just so over-the-top ridiculous. And after things like the interns operating on each other, the Chief wonders why their ranking has dropped? It’s a mystery, Chief! Duh.
Leanne: They’re about three months old.
Paula: Victory lap after a successful trip to the pan – HA!
Wow, those new kittens are soooo adorable!
We see lots of movies because we have a fairly new and nice 20-plex that has $3.50 matinees.
We didn’t see “Baby Mama” there but we noticed it was there for a long time and that is usually a clue.
So when it came out on DVD we rented it and loved it too.
Sounds like Foster Mother dances…Samba and Rumba.
I believe Chicken Cancer is when you have egg-shaped tumors that have to be boiled or baked into a cake-like cookie….
those babies are too cute. I love orange kitties (I know you do too! how will you survive the cuteness?) Also, your first paragraph….I read that you were laying under the couch – which made me giggle because THAT is an awesome picture.
If anyone could kick chicken cancer’s ass…it would be you.
Haaaa Paula! Cancer of the nuggets! That made me snort coffee out my nose.
My orange cat (we have taken to calling him Fatty lately because he has gotten a tad bit portly) goes into ass on fire mode at about 10:05 every night. We go to bed at 10:03. Good times.
Are the doohickeys on some of the cats’ collars invisible fence thingies or something else?
Love the orange fluffies….
And I can’t stand the Denny story-line. I hope they’re going somewhere with that, otherwise I will be bothered. Yes, Izzy is crazy. We all know it. Fine. Be done. At least Mer & Der don’t break up every other episode. That was getting tiresome. Have they drawn up the plans for their house?
But you DO have chicken cancer. Sort of.
Cancer is when cells suddenly begin to experience uncontrolled/unchecked growth and multiplication, creating a tumor which consumes resources that would otherwise nourish the rest of the body, right?
And y’all started out with one or two or four or eight little baby chicks, and are now experiencing (almost) uncontrolled/unchecked growth and multiplication of them (not those precise chicks, but you’re gonna be up to, what, 120 after the next batch hatches?). This has created a “chicken yard” which requires new henhouses, and rearranging the garage for the incubator, and buying/training guard dogs, and fending off eager would-be chicken purchasers, and…
I wonder if your subconscious is telling you to lay off of the chickens for a bit. (“LAY” off, get it, chickens, “LAY” off, see what I did there..? …? anyone?)
OH wow are those two beauties! I think I saw them when they were at the shelter in December before they went to the foster home. Hope their URI goes bye bye and I’m glad the one little one is an angel with the medicine. I would have loved a spy cam in the cage with Marion and Claudette last night to see if they relaxed after the store closed. Meanwhile, Delmar was just like “Hey dude” to Lem and both were seeking me out for loving before I left.
Had to laugh at Sugarbutt’s picture. I see that look on Cocoa just before he takes off like a black flash through the house, usually in hot pursuit of a smaller furry flash.
I thought Meredith and Christina were fighting because Meredith didn’t pick her for the first solo surgery.
Loved the nuggets/lay off jokes re the chicken cancer. Crazy dreams can be highly entertaining. My poor husband has shouting nightmares a few times a week. A couple of weeks ago he had a dream a snake was in his lap-in reality the cat was on his lap kneeding her paws. He woke up swatting her. She got out of there fast. Poor cat.
I want Samba! She is the cutest little thing.
I took my cat Elphaba to the vet yesterday for a checkup and shots. She is perfectly healthy but at 17 mo old is 14 lbs. She is not a big cat she’s kind of small. I have cut back on her dry food. She gets half a can at night. The vet recommended light cat food. I’ve never seen it but I’m sure it exists. Anyone have any suggestions? She’s not a fussy eater so far (obviously she loves her food just like her owner). I wonder if she’ll hate the diet food. The vet doesn’t want her to get diabetes and neither do I. My favorite cat of all time was a fat longehaired black cat named Cleopatra. She loved me so much she would step all over my husband like he was furniture to get to me. She lived until 14 w/o diabetes but got a liver tumor. I still miss her.
OMG! Samba looks exactly like my Murphy when he was a baby. Waa! I want that kitten! Hey, I haven’t watched Grey’s for a couple of seasons now so help a girl out- didn’t Denny DIE? If he is the one I’m thinking about he is delisous! Ok I can’t spell. SHUT UP!
Robyn- you get “chicken cancer” from eating and using frozen eggs. Didn’t you know that? Heh.
Everytime you show a picture of an orange kitty I cry a little! Why must you be so far away!? I wonder how long a kitty can hold their breath to be mailed! LOL