Comment-answering extravaganza tomorrow! Get ’em in while the gettin’ is good!

I’m sorry I scared some of you with my entry yesterday, but I can promise you that if Spot (or any of the cats) passes on, I will absolutely NOT do a FUNNY entry about it. Promise! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Know what annoys me? The fact that in 2005 I read 191 books, in 2006 I read 129 books, and in 2007 I read a paltry 119 books. It drives me CRAZY that my numbers have gone down so far between 2005 and 2007. I mean, I know that we were doing a lot of work on the house last year (and in 2006), but still. 119? That’s hardly any reading at all! It’s my goal in 2008 to read at least 150 books. 150 is a nice round number, and well within the realm of possibility, I think, so we’ll see how that goes. (Though it’s January 17th and I’m only on book number 5 for the year. I clearly need to settle my ass down and get some reading done!)

I didn’t have to go anywhere at all yesterday, and it was AWESOME. I thought I’d sleep in a bit, but I was awakened by the sound of Lupe the Roomba fighting with a big roll of bubble wrap, and I had to go out and disentangle her, put her back on her dock and then yell at the cats for setting her to cleaning for the SECOND TIME (the first time being before Fred left for work, so he heard Lupe sing and start cleaning and went to rescue her). I don’t know who did it, but I do know that Skittles likes to stand with her front paws on Lupe while she (Skittles, not Lupe) keeps an eye on the other cats, so it’s not out of the question that she accidentally hit the “clean” button. Once I was up, I wasn’t interested in trying to go back to sleep, so I cleaned out the litter boxes, set Lupe in the laundry room to clean, vacuumed the upstairs (and the stairs) with the Dyson. Then I got a couple of packages of black-eyed peas out of the freezer, put them in a pot on the stove with water, crushed garlic, an onion, a couple of chicken bouillon cubes and the bone from a pork shoulder we finished off over the weekend, and let it simmer for a couple of hours. Then I went back to bed for a little while and read. When I got bored with that (and with being harassed by Skittles, who is a sweet and loving cat, but knows not the concept of settling down to be petted, instead she has to stand on you and knead using her claws, and I can only take so much of that, even if she IS filled with love and purring loudly) I got up, folded and put away some laundry and then put the leftover turkey carcass (which we had for dinner Sunday) on to boil. I think the black-eyed peas ended up simmering for about three hours, and when I took out the bone from the pork shoulder, I found that there’d been more meat left on the bone than I’d realized, and after a quick call to Fred, we decided we’d use it as the main course for a meal at some point in the future, so I packed it up in a plastic container, let it cool, and then put it in the freezer. After I showered and dressed and cleaned up the kitchen, I had a couple of scrambled eggs and a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast (a late breakfast, since it was almost 11), and then settled down in front of the TV. I watched the latest episode of Real Housewives of Orange County*, the second episode of Cashmere Mafia (I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it – I can’t stand the redhead, though, and I’m not crazy about Lucy Liu. Sex and the City, this ain’t. And that’s not a compliment. I’ll give it a few more episodes before I decide whether to keep watching it.), then decided the turkey had been simmering long enough, scooped it out into a bowl to cool (in the refrigerator), put some rice on to cook, and went back to watch… something else. I don’t remember what, though. I actually ended up clearing all my shows off the DVR, and had to turn to the The O.C. disk I’ve had for months. I watched an episode, then Fred got home and I decided I was done watching TV. At some point during the afternoon, I went through the turkey and pulled all the meat off the bones and shredded it, then took two small casserole dishes, put a layer of rice, a layer of turkey and a layer of turkey gravy, then covered each dish with tinfoil and stuck them in the freezer. When we’re in the mood for turkey and rice casserole, all I’ll need to do is butter some crumbs, put them on top of the casserole, and bake. Yum! Speaking of the turkey, I don’t know how I did it, but on Sunday I made the BEST turkey I’ve ever made. It was still slightly frozen when I put it in the roaster, so maybe that was it, and I roasted it breast-down (not on purpose – I cannot for the life of me tell when a turkey is breast-up or breast-down, it’s one of my many failings), so maybe THAT was it, but whatever the hell I did, that was some FINE turkey. And also, speaking of food, last week I made a batch of black-eyed peas with crushed garlic, a chopped onion, and a chopped piece of turkey bacon, and Fred swore they were the best black-eyed peas he’d ever had. I am SUCH the Suzy Homemaker.

*My opinion on this week’s The Real Housewives of Orange County, cut and pasted from an email: Quinn drives me CRAZY, and I don’t know if it’s her hypocrisy (I love how one minute she’s all “Praise the lawd!” with her mother, and the next she’s all “I must release my physical side! I am a sensual woman!”, oh is THAT what it says in the bible, don’t sleep with people you’re not married to EXCEPT when you have to release your physical side? Yeah, I know, she covered it with “Jesus didn’t come to save the perfect people, he came to save THE SINNERZ!”) or the fact that she and Billy are SO AWKWARD around each other (though I’ll concede that maybe it’s just because the cameras are around), but I can tell you that I cannot STAND the way she says his name. I can’t even describe the way she says it, but it drives me up a WALL. And I don’t know about Billy, that man must have hidden talents or something, because he comes across as kind of sleazy and smug and UGH. Tamra drives me crazy too, with her “OMG! I AM SO OLD!” and the botox and talking about getting a FACE LIFT, but y’know, last week when she was going to get smaller implants put in (after the doctor told her she wouldn’t be happy without any implants at all) and Simon said something like “I wouldn’t be happy with little mosquito bites”, I just wanted to smack him. I mean, god almighty – does it occur to him that her breasts aren’t about HIM? He’s an ass. They’re both asses, and the fact that her kid is spoiled rotten and only wants to party and have money handed to him – where does she think that CAME from? Did you see the flashbacks with Lauri to the first season? She’s CLEARLY had some work done since, and it’s not to her benefit. I just don’t get why women would do that to their faces! She’s just so scary and plastic looking, and I don’t get how that’s attractive to George. He might as well be marrying a RealDoll! Vicki needs to watch her step – she’s going to end up with her ass divorced and Jeana married to her husband if she doesn’t watch out (though honestly I don’t really think Jeana would do that – they’re just trying to make it look that way). She can claim that she’s having the time of her life, but she is a ticking timebomb and she’s one of those people who sucks the oxygen right out of the room and has a temper tantrum if she thinks she’s not the center of attention. The shrieking – MY GOD, the shrieking!


Previously 2007: An entry in pictures. 2006: Iβm not germ-phobic or anything, but GAG ME. 2005: Stuff I Bought. 2004: No entry. 2003: Frequently asked questions. 2002: I love me some messing around with the camera. 2001: I was being subjected to porn without realizing it! 2000: Ben and me, we had sex in the back of a van.]]>
I LOVE the idea that the cats are turning Lupe on (er, you know what I mean)! Instead of yelling at them, you should TRAIN them to do it — pretty soon you’ll have an army of trained minion cats ready to do your bidding! π
Glad Spot is ok — I had a dog who died of pancreatitis this past fall. It must be way less serious for cats, since Lola had to be hospitalized for 5 days and couldn’t have any food or water by mouth.
I have a question for tomorrow…Have you ever thought of getting one of those hairless cats? Thanks! Have a great day!!
I knew that Spot would be alright in the end of yesterday’s entry because there is NO WAY you would tell us that in a funny cat photo journal. I remember the morning that you found Tubby, you posted a early morning entry just a few lines long. I remember getting your notify (back when I was on the list) and I knew that at that hour something had to be terribly wrong. I’m glad he’s feeling better.
I’m struggling with a 1 year old boxer that I was watching for a friend who can’t take him back. We HAVE to find him a good home – and soon before he drives my husband over the edge!
That first picture of Newt (with just his nose showing,) is the cutest damn picture EVER! EVER, I say!
I do NOT have that kind of room in my freezer. Ever. EITHER ONE OF THEM.
Hi Robyn – Here is one for the comment answering extravaganza. When you take a week off from writing in your journal, is it a relief or do you miss it?
So I’m a complete slacker. Happy Birthday Robyn. I totally missed it. Very sorry. We both love to read your journal. By looking at the number of cards and the variety it is very obvious how much you and Fred are loved. You are very lucky.
I hope Spot recovers very quickly. We have an elder statesman, 17 years young, and I worry about him any time he acts just a little bit differently. Sending get well kitty kisses his way.
Question for Friday: Do you find your arms are sore after you use the Dyson? We just got the animal one and I use it at least once a week. I am not a gym rat by any means but my arms always hurt the next day after I use the Dyson.
OMG! I can’t stand Quinn either. She is a hypocrite! I’m glad that I’m not the only one that felt that way. And Lauri’s face (GOOD GAWD!) is pulled so tight. If they pull it anymore, it’s going to split right down the middle to expose her skull. What do you think of her son shackin’ up with George’s ex-wife? Sickos!
Your comments on Housewives of Orange County are spot on!! They all seem a bit sad, a bit fake, a bit too plastic. They try to hard to prove to us that they are happy. Just the opposite comes across. It does look like Laurie gave up on some of the lip injections, her lips don’t look quite as bad as they used to. But seriously, she needs to let up on the cosmetic surgery, it’s so obvious and it just looks worse than a wrinkle would, that’s for sure.
Yeah. I spent the entire time reading yesterday’s entry vacillating back and forth over whether he’d shuffled off this mortal coil and you had just lost your mind with grief or he was ok and you were just being you.
Thank goodness, he’s still with us and your mind is still intact. Well, reasonably so anyway.
I cannot watch the housewives of the O.C.
I can however spend two hours watching American Idol auditions and laughing at poor suckers whose family and friends told them they could sing.
I’m one of them reverse snobs.
My question is concerning weight. I am 10 months out from WLS and wondered if your weight has pretty much stabilized? Do you find that you have to still watch what you eat in order to maintain? Did you reach your goal weight and if not are you satisfied with where you ended up?
I am still about 40 pounds from the charts stated weight for my height, but I think I would be happy if I lost only 20 or so more pounds. I would still be considered obese, but from 338 lbs to 170 or so…..I’ll take it. Just curious how it fits for you?
I just started watching Real Housewives this year and OMG I want to smack every one of them!! Shallow, plastic people!
I wasn’t able to get on here yesterday and when I came today and saw the line about you being sorry for scaring us I got a little anxious anyway since I had no idea what was going on and had to hurry and catch up.
Glad to hear he’ll be doing just fine with the medicine. It’s always such a scary thing when they loose weight, especially if it seemed so quick. Sending good thoughts his way for a quick recovery.
The BEST turkey I ever made, I cooked upside down because I too could not tell which end was up. I now always cook my turkeys upside down.
I sleep with a CPAP machine, in order to keep breathing, and every so often I find it’s been turned on in the middle of the day or, worse, that it’s been turned off in the middle of the night. Our youngest cat, who weighs 16 pounds, likes to sit and/or stand on it and occasionally manages to hit the on/off button. The cats, they are odd animals.
Dear Spot, I hope you really know how much your Momma loves you and I’m so glad to know that you’re on the mend!
Robyn, have you considered all of the cook books you’ve been pouring over the past year? They must count for, at least, a couple of books π
I can’t remember if you answered this or not but if you were blindfolded and had kitties meowing at you, would know who was who just by their meow?
Don’t get mad at yourself about the books. You used to spend alot more time sitting and reading. One cannot be a canning/freezing fiend, lawn mowing wizard who vacuums every other day and cooks up turkeys and black eyed peas and still manage to read several books a week!! Excuse yourself. I think that 119 books in a year is phenomenal for someone who has such a busy life as you do.
I enjoyed the Christmas card pics. I love going to the mailbox during Christmas…such fun!! π Kathy
Just a thought: If you put the turkey breast side down, seems like all the juices would run down to the breast, doing a continual basting as it cooks, thus keeping the breast from drying out. Maybe that’s why it’s so good.
Black-eyed-peas a la Elayne:
Bunch of dried black eyed peas
Salt (lots)
Onion, diced (lots but not quite as much lots as salt)
Soak the BEPs for a few (2-3) days, changing the water out every day. On the second day of soaking, add the salt and onion. After soaking, drain the BEPS and put in a biiiiiig pot. Add more salt and probably a little more onion. Fill with water just until BEPs are covered. Pour in approximately the same amount of V8 – ideally in a combo of regular and “hot-n-spicy.” Simmer on low for about forever. After a day or so of simmering, add in hamhocks or other hambone, with chopped ham if desired. As the water level sinks, top it off with V8. When the beans are done, add chopped potatoes and carrots and whatever else you want in terms of seasonings; cook until the potatoes and carrots are done.
When I make this, it usually takes me about five days total – most of which is spent either remembering to change the water, or smelling the beans and wishing they’d be done already). Using canned or frozen BEPs cuts down on the soaking and cooking time, but I’ve tried it, and it just doesn’t taste the same. It makes a really stupid amount of soup/stew (add more or less V8 depending on which you prefer).
Possibly the best compliment I have ever received was when I took a huge pot of it to an after-New-Year’s waffle party; everyone hung around all morning eating and recuperating. I dropped off the beans, and when I returned later to join everyone for supper, a bunch of hungover guys announced, “Your beans ROCKED!”
Also, changing the water out during the soaking process seems to really cut down on the, uh, emissions problem.
On the Real Housewives, my biggest problem with Quinn, is actually her cleavage. It’s not attractive AT ALL, and it’s about a foot deep, yet she exposes it with every outfit. I end up just staring while she talks, and thinking “WHY? WHY would you continue to show that?”
But yeah, Billy is such a know it all. Ever notice how weird his face is? There’s a strange line between his face and his hairline.
Since calico cats are always female; is it true, that white females with blue eyes are ALWAYS deaf?
Okay, I’ve got a question now!
What is your all-time favorite TV show, and why… and what’s the one you can’t stand the most?
I have a question about your Dyson vaccuum cleaner. What model do you have and are you satisfied with its performance? Can you turn off the beater bar so the wood floors don’t get damaged?
Speaking of cooking, could you at some point talk a little more about your smoker? After reading about yours, I bought one (electric). The first turkey breast was mighty fine. The second … I might as well have saved some time and just licked an ashtray. Blech! Now I’m scared to waste more $$$, time and effort.
119? Thatβs hardly any reading at all!
GFY, bragger. Hmph.
omg Newt is toooooo cute. And also Spot. He is handsome.
But yeah, I was all proud that I read 30 books this year. ::sigh::
What do you think about Britney?
I read only 26 books last year. Perhaps it will be different this year now that I’ve gotten the Amazon Kindle wireless reading device??
What’s Spot’s middle intial “J” stand for? π
I bust a gut last year and managed 32 books – I thought I was quite the reader! Must try harder . . . .