
05-26-08_1451.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson. The view from here (‘here’ being my recliner). I am bloated and swollen and ready to be done with this ‘recovering’ business. (yeah, I know I’ve only just begun, but hope springs eternal)

05-26-08_1451.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson.

The view from here (‘here’ being my recliner). I am bloated and swollen and ready to be done with this ‘recovering’ business. (yeah, I know I’ve only just begun, but hope springs eternal)

15 thoughts on “05-26-08_1451.jpg”

  1. Days 2 to 4 are the worst in post-surgeryville. Hang in there, you are almost through the worst of it.

  2. Hope you are back to yourself soon. I am glad you had the surgery done- now how about wearing something OTHER than a big ole Tshirt?? 🙂

  3. Robyn, I sympathize. When I have a viral thing if I am sick more than a day I could go crazy!! I am an on-the-go gal like you are and like to be doing and accomplishing things and when I don’t feel like it for very long it makes me nuts! You can only take so many Roseanne reruns!! I hope your sleep returns soon. I hate being awake when if feels like the whole world is sleeping but you. Hang in there. Surely it will be much better soon!! Glad you are able to keep us posted how you are doing. I have thought of you alot the last few days!!

    🙂 Kathy

  4. Oh Robyn, I remember my misery after my breast aug. surgery. I’m just about seven months post op now. I remember the tightess, swelling, difficulty getting up and down, muscle spasms and feeling like a crud only sponge bathing for a few days. Just hang in there, it gets better every day and you’ll be so pleased with the results that this temporary misery will become a distant memory.

  5. When I read your caption, this immediately sprang into my head, because I am weird:

    “You’ve only just begun…..to heeeeeaaaaaal…” (You know, to the tune of “We’ve Only Just Begun”?)

    Anyone? Anyone? No, just me? OK then… 🙂

    Feel better, Robyn!

  6. I think Val is correct and the worst of the swelling should begin going down soon and with it some of the pain. At least, that is the way it was when I had a broken ankle that required surgery.

    Anyway, I sure hope we’re right! Hang in there!

  7. Robyn, how are you keeping the kitties from jumping on you? Mine use me as their personal playground! Hope you’re feeling better soon! 🙂

  8. Stay strong woman.. I know this sitting on your butt (and feeling pain) stuff is killing you. But think of what has been done and look forward to the changes in your bod.
    You will soon be up and at it, your usual busy self in no time 🙂

    In the meantime enjoy the fact that Fred is cleaning the litter boxes 😉

  9. Here’s to a speedy recovery to you. I was just reading in the Consumer Reports health mag about home remedies and how some have been tested and proven and others are just… quackery. One I read that they were able to prove was that chewing gum an hour a day after having surgery will help to get the ole bowels moving quicker than the average bear, generally within 26 hours. I read that and immediately thought of you. Although, now that I think about it – chewing gum an hour a day for 3 days is way more than 26 hours! heh Regardless, I hope you are feeling better soon and can go snuggle with the beebe kittehs!

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