
05-26-08_0029.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson. ‘clueless’ on late night tv. Last night I was able to doze most of the night but tonight there’s no sleep in sight. Hydrocodone on a mostly empty stomach = dumb. I’m not having much pain, no reason to take narcotics. (I had plastic surgery – lower body lift – … Continue reading “05-26-08_0029.jpg”

05-26-08_0029.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson.

‘clueless’ on late night tv. Last night I was able to doze most of the night but tonight there’s no sleep in sight. Hydrocodone on a mostly empty stomach = dumb. I’m not having much pain, no reason to take narcotics. (I had plastic surgery – lower body lift – Thursday, for those who asked. I’ve lost almost 200 lbs and had skin removed.)

6 thoughts on “05-26-08_0029.jpg”

  1. I am so glad to hear you are doing ok and not having much pain. Keep those hydros near by! They will be very helpful, OK, they may also be good entertainment if you get too bored! WHEEE!! 😉

  2. is it really almost 200? WOW.

    hydrocodone makes me vom. Doesn’t matter if I’ve eaten anything or not.

  3. I am up most every night, all night. It gets so boring and lonely. Nothing good on tv much and no one I know is online late at night. My husband is on the same meds right now for his back. They make him very sleepy. Wish I could find a pill to make me sleepy, sleeping pills don’t do anything.

  4. Hydrocodone makes me have the weirdest dreams … and it seems as if I am not even really asleep. I hate that stuff, would rather have the pain I think.

    It also causes the slow-down of your entire system … constipation, slowed metabolism, reflexes, etc. It’s some ugly medication. Hard to believe there are people who steal to get it illegally.

    I had no idea you lost almost 200 pounds, Robyn. Wow. I thought I was something special because I lost a little over a hundred. You are amazing!

    Here’s to your feeling better soon, and no more drugs!

  5. Ahhh Late night TV reruns and infomercials….they usually put me right to sleep. Did the Dr give you an estimate of how many pounds you will have lost through the skin removal surgery? I would think it would be a pretty good amount on top of all the great work you did after the WLS. You are gonna look even more FANTASTIC woman!!!!!!

  6. Wow. There are people who read your journal and didn’t know about the WLS and the follow up surgery? That is some MAJOR skimming right there!! LOL

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