
05-23-08_0802.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson. Waiting patietly to go home!!!!!!!!

05-23-08_0802.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson.

Waiting patietly to go home!!!!!!!!

12 thoughts on “05-23-08_0802.jpg”

  1. I bet you want to go home, nothing like your own bed thats for sure!! Glad to see you setting up and looking lively! LOL

  2. Shades of Miley Cyrus in that over-the-shoulder pose, Robyn … hee hee.

    Hope you’re home and recovering uneventfully –

  3. Just take it easy for a while. You will be back on your feet in no time. Good to see you up.

  4. Glad to see you up and hear that you’re ready to go home! Take it easy, though. That South Park image is still in my head…

  5. haha @ Miley comment.

    Um, aren’t you PAST your 24 hours? INPATIENT!! *points and yells* INPATIENT!!

  6. When does the 23 hours begin? The moment they slap a wristband on you, or after surgery ends? Get home safe!

  7. Eeek you’re sitting up! I think I’d be flat out doped up asleep for as long as humanly possible. i.e. weeks.

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