
05-22-08_2008.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson. I am hiiiiigh. Hellew demerol, will you marry me?

05-22-08_2008.jpg, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson.

I am hiiiiigh. Hellew demerol, will you marry me?

13 thoughts on “05-22-08_2008.jpg”

  1. The pictures are cracking me up! So glad you’re feelin’ fine. Heal up quick.

  2. So glad it’s over for you. Hope you heal quickly. Thanks for keeping us up on everything.

  3. Damn girl, sounds like they gave you the good stuff!

    They gave me morphine after I told them I was allergic to codeine. I itched and barfed and was really cranky and in way lots of pain after my back surgery.

  4. Sounds like a nice buzz! I loves me some demerol too…thank goodness they give it out sparingly, I could see where it could become a habit! Kidding (but not really)!!

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