From Kathie:
My daughter works for a rescue in Sterling Virginia that is trying to get help with a spina bifida kitten. These are the links to her facebook page and chip in page. There is a video also on the facebook that will break your heart. The prognosis is good for her if she can get into a good rescue such as Best Friends. Currently she is in a home that cannot keep her long term and they are trying to place her soon.
If you can help out (I always say this, but it bears repeating – every little bit helps!), please do. If you can’t afford to help, please spread the word and send good thoughts in Dot’s direction. Her Facebook page is here, and her ChipIn page is here (or click on the link in the box below!)
The recipe for the raspberry cake I posted the picture of yesterday is now here.
Warning: it’s a huge pain in the ass to make. Damn good cake, though.
I’ve made exactly one resolution this year, and I’m going to keep it if it KILLS ME.
Seriously. How fucking hard is it to PUT THE FUCKING CARD BACK WHERE IT BELONGS? I mean, I put the fucking thing back in the INSIDE of my wallet, how hard is it to actually move my hand like half an inch to the side, to put it in the side pocket of the wallet? HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT? INCREDIBLY FUCKING HARD, APPARENTLY, because I NEVER DO IT. Instead, I stick the card in my wallet amongst all the crap and clutter that accumulates and then when it comes time to pay, I’m that annoying woman who’s digging and digging and digging.
I want to bitch-slap myself.
“Let me take care of that for you.”
So if it takes having to clean out my friggin’ wallet at home before EVERY trip out the door to run errands, THAT is what I’ll do, by god.
And also, why the FUCK do I collect so many receipts? What’s with all this PAPER? What is this, 1962 where we write CHECKS and need paper RECEIPTS? Isn’t this THE FUTURE, where they can beam my receipt right into the computer chip in my friggin’ BRAIN? Wasn’t I promised that? I think I was.
Fred and I have recently started watching Justified. It’s a show with Timothy Olyphant as US Marshall Raylan Givens, who grew up in Harlan, Kentucky, and due to some contrived reason he’s been transferred back to Kentucky, where he shot like 38 people in the first two episodes, and then the writers were all “There’s not going to be anyone left in Harlan if he keeps this up!” so all of a sudden Raylan’s all judicious and thinks first before pulling his gun.
So also on this show is Walton Goggins. We first saw Walton Goggins on The Shield, and you know how in the first few episodes of a show you’re trying to figure out and remember who everyone is? Well, Walton Goggins (good lord do I love saying his name. Goggins! Goggins! Goggins!) played a character named Shane, but apparently they didn’t say his name often enough because we weren’t sure what his name was at first, and we were all “Is he Mackey?” “No, that’s the bald one.”, “Is he Lem?” “No, that’s the one who looks like a pot smoking surfer.”, “Is he Ronnie?” “No, that’s the one who just stands around in the background.”
My point is, we didn’t know what Walton Goggins’ (Goggins! Goggins! Goggins!) character’s name was, so we came up with a nickname. Annnnnnd that nickname, well.
And thus forevermore his name to us became Teeth. And so if we’re, say, watching a movie and we see his name come up in the credits, one or the other of us will exclaim “Teeth!” and the other will say, affectionately, “Good ol’ Teeth.”
We like Teeth.
So anyway, about halfway through the first season of Justified, after having a very small presence in the previous few shows, Walton Goggins showed up. We had wondered if he’d have much of a role in the rest of the season, so when he showed up, Fred exclaimed “There’s Teeth!”
Before I go on to the punchline of this long and tedious story, please listen, if you haven’t already, to Maxi’s theme song.
And so, Fred exclaimed “There’s Teeth!”
I nodded.
And Fred said it again. “There’s Teeth!” he went on. “Toothin’ along!”
I laughed until I cried. And ever since, I’ll be driving somewhere and suddenly I’ll remember Fred saying “Toothing along!”, and I laugh and laugh. Just sitting here typing this, I’m laughing like a goon.
Now aren’t you glad I explained that entire story to you in excruciating detail?
(PS: We really like Justified quite a lot. You should totally check it out if you’re not already watching it.)
Oh, his fangs just crack me up.
Chuckles and Patty, stressing out as usual.
One of their favorite games: laying on either side of my leg and fighting with each other UNDER my leg.
I love how it looks like Jax is blessing Tig.
I love this picture so very much.
Clay looks like he’s about to slap Opie.
They’re 6 1/2 years old, but Sugarbutt and Tommy still snuggle from time to time. Awwww.
2010: “If you call her my ‘little girlfriend’ one more time, I’m going to cut you.”
2009: JESUS CHRIST that GPS lady is one pushy bitch.
2007: Good ol’ Jerry Ford. Remember when he… pardoned Nixon? Yep, them were the days.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: My God, I love Sam’s, have I mentioned?
2002: Why, that’s almost as exciting as the fact that my birthday’s in less than a week!
2001: Fred, being the man, is legally required to deal with all car-related crap and I, being the woman, am legally required to bitch at him until he does so.
2000: So we apparently had a 2.8 earthquake today about which I knew nothing.
LOVE the pictures of Suggie and Tommy snuggling, almost like they were posing. Also? Tig’s whiskers stand out beautifully against the balltrack game.
Toothin’ along! There is nothing like having a friend to have litlle inside jokes with and having that person be your husband is even better. I am glad to hear people younger than me can’t remember all the damn characters’ names either. Too many shows, too many characters. I lost my sound with the restore my brother-in-law did. One day I will get my fat ass down there on one of his days off and let him reinstall my sound driver whcih I am cluseless about. Then I can hear Maxi’s song and all the other audio stuff I’ve been missing.
Tux kittens in a cat cottage and snugglin’ 5 year old brudders is just the cute I needed today! Thanks, Robyn.
LOVE Justified, but then, what’s not to love? Walter Goggins is amazing, and so damned skinny. I’ve seen more meat on a toothpick. I can’t get enough of Nick Searcy (Art) and well, Tim Olyphant is just so darned easy on the eyes. Yep, good show.
Our two boys are 12 yrs old and boy, do they love each other. They still snuggle and clean each other and when one calls, the other runs. Such devotion, does the heart good to see it.
I don’t like when you mention Tommy and Sugarbutt’s ages because I was reading for a few years BEFORE you adopted them, so now it makes me feel like a crazy stalker. I certainly hope you don’t get bored and stop blogging because even though you have a tendency to discuss litterbox content while I am trying to eat, I still love reading you and seeing all the kitty pictures:)
I do the same thing with my debit card!
Love the Sugarbutt & Tommy pictures. So cute! I was behind a lady at the store last night who couldn’t find her debit card. PANIC!!! She dumped her purse out and still couldn’t find it. More PANIC!!! Oh, it was in her coat pocket, haha.
I agree on the debit card issue. And when you have 3 work credit cards to boot, plus a Health Saving Account debit card, plus yada yada yada and are not a very organized person to begin with….but it only takes paying a “work” hotel bill once with your personal credit card before you pay a lot better attention!
Instead of “toothin’ along,” the first time I read it as “TOOTIN’ along” which was also funny but in a different way…..
I usually keep my debit card in my wallet where it belongs, but last month I got some gas & put my debit card in my pocket when I was pumping the gas & forgot that it was there until the next day when I was doing laundry & found it in the washing machine! I’m glad I saw it before I put it in the dryer, as it was, the card still works fine, amazingly enough!
Charlie didn’t think that story was as funny as you thought it was.
Srsly, that’s the exact same look my son gives me when I’ve given a convoluted backstory to some fascinating (to me) bit of boringness (to him) and he wants me to know how unimpressed he is.
Ha – you’re right. I’ve seen that look before from Fred, actually!
Charlie looks so much like Buster.
I’m one of those who always ALWAYS puts her card back where they belong. I despise digging in my purse, which is also why I don’t usually carry a big purse because even if I know where the card is in the wallet, I would then have to dig for my wallet! Sometimes, when the store is really busy, I’ll get out my debit card and bonus card for whatever store I’m in and keep them in my pocket until I get back into my car. A few weeks ago, I did this and then panicked the next day when I couldn’t find the cards. After a few hours of searching, I concluded that the cards dropped out of my pocket. I even went back to the store, but no luck. I cancelled the card, got a new bonus card, and two days later, I found the old ones in a pack of gum in my purse. Turned out that I hadn’t put them in my coat, fearing they might drop out, but had put them back in my purse but not in the wallet.
Yeah, if I weren’t already a little OCD about everything having A Place, it’s definitely full-blown neurosis now 😉
Is there anything cuter than a black kitteh snuggling with an orange kitteh? There is not.
Also: I have two checking accounts, and accompanying identical debit cards, with the same bank. (Can’t close the one for reasons of ex-husband-asshattery, can’t close the other for reasons of affiliated services.) Every year, I make it a resolution to either use one card or the other exclusively, or at least find a way to remember which card is for which account. Something always comes up that I wind up using the “do not use” cared, and no matter how many little notations I make in Sharpie on the card itself, they get rubbed off after a week or two. Then there’s me at the register getting a “card declined” message because I used A instead of B, or vice versa. I know people behind me think I’m trying to find a credit card that I haven’t maxxed out already, and I always want to explain to everyone.
I’m sure there’s a simple and obvious solution that I will think of a week after the child support stops and the entire issue is rendered moot.
Oh, the being declined thing is just, ugh. UGH. We were in line at Books-a-Million a couple of weeks ago, and they were having issues with their internet, so we had to run the debit card, which wouldn’t go through. Then the credit card, and that wouldn’t either. Then I was going to write a check, and there were a MILLION people in line behind us, and we felt like the scum of the earth, all spendin’ up the childrens’ food money for our book addiction. Then they told us that it was due to the internet going down, and we were both like “Oh, the INTERNET going DOWN! It’s not because WE’VE MAXED OUT THE CREDIT CARDS! Did you hear that? THE INTERNET IS DOWN!”
Tommy and Sugarbutt look like my 2 newest kittens, Trixie(black) and Tiffany Jr. – “TJ” (orange). Which is why I’m writing. They came from the shelter, they’re chipped, tested and feleuk negative, will be spayed soon, all for a token $85 to the shelter. They got a clean bill of health when they came home to us on Dec 8th including “fecal – negative” which I thought meant no worms/parasites? DOES IT?
TJ and Trixie follow me all around asking for canned food unless we’re playing with them elsewhere or they’re asleep. They also eat up all their dry food. They will eat our other 2 cats’ special diet(s) food too, if we aren’t watching and don’t quickly move it out of their reach. The kitten chow (Iams) cans say 1 can per day per pound, and they are both right at 1.5 pounds (so 3 cans/day total) but they would eat all day if they could. They are otherwise alert, healthy, loving, playful, mischevous, very smart, and wonderful! Not skinny or fat, still kitten-y, not at that slender teenager cat stage yet.
They’re getting fixed late next week and we are going to ask that vet about it then. Just wondered everyone’s experiences since this is the first time we have had such ravenous little piglets ever and we’ve owned cats since we were both little kids.
Oh sweet baby Jesus! Justified is most certainly my favorite show right now! If I see a picture of Timothy Olyphant or flip through the channels and see him in a movie or a commercial, it stirs up a little Harlan County in me and I just have to holler “Well if it ain’t Rayyyyyy-laaaaan Give-uuuunnnns!” or “Hellleeeewww Rayyyyyy-laaaaan!” And as for Boyd Crowder, I would go toothin along with that man till the cows come home! 😀
Katy, you made me LOL. HEE!
I just watched an episode of Justified on DVR (refreshing myself on last season before the new one starts in a couple weeks). As soon as a certain someone showed up on screen, all I could think is “Boyd Teeth Crowder…Toothin along with his bad self.” I giggled at how wonderful and perfect your nickname for him is. But then I realized something. Boyd isn’t just Teeth. He is far more complex than that. Boyd is Teeth and HAIR! I swear, in some episodes, that not-so-expertly-coiffed concoction of his takes on a life of its own and makes him look about four inches taller. So now, whenever I see him, thanks to you and Fred, I will first think Teeth…Toothin along….and then I will think Hair…Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen…hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair…flow it…show it…long as God can grow it…Hair!
Don’t say I never gave you anything. And why is everything always funnier with a British accent?